The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
No, if you went due East and kept going on a flat earth then sooner or later you will fall of the earth.

In actual fact, you wouldn't.

On a flat Earth, the center of gravity would get further and further behind you and you'd eventually feel as though your were going nearly straight vertical and would fall backward toward the center.

Check out this video of an excellent animation showing what this effect would look like...


New member
Spin any object and see if any thing on it stays there.

A spinning planet defies physical law and miraculously holds everything on it, although things can move around on it, wow.


I remember getting 45 rpm records stuck on the front of magazines when I was a kid. They were flimsy, and to stop them slipping when you put them on the turntable, you balanced a coin on it. And, you would be amazed, the coin stayed exactly where you put it as the record turned. And the reason? Friction. The friction was sufficient to counter the centrifugal effect you describe.

Do you know what the necessary force would be to prevent me from sliding off due to the rotation of the Earth?

F = ma = (2pi/T)² mR cos²a = (2 pi / period)² x radius x mass x (cos latitude)²,

where T = 86200 s, R = 6400 km, latitude = 51 degrees, my mass = (ahem!) 75 kg.

This gives a restraining force of a whacking great 1 newton, or about ⅕ pound-force.

In fact, these forces act on the rock of the planet and cause it to adopt the observed shape of an oblate spheroid, which gives the surface exactly the slope to provide this force without the need for friction.

The only thing miraculous here is the complete absence of any understanding of modern science in your head: understanding that is a rather important prerequisite if you are going to try to criticise sciences findings.


New member
The reason more dense things sink is because gravity is pulling on them more than it is pulling on the less dense things.

That's not how I see it. I think of gravity as a force that bends the four-dimensional space-time continuum to an extent determined by an object's mass.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
We have the sun, moon, and stars. Other planets? What are stars? It's funny how every time the Apollo astronauts were ask about the stars, they say they didn't really see any and the so called "videos" from the moon don't show any either.

You can get even the cheapest telescope made and see round planets with moons orbiting some of them with your own eyes, Dave! You don't need YouTube or even an internet connection. It's direct inside your very own eye ball visual PROOF that planets not only exist but that they are not flat!

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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
That's not how I see it. I think of gravity as a force that bends the four-dimensional space-time continuum to an extent determined by an object's mass.
Density is a function of mass. The more mass in a given volume, the denser it is and therefore the more it "bends the four-dimensional space-time continuum".

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
You can't have 4 corners on a circle, but you can have 4 directions on a sphere, of which God sits above.

The root-verb חוג (hug) means to draw round or make a circle, and appears to be closely related to the secondary (or perhaps primary) meaning of our previous verb. It occurs only in Job 26:10, where God is said to have drawn a circle on the surface of the waters. Many commentators take this to denote the horizon, but here at Abarim Publications we're pretty sure from the textual context and the relation to the previous verb that the hydrologic cycle is meant. Its derivations are:
•The masculine noun חג (hug), meaning circle or circuit. It's used a mere three times, twice to denote the hydrologic cycle (Job 22:14, Proverbs 8:27) and once to describe the "cycle of the earth," which appears to denote the more fundamental thermodynamic cycle (Isaiah 40:22).
•The feminine noun מחוגה (mehuga), meaning compass or an instrument for circle-drawing. It's used only once, in Isaiah 44:13.


New member
In actual fact, you wouldn't.

On a flat Earth, the center of gravity would get further and further behind you and you'd eventually feel as though your were going nearly straight vertical and would fall backward toward the center.

:thumb: Yes. I didn't watch the video but I had already been done this road and right you are.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
This was just released yesterday! I suppose it is just the latest in the ongoing spherical earth conspiracy....

View attachment 25080
This compressed view of the entire sky visible from Hawaii by the Pan-STARRS1 Observatory is the result of half a million exposures, each about 45 seconds in length, taken over a period of four years. The shape comes from making a map of the celestial sphere, like a map of the Earth, but leaving out the southern quarter. The disk of the Milky Way looks like a yellow arc, and the dust lanes show up as reddish-brown filaments. The background is made up of billions of faint stars and galaxies. If printed at full resolution, the image would be 1.5 miles long, and you would have to get close and squint to see the detail. D. Farrow, Pan-STARRS1 Science Consortium, and Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics

Ephasis added.


When you are in a car going 60 mph on the highway, do you feel like your body is moving at 60 mph? Of course not, because your body is moving with the same velocity as the car. You don't feel anything until you hit the brakes and your momentum carried you forward.

The Earth can't hit the brakes, but if it did, you'd feel it

You feel the car is moving and not the road under it.



Saying it doesn't make it so, Dave.

There are whole fields of science with multiple thousands of scientists that all depend, to one degree or another, on the fact that gravity works.

Newton's law of gravity, in addition to being very well known (as in not a secret or written in some sort of unintelligible code known only to some all powerful elite), they are also quite easily testable. They are, in fact, demonstrably true and you can prove it yourself in your own garage.

Not only that but Isaac Newton was a Christian who not only believed in a biblical worldview but accepted the bible as literally true.

So, where is the motive?

You're talking about a multinational, muti-generational, multi-century conspiracy to convince us all that the Earth isn't flat.


Even if such a vast conspiracy where possible to maintain, which it isn't, where's the motive to do so?

Why, oh why would anyone care if we figured out that the Earth wasn't a sphere?

How is anyone profiting from the propagation of a round-earth conspiracy? Who's power is maintained by keeping the flatness of the Earth a secret?

If it's so important that people be kept in the dark about the non-spherical nature of the Earth that the secret has been maintained across the whole world for centuries, why haven't the producers of this video all had sudden a very tragic accidents and the video deleted and wiped from existence? You haven't seen any strange characters watching your house from non-descript van's across the street, have you? Have you noticed any black helicopters flying overhead on your way to work? Maybe they aren't doing traffic reports after all!

Forgive my facetiousness. Seriously, where's the motive?

Resting in Him,

Mind control through false information is Satan's basic method of deception. God has spoken to us through his word about his true nature and the true nature of the world he created.



Of course, it allows for video, I've posted one on this very thread.

But what I have not done is let the video do the work for me. I post actual arguments that people can respond to directly without having to watch some video. I am not going to watch a video, transcribe one or more of its arguments into text for you and then write up responses.
If you want to debate the issue, I'm happy to do so but I'm not interested in debating a video. I'll debate you all day long because you're an intelligent guy and it would be interesting and fun. The closest I'm going to get to debating a video is by posting a link to another video. Boring.

I have often watched a video first in order to respond in debate. Those who have seen some of the videos are already talking with me about them.

The answer is not another video in this case. If you view one of them you will see why. Trust me, I was not into flat earth in the least before I saw some of these videos. They are very persuasive, I was very surprised. I hoping some one like you would be happy to see for your self and then tell me what you thought about them.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Mind control through false information is Satan's basic method of deception. God has spoken to us through his word about his true nature and the true nature of the world he created.


This is not an answer. And I think you know that it isn't.

You've always struck me as an intellectually honest guy who isn't afraid to think and to shed religious beliefs when sound reason requires it.

Why the blind faith in a flat Earth?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I have often watched a video first in order to respond in debate. Those who have seen some of the videos are already talking with me about them.

The answer is not another video in this case. If you view one of them you will see why. Trust me, I was not into flat earth in the least before I saw some of these videos. They are very persuasive, I was very surprised. I hoping some one like you would be happy to see for your self and then tell me what you thought about them.


If I promise to watch these videos will you begin to respond substantively to my arguments?


Hey! An actual argument!

It doesn't mean the Earth isn't moving, it means the plane and atmosphere its flying through are moving along with the Earth. It's the same effect that allows someone to juggle on a moving train. Your argument is the equivalent of the juggler stating the his ability to juggle proves the moving train is stationary.

There are videos that show the earth not moving at very high altitude, but how would you know that since you won't watch any of them.

NASA is the only place you will find video of a curved and moving earth.

All other private video at high altitude show no movement.



I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I have often watched a video first in order to respond in debate. Those who have seen some of the videos are already talking with me about them.

The answer is not another video in this case. If you view one of them you will see why. Trust me, I was not into flat earth in the least before I saw some of these videos. They are very persuasive, I was very surprised. I hoping some one like you would be happy to see for your self and then tell me what you thought about them.

Dave, I am going to ask you to respond to people with answers, not videos. Videos are not dialog. Most of the people on here have lives outside the internet and don't have time to waste wading through videos. It is as Clete said, posting videos back and forth is boring.
I have watched these kind of videos before and find them very boring. If the FE theory has any merit, you are better off explaining it through posting, not videos.
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