The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

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Active member
No I did not say that. Another user was saying that to someone else. Perhaps you should learn what a QUOTE BOX looks like (and also note that that QUOTE BOX is in my SIGNATURE and has nothing to do with you).

At the top of the QUOTE BOX you will see "Originally Posted by Squeaky".

Also, perhaps you did not see the IRONY in that statement of HIS. HE could not even use proper English ("your" should be "your're") and was yet calling someone else an idiot.

If you're not in the "habit of debating" then you do not belong in this thread and should not bother commenting here.

Fair enough, pick a subject

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Active member
Blade, could you please not color your entire post blue? It forces the site to use that color for your post, which makes it hard to read for those of us who use a dark theme on Tapatalk and other platforms.

JudgeRightly, Thank you for your post as I had never heard that before.

I will refrain from making any further post a different color than the standard black as per your request.

However, since colors poses a problem for the reading of posts by others; are there colors that are better to use (for highlighting words and phrases only) than blue.

In addition, Do I need to remove the Red color from the signature boxes. They are only red as the words in quotes are the Lord's words.

Again, thank you for the information.

Have a great evening sir.



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JudgeRightly, Thank you for your post as I had never heard that before.

I will refrain from making any further post a different color than the standard black as per your request.


However, since colors poses a problem for the reading of posts by others; are there colors that are better to use (for highlighting words and phrases only) than blue.

Start here:

Some of the tags (such as the highlighter tags and the Jesus tags) aren't parsed by Tapatalk, but the tags still show up, so that any reader can still see that the text has been formatted.

Red, green, purple, orange, and a slightly lighter blue would work. I recommend experimenting a bit with some other colors as well.

In addition, Do I need to remove the Red color from the signature boxes. They are only red as the words in quotes are the Lord's words.

Again, thank you for the information.

Have a great evening sir.


Signature boxes can be whatever. They can't be seen on Tapatalk anyways, and the desktop site background is white, so there's no issue.



Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
JudgeRightly, Thank you for your post as I had never heard that before.

I will refrain from making any further post a different color than the standard black as per your request.

However, since colors poses a problem for the reading of posts by others; are there colors that are better to use (for highlighting words and phrases only) than blue.

In addition, Do I need to remove the Red color from the signature boxes. They are only red as the words in quotes are the Lord's words.

Again, thank you for the information.

Have a great evening sir.

Here's an example of the difference it makes.




Active member

Start here:

Some of the tags (such as the highlighter tags and the Jesus tags) aren't parsed by Tapatalk, but the tags still show up, so that any reader can still see that the text has been formatted.

Red, green, purple, orange, and a slightly lighter blue would work. I recommend experimenting a bit with some other colors as well.

Signature boxes can be whatever. They can't be seen on Tapatalk anyways, and the desktop site background is white, so there's no issue.


Thank you again



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Clete. I see you have used a new word or two to define my character. I have you down for 5 of them with you using 2 of them more than once which do not count as a new word. I think I have a little better dictionary that I would be willing to loan to you...It would help in your word count and help raise you character down a little more.
Forgive me if I'm not able to speak far enough down to your level.

I have no problem with the Pythagorean Theorem, but what I said is your math had holes in it. As you well know, numbers can be made to say anything a person wants them to say. Like putting data into a computer; if you put crap in you get crap out and the same applies to any formula you might want to use!
Easy enough to say, harder to demonstrate.

So where's the hole, Einstein? Which data point did I get wrong? Go ahead, tell us! What's with all the mystery? We know that the Sun was 10° above the horizon at Knight's house and .1° off the horizon at mine at the same time and we assume the Flat Earther's own number for the distance from the surface of the flat Earth to the Sun (the center of the Sun (i.e. the size of the Sun is not relevant)). Those are the only two data points that I entered. The Pythagorean Theorem works for any right triangle, no matter how big or small. So, once again, which data point did I get wrong? Where's this hole you keep claiming is there?

The type, size, magnification, etc. of the light source does matter!
No, it cannot and does not matter at all. The presumption is that you are calculating the distance to the center of the Sun. It makes no difference at all whether it's one inch, one mile or one million miles wide. The calculation stays exactly the same.

I do believe there are enough models out there for one to come to the conclusion that everything our scientist and NASA tells us about how the sun interacts with a globe could also be duplicated on a flat world.
I don't care what you believe. It just isn't so. My post proves it as does several other contained within this thread.

Try it yourself...

Flat Earth Dome Model

If you want to do math, try the horizon and the curvature of the earth. Please do apply that 8" drop of the earth surface every mile squared and then tell us how an airplane can fly level yet not fly off into space. Don't worry the math of this angle is a simple Hypotenuse forumla of [square root of A(squared)+ B (squared)]....One might say this is an extension of the Pythagorean theorem: C (squared) = A (squared) + B(squared)
This argument is self-defeating.

"Level" flight mean that the plane is flying perpendicular to the pull of gravity. As such, planes do not fly off into space but rather follow the curve of the Earth as is demonstrated by even a cursory examination of their flight paths. Planes do not fly straight to their destinations (according to a flat map) but fly in what are called great archs.

This point has been discussed to death on this thread as well. Perhaps you should do search via Google to find it (the search feature here on the forum is terrible)

There is that word again "Angle"..Hey, we could calculated the downward angle the plane has to fly to prevent it from flying off into space?
This is really pathetic reasoning on your part. No down angle is needed. The down angle you're referring to would have to be an angle departing from perpendicular to the downward force of gravity, in which case you'd be losing altitude. If you simply keep the Earth's gravity at 90° to your wings, the correction is made. And yes, this correction made all the time even if it is made unconsciously along with a thousand other minor corrections that are made throughout every flight of every airplane ever.

Yes, the Bible has a great deal to say about the earth we live in. It is sad that you and others have added, changed or deleted text in order to fit you world view and/or lifestyle. God said what He meant to say and meant what HE said. But this I am sure is on another thread.
Why would it be on another thread?

If the Bible teaches one single thing that is contrary to reality, it is falsified. Be careful what you claim is in the bible. It does not teach that the Earth is the center of the universe as the Catholic church used to claim nor does it teach that it flat. It just doesn't.

Oh, before I go Clete,,, my lifestyle includes being married to my high school sweetheart for 50 years this year...Thought I would mention that about me since you mentioned the "GAY" word.... What about you. Is the Gay word in your repertoire? Just asking?

Have a good evening :)

That doesn't change the fact that a grown man posting in a pretty blue color doesn't come off as, well let's use the word 'feminine' instead of 'gay'. No one deserves being likened to a sexual pervert except sexual perverts. Had that been my intention, I'd have used a word that even the perverts find offensive like "homo".

Having said that, I will not make any effort to spare your feelings. I don't care if you like me, I don't care if I offend you. The fact is that you do offend me. Your stupidity has become an infection that is spread by liars and idiots all over the internet because people, especially Christians it seems, have taken leave of their senses and divorced themselves from sound reason. So far as I am concerned, you're the most dangerous sort of Christian out there. You and those who think in similar terms are susceptible to every wind of doctrine and every heresy imaginable because you have unmoored yourself from the only tool God has given you by which to discern truth from error.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

Your having brought this back up has got me to thinking again about triangles and I've thought of yet another proof that the Earth cannot possibly be flat based on three known data points.

1. The Sun was 10° off the horizon at Knight's house near Denver while at the same time...
2. The Sun was .1° off the horizon at my house near Houston
3. The straight line distance between where I live and where Knight lives is about 850 miles.

If you don't like the 850 mile number then please indicate whatever number of miles between the two cities that you would prefer I use. I assure you, it won't matter.

If the Earth is flat then, given those three data points, we can calculate the distance to the Sun.

The result is a real whopper! To make an Obtuse Scalene Triangle with one angle .1°, another angle 170° (that's 180° - 10° up from the horizon) and one side 850 miles, the Sun would have to be 858.49894 miles from me while being a mere 8.62873 miles from Knight!

Obviously, no flat earther has ever bothered to look Google "triangle calculator" before.

Let's flip it around and see what happens!

The Flat Earthers claim that the Sun is about 3000 miles away. Let's assume they are right.

Lets assume that the Earth is still flat but that the Sun is 3000 miles away from Knight's house.

Given the observed angles above the horizon of a flat earth of .01° and 10°, that puts the Sun 298,479.38255 miles away from me and it put Denver Colorado 295,524.50468 miles from Houston, Texas.

There is simply no possible refutation of this, Bladerunner. It's finished! There is just no way that the Earth is flat.

Go ahead and play with the number any way you want! Google up any triangle calculator you want and plug in any distance to the Sun you want and see if you can make it fit with an 850 mile distance between two of the points on the triangle and with one angle of .1 and another angle of 170°. Try as you might, you will never get the numbers to work with what we have directly observed and measured and know to be true. That is, unless the Earth is not flat but rather round like everyone has known for at least several centuries.

In fact, because we know how big the Earth is and how far away the Sun is at any given time, we can calculate with rather high precision just what the Sun's position will be for any location on Earth at any point in time we want. This ONLY works because we know the Earth is round and not flat.

If you don't believe me then put it to the test!

Go to THIS WEBSITE and plug in your location during the day and see where it says the Sun should be and then go outside and measure it. There's half a dozen different ways to calculate the Sun's elevation above the horizon without having to look at the Sun. IF you really want to test it hard then get on the phone with someone who lives several miles away (the further the better) and have him do the same and see if it's right for both locations at the same time.

Of course, you won't do it. That would mean you were interested in the facts of reality rather than in being a member of the select group of people who are no longer dumb enough to fall for the lies "they" tell us all to believe.

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Active member
Forgive me if I'm not able to speak far enough down to your level.

Easy enough to say, harder to demonstrate.

So where's the hole, Einstein? Which data point did I get wrong? Go ahead, tell us! What's with all the mystery? We know that the Sun was 10° above the horizon at Knight's house and .1° off the horizon at mine at the same time and we assume the Flat Earther's own number for the distance from the surface of the flat Earth to the Sun (the center of the Sun (i.e. the size of the Sun is not relevant)). Those are the only two data points that I entered. The Pythagorean Theorem works for any right triangle, no matter how big or small. So, once again, which data point did I get wrong? Where's this hole you keep claiming is there?

No, it cannot and does not matter at all. The presumption is that you are calculating the distance to the center of the Sun. It makes no difference at all whether it's one inch, one mile or one million miles wide. The calculation stays exactly the same.

I don't care what you believe. It just isn't so. My post proves it as does several other contained within this thread.

I told you and you did not listen.

Try it yourself...

Flat Earth Dome Model

This argument is self-defeating.

"Level" flight mean that the plane is flying perpendicular to the pull of gravity. As such, planes do not fly off into space but rather follow the curve of the Earth as is demonstrated by even a cursory examination of their flight paths. Planes do not fly straight to their destinations (according to a flat map) but fly in what are called great archs.

This point has been discussed to death on this thread as well. Perhaps you should do search via Google to find it (the search feature here on the forum is terrible)

Does that angle apply to every plane. you sure?

This is really pathetic reasoning on your part. No down angle is needed. The down angle you're referring to would have to be an angle departing from perpendicular to the downward force of gravity, in which case you'd be losing altitude. If you simply keep the Earth's gravity at 90° to your wings, the correction is made. And yes, this correction made all the time even if it is made unconsciously along with a thousand other minor corrections that are made throughout every flight of every airplane ever.

Oops , a tiny said:"If you simply keep the Earth's gravity at 90° to your wings, the correction is made. "

I thought gravity was all around us although no one has been able to prove it, see, smell it, etc.

How do you keep that Gravity at 90 degrees to you?????

No sir: I guess I don't understand gravity. The amount of gravity needed to keep my equipment on the ground must be massive. Yet, how does Gravity determine where I am at and only apply enough pressure to keep me on that piece of equipment even if I am crawling around on it? But on the other hand, Gravity is so gentile, a knat or a butterfly can fly around in it without fear. The Bible does not say anything about gravity yet it tells us everything else about us, our earth, our history, etc.

I think you need to sharpen you pencils just a little.

Why would it be on another thread?

If the Bible teaches one single thing that is contrary to reality, it is falsified. Be careful what you claim is in the bible. It does not teach that the Earth is the center of the universe as the Catholic church used to claim nor does it teach that it flat. It just doesn't.

Why it does teach us that the earth is geocentric. GOD put the sun, moon, stars inside the firmament (1st heaven) where the birds fly. how do we fly around them if they are within the same firmament?

That doesn't change the fact that a grown man posting in a pretty blue color doesn't come off as, well let's use the word 'feminine' instead of 'gay'. No one deserves being likened to a sexual pervert except sexual perverts. Had that been my intention, I'd have used a word that even the perverts find offensive like "homo".

back in my day, Blue was the color for male and pink for female. there were not other colors as God only made Man and Woman and nothing in between.

However, at the request of 'JudgeRightly', I have since dispensed with the color except for any highlights I might need. This I hope alleviates some of your concerns. But I thank you for thinking about me.

Having said that, I will not make any effort to spare your feelings. I don't care if you like me, I don't care if I offend you. The fact is that you do offend me. Your stupidity has become an infection that is spread by liars and idiots all over the internet because people, especially Christians it seems, have taken leave of their senses and divorced themselves from sound reason. So far as I am concerned, you're the most dangerous sort of Christian out there. You and those who think in similar terms are susceptible to every wind of doctrine and every heresy imaginable because you have unmoored yourself from the only tool God has given you by which to discern truth from error.


I apologize for offending you , however there was no intention. I do have concerns about your view of Christians and believe that you are so rooted in the scientific absurdity of some agendas, I fear you have lost sight of Jesus Christ.

For in the end, none of us really know what is going on. we have or have not our suspicions and we tend to gather on one side or the other and voice those choices loudly.

Yet, when we die, if we are 'in' Jesus Christ (1 cor 15:1-4), our soul will rest in paradise (heaven) until the resurrection of our body. During this time, we will have all the knowledge of what is and what is not.... Until then my friend, Clete; we can exclaim loudly from our opposite corners as that is really all we have.

Believe in the Gospel and the WORD of GOD (Jesus Christ)for the WORD will set you free.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I told you and you did not listen.

Your posts are all still here for everyone to read, idiot.

Does that angle apply to every plane. you sure?
Every airplane along with everything else on Earth is being pulled by gravity toward the center of Earth's mass. Given the miniscule size of a plane relative to the Earth, that is going to be stright down. Any variation is going to negligable if even present.

Oops , a tiny said:"If you simply keep the Earth's gravity at 90° to your wings, the correction is made. "

I thought gravity was all around us although no one has been able to prove it, see, smell it, etc.
You thought wrong - again.

Who ever said that gravity was all around us?

Every piece of mass is attracted to every other piece of mass. The attractions disapates with the square of the distance. If a lot of mass is pulling on some other mass the vectors of attaction average out to one effective vector toward the centers of mass of the attracted bodies. In the case of the Earth which is absolutlely collossal in comparison with us or an airplane, the vector is, in effect, directly toward the center of the Earth. In actual fact the Earth is slight attracted to us as well but the distance the Earth comes toward us is some fraction of the width of a proton.

How do you keep that Gravity at 90 degrees to you?????
With the control surfaces of the aircraft which are controled usually with some sort of steering wheel or stick and foot pedals.
What you do is to keep what it called an "artifical horizon" in the correct place on an intrument that looks like this...

View attachment 26719

That instrument keeps track of your orinentation relative to the horizon. Keeping the data that this instument and a few others are giving you in the correct place is called "flying an airplane". And yes, you do have to maneuver the aircraft along the curvature of the Earth to maintain the correct altitude. If you don't then that horizon line with drop and your altitude will increase (assuming a generaly flat terrain below, of course).

No sir: I guess I don't understand gravity. The amount of gravity needed to keep my equipment on the ground must be massive. Yet, how does Gravity determine where I am at and only apply enough pressure to keep me on that piece of equipment even if I am crawling around on it? But on the other hand, Gravity is so gentile, a knat or a butterfly can fly around in it without fear. The Bible does not say anything about gravity yet it tells us everything else about us, our earth, our history, etc.
I'm not here to give you an 8th grade science education and your last sentence here makes what is called an argument from silence.

Do you have any idea why an argument from silence is a fallacy? Any idea at all?

I think you need to sharpen you pencils just a little.
Really? As yet, there has not been one single syllable of refutation of a single argument I've made. Not from you or anyone else who pretends to believe that the Earth is flat.

Why it does teach us that the earth is geocentric. GOD put the sun, moon, stars inside the firmament (1st heaven) where the birds fly. how do we fly around them if they are within the same firmament?
That's your doctrine not what the bible says. The bible simply does not teach that the earth is either the center of the universe or that it is flat - period.

back in my day, Blue was the color for male and pink for female. there were not other colors as God only made Man and Woman and nothing in between.

However, at the request of 'JudgeRightly', I have since dispensed with the color except for any highlights I might need. This I hope alleviates some of your concerns. But I thank you for thinking about me.
I was never concerned about anything. The point was that my thinking that it is silly or gay or feminine or whatever is an opinion. It was an example of an opinion not a commentary on you as a person. I really couldn't possibly care less what color your posts are typed in. That's another opinion!

Whether the Earth is flat or not is NOT a matter of opinion. It either is or it isn't. Opinion doesn't enter into it. That was the entire point.

I apologize for offending you , however there was no intention. I do have concerns about your view of Christians and believe that you are so rooted in the scientific absurdity of some agendas, I fear you have lost sight of Jesus Christ.
There is no forgiveness where there is no repentence. When you drop the stupidity that you cling to in the name of Christianity then I'll stop being offended by you. Until then, get used to it.

For in the end, none of us really know what is going on. we have or have not our suspicions and we tend to gather on one side or the other and voice those choices loudly.
Do you know this for certain or do you only suspect that it is the case?

Do you see the stupidity that you're up to your eyeballs in?

Yet, when we die, if we are 'in' Jesus Christ (1 cor 15:1-4), our soul will rest in paradise (heaven) until the resurrection of our body. During this time, we will have all the knowledge of what is and what is not.... Until then my friend, Clete; we can exclaim loudly from our opposite corners as that is really all we have.
Why do you bother to show up if you have no intention of debating anything?

I've made an argument. Refute it if you can or admit that you cannot and let it persuade your mind! That's what honest men do!

Believe in the Gospel and the WORD of GOD (Jesus Christ)for the WORD will set you free.

The point here is that when people who believe in Christ make idiotic claims about reality that are so easily demonstated to be false and when those same people start believing that almost everyone is lying to them about almost everything, it undermines the entire faith! You may well make it to heaven based on your faith in Christ but one of those things you will come to know when you get there is just how many people turned away from Christ because you chose to believe in mindless and utterly impossible conspiracy theories and believed demonstrably false things such as that the Earth is flat.


I thoroughly quote ever post I'm responding to just as I have yours and so you can follow the pretty nearly the whole conversation by simply reading my posts.
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Do you have any idea how dumb it is to believe the world is flat?

I mean, it’s almost crazy to even have to talk about it. If you actually believe the earth is flat, id like to ask you if you have a cell phone? Because if you have one, and you use it, use use a device that relies on satellite communication relay. Cell phones without it would rely on line of sight communication. Since the earth is curved, that doesn’t work. That’s why they put satellites into orbit. It’s big business.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Do you have any idea how dumb it is to believe the world is flat?

I mean, it’s almost crazy to even have to talk about it. If you actually believe the earth is flat, id like to ask you if you have a cell phone? Because if you have one, and you use it, use use a device that relies on satellite communication relay. Cell phones without it would rely on line of sight communication. Since the earth is curved, that doesn’t work. That’s why they put satellites into orbit. It’s big business.

Flat earthers do not deny the existence of satellites, they deny the fact that they orbit the earth. They're balloons or some other sort of air craft.

It's stupid, I know but that's what they say.

As for having to discuss it, its because we have entered a post-truth era where any truth can be questioned by any idiot and they'll be able to find a group of other idiots who agree with them via the internet and because of the way the logarithms work on sites like YouTube and Twitter these people will just continue to be met with the things they want to hear while being shielding from things they don't.

There's a terrific video on this topic done by Joe Scott, one of the best Youtube channels out there (IMO). You should check it out...

How Technology Destroyed The Truth | Answers With Joe


Active member
This thread has a subject.

Are you completely new to the concept of Internet forums?

Hi Right-Divider. I thought you understood there are many sub-titles under the thread's main subject as one might find in an outline.

Having said that, should you still like to discuss a part of the main Title (subject) with me, pick a subject or should I say a sub-title.


Right Divider

Body part
Hi Right-Divider. I thought you understood there are many sub-titles under the thread's main subject as one might find in an outline.

Having said that, should you still like to discuss a part of the main Title (subject) with me, pick a subject or should I say a sub-title.

There is nothing that you've said so far that has not already been beaten to death in this thread.

All of your pet theories have already been demolished here.

Please take some time (and not waste the rest of ours) to read the entire thread from the beginning.


Active member

Your posts are all still here for everyone to read, idiot.

Every airplane along with everything else on Earth is being pulled by gravity toward the center of Earth's mass. Given the miniscule size of a plane relative to the Earth, that is going to be stright down. Any variation is going to negligable if even present.

You thought wrong - again.

Who ever said that gravity was all around us?

Every piece of mass is attracted to every other piece of mass. The attractions disapates with the square of the distance. If a lot of mass is pulling on some other mass the vectors of attaction average out to one effective vector toward the centers of mass of the attracted bodies. In the case of the Earth which is absolutlely collossal in comparison with us or an airplane, the vector is, in effect, directly toward the center of the Earth. In actual fact the Earth is slight attracted to us as well but the distance the Earth comes toward us is some fraction of the width of a proton.

With the control surfaces of the aircraft which are controled usually with some sort of steering wheel or stick and foot pedals.
What you do is to keep what it called an "artifical horizon" in the correct place on an intrument that looks like this...

View attachment 26719

That instrument keeps track of your orinentation relative to the horizon. Keeping the data that this instument and a few others are giving you in the correct place is called "flying an airplane". And yes, you do have to maneuver the aircraft along the curvature of the Earth to maintain the correct altitude. If you don't then that horizon line with drop and your altitude will increase (assuming a generaly flat terrain below, of course).

I'm not here to give you an 8th grade science education and your last sentence here makes what is called an argument from silence.

Do you have any idea why an argument from silence is a fallacy? Any idea at all?

Really? As yet, there has not been one single syllable of refutation of a single argument I've made. Not from you or anyone else who pretends to believe that the Earth is flat.

That's your doctrine not what the bible says. The bible simply does not teach that the earth is either the center of the universe or that it is flat - period.

I was never concerned about anything. The point was that my thinking that it is silly or gay or feminine or whatever is an opinion. It was an example of an opinion not a commentary on you as a person. I really couldn't possibly care less what color your posts are typed in. That's another opinion!

Whether the Earth is flat or not is NOT a matter of opinion. It either is or it isn't. Opinion doesn't enter into it. That was the entire point.

There is no forgiveness where there is no repentence. When you drop the stupidity that you cling to in the name of Christianity then I'll stop being offended by you. Until then, get used to it.

Do you know this for certain or do you only suspect that it is the case?

Do you see the stupidity that you're up to your eyeballs in?

Why do you bother to show up if you have no intention of debating anything?

I've made an argument. Refute it if you can or admit that you cannot and let it persuade your mind! That's what honest men do!

The point here is that when people who believe in Christ make idiotic claims about reality that are so easily demonstated to be false and when those same people start believing that almost everyone is lying to them about almost everything, it undermines the entire faith! You may well make it to heaven based on your faith in Christ but one of those things you will come to know when you get there is just how many people turned away from Christ because you chose to believe in mindless and utterly impossible conspiracy theories and believed demonstrably false things such as that the Earth is flat.


I thoroughly quote ever post I'm responding to just as I have yours and so you can follow the pretty nearly the whole conversation by simply reading my posts.

Alright Cleve, I have stated my opinion and answered your questions and you have come back with your opinion that my opinion is wrong on this sub-title (sub-subject).

As far as reading your other posts on this forum, No thanks. I have had a belly-full of your insults and innuendos with just your conversation with me. I have no wish to see or read what you have said to others who have dared oppose your opinions and supporting information.

I have not been in this forum very long, but I have come to the conclusion that you try to be a bully! I have also found that you do not know how to properly debate a subject. SO SAD!

When I debate, I try to point out my beliefs and why I believe that way!..I do not expect you to accept my opinion and have also come to realize; I cannot expect anyone to take the supportive information as serious simply because of the preconceived (dogmatic) opinions on this thread's subject title or one that is similar.

Yet, as I try to stay open minded, I find myself following the WORD of Jesus Christ in Acts 17:11. This does not mean I will wind up accepting the other person's points but I will not throw them off to the side as so much garbage.

Acts 17:11. "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."

good day!



Active member
There is nothing that you've said so far that has not already been beaten to death in this thread.

All of your pet theories have already been demolished here.

Please take some time (and not waste the rest of ours) to read the entire thread from the beginning.

Right Divider, it is evidenced by this post, your arrogance lays out on the floor in front of you like a red carpet.

However, I will agree with you that this subject has been beaten to death and only in death will we know for sure. I will also agree with you that there is no reason for me to waste my time reading this thread.

Therefore, our conversation(s) are at their end. Maybe another day, on another thread we might be able to find common ground enough to have a civil conversation?

Have a Good Day, Right Divider


Right Divider

Body part
Right Divider, it is evidenced by this post, your arrogance lays out on the floor in front of you like a red carpet.
Your opinions are not worth the electrons that run this web site.

However, I will agree with you that this subject has been beaten to death and only in death will we know for sure. I will also agree with you that there is no reason for me to waste my time reading this thread.
I didn't say that it would be a waste of your time to read what was written. That should be the courtesy that anyone who comes where should exhibit. What is a waste of time is for the rest of us to see you rehash topics that have already been extensively covered. Yours is the arrogant and selfish position.

Therefore, our conversation(s) are at their end. Maybe another day, on another thread we might be able to find common ground enough to have a civil conversation?

Have a Good Day, Right Divider

If you would like to be civil, try giving those that have been here (both on the site and in this thread) for quite some time the benefit is not having to witness your self-centered introduction to this thread and forum and your reruns of things already thoroughly discussed here that you have refused to take the time to read.


Active member

You still do not understand the difference between a fact and an opinion.

Clete has been giving you some of the facts and all you do is claim that it's opinion vs opinion.

And it appears you do not understand that opinions are formed because of facts (including your opinion and your facts). Both of mine (facts and opinions) are both different than yours, but it seems you and the others get really mad at someone even talking to you those different facts and opinions. That is not debating!It your way or the Highway! So Arrogant, So Sad

Good bye!



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Alright Cleve, I have stated my opinion and answered your questions and you have come back with your opinion that my opinion is wrong on this sub-title (sub-subject).

Tantamount to a lie, really.

I've specifically asked you where the "hole" is in my math - NO ANSWER!

Further, I've given several extremely thorough and completely rational argument - none of which are base on a single syllable of opinion and you, like EVERY OTHER FLAT EARTHER haven't even attempted to refute a single point. NOT ONE SINGLE POINT!

As far as reading your other posts on this forum, No thanks. I have had a belly-full of your insults and innuendos with just your conversation with me.
I do not make innuendo, although I can see how using the word makes you feel intellectual. I've added insult where it was warranted. I know you an idiot because you say idiotic things. You're stupid because you cannot see and/or are unwilling to acknowledge the conclusion made with simple math, never mind allow your mind to persuaded by it.

If you repent, then my view of you will change. Not before.

I have no wish to see or read what you have said to others who have dared oppose your opinions and supporting information.
You can keep calling this stuff my opinion if you want but saying it doesn't make so.

Not that you care about what is and is not so.

I have not been in this forum very long, but I have come to the conclusion that you try to be a bully!
I've been on this forum for decades and I know an idiot when I see one. (They very often want to post in pretty colors.)

By the way, it is called hypocrisy to be whining about someone calling names and then for you to do so yourself.

And, if you think you can shame me into being nice to morons, think again. So long as you hold to the notion that the Earth is flat, you're good for nothing other than ridicule.

You'll note, however, that every single real argument you managed to post was directly and substantive addressed and thoroughly refuted.

I have also found that you do not know how to properly debate a subject. SO SAD!
Says the guy who refused to engage the debate because he "doesn't have time" or whatever and then lies about having answered my direct questions.

One thing you really should try to keep in mind is that every post you've made is still here for everyone to read.

When I debate, I try to point out my beliefs and why I believe that way!..I do not expect you to accept my opinion and have also come to realize; I cannot expect anyone to take the supportive information as serious simply because of the preconceived (dogmatic) opinions on this thread's subject title or one that is similar.
Once again, it isn't about opinions. The Earth cannot be flat and I have proven it, you're failure to acknowledge it not withstanding. The earth is no more flat than the sky is chartreuse.

Yet, as I try to stay open minded, I find myself following the WORD of Jesus Christ in Acts 17:11. This does not mean I will wind up accepting the other person's points but I will not throw them off to the side as so much garbage.
Stupidity should be treated as such. You are, as a flat earth idiot, an embarrassment to yourself and to the entire Christian faith. Now that you've been shown your error, your stubborn clinging to the stupidity is not only additional stupidity, it is sinful. You really ought to be ashamed of yourself.

Acts 26:25 But he said, “I am not mad, most noble Festus, but speak the words of truth and reason.​

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