Hi everyone. I've been busy working on my car window regulator.
I've also been busy working on a video for you-tube. I'm going to create a you-tube channel to go along with my website
Dynamic Free Theism. I hope to also be going back to Washington Square Park or Union Square to do some evangelism.
This growing generation without Christianity to guide them though preoccupied with the techno world that's been created for them are filled with despair and hopelessness. They have no rational answers and they feel no love. Obviously the God who knows all and determines everything is no better answer than their atheism.
My free and open view of God, creationism, and propositional apologetic presentation was very powerful in debating the existence of God. My divorce put and end to the park ministry years ago but it put me onto my computer to create the website and put me here at theology online to debate it.
Now I've retired from full time work to do full time evangelism on you-tube and anywhere else I can. And no, my you-tube channel will not be about flat earth. Flat earth is still something I want to continue to explore along with deep state and deep space attempt to bring about Satan's New World Order.
I'll be back on this topic later today.