No, its evidence of refraction caused by the Earth's atmosphere. As I've told you before one can NEVER see the actual object they are "looking" at. What we see, you included, is light reflected off of the object or light emitted from the object even if the object is inches in front of your eye(s). All we EVER see is an image of the object, NEVER the object itself.
Onions have layers and so does our atmosphere. Your tunnel-vision thinking leads you to believe there is only one condition existent of the atmosphere in which light can be refracted which is demonstratively false.
The term Cognitive Dissonance comes to mind when you write something so patently false. Have you looked up what that is yet?
Because it doesn't. The atmosphere is quite dynamic and there are atmospheric condition that can (and do) exist capable of producing the optical effect(s) we witness. Supra.
As you now know, it depends on how many layers of atmosphere (warm/cold/warmer/colder) the light is refracted by.
Nope, we NEVER, EVER, see the "actual city" as I've explained above.
Perhaps in your untrained, uneducated opinion, yes; in actuality, no.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean. The object exists, we just might not see the light from the object exactly where the object exists in space, the pencil in water effect comes to mind to explain/demonstrate this. That you're doing everything you possibly can to NOT understand this is frustrating more people than just me.
Here you exhibit a profound lack of understanding of Special Relativity. Poisoning-the-well (your even more profound bias against Einstein) will forever cloud your judgement and prevent you from ever understanding it even at the most basic level. Please note the two words I added to your quote.
That you ignore EVERYONE'S explanations why your thinking is flawed clearly shows you are unable to rationalize what you think you "see" with what science demonstrates is true.
Since an
ad hominem has nothing to do with "arguments (I) can't answer" you are confused yet again.
Cognitive Dissonance clearly explains why you cannot reconcile what you "see" with what science proves is.
I disagree but I'll let you have this one your way.
Completely untrue and you know it. This is simply you doing what you do and you do it often, asserting as fact that which you have failed to demonstrate. Perhaps you've heard the phrase, "That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence"?
You alone are the one guilty of circular reasoning, equivocation, and contradiction. In fact, I'm not sure what "Flat Earth" predicts anymore because you've changed those "predictions" so many times.