The Earth Is A Sphere According To The Bible


Well-known member
Thank you, Daqq. I'm pleased you recognized how well I handled that situation. ;)

Keep stroking each others egos and you might feel better about yourselves one day?? Or you could just develop a deeper relationship with Jesus and realise how shallow that all was.


Well-known member
No you didn't. Why do you slip into a weird way of talking like that? That was why I thought you were mad originally.

Yes, I did, he was a false prophet dreamer of dreams just like your current "house resident". Funny you have no clue what I speak of yet I speak from the scripture and not only the Torah but the Torah as understood by the Testimony of the Messiah whom you claim to know, love, follow, and even think you are preaching his return. Do as the Master and the Torah say and cut off that false prophet dreamer of dreams from your midst before he becomes Legion and you end up a tomb dweller that no man can bind, (fourth generation beast, lol). I speak from all sincerity even though I like to chuckle a lot, (for I do know the end thereof, if indeed you love the Master and his and our heavenly Father). :chuckle:


Well-known member
Yes, I did, he was a false prophet dreamer of dreams just like your current "house resident". Funny you have no clue what I speak of yet I speak from the scripture and not only the Torah but the Torah as understood by the Testimony of the Messiah whom you claim to know, love, follow, and even think you are preaching his return. Do as the Master and the Torah say and cut off that false prophet dreamer of dreams from your midst before he becomes Legion and you end up a tomb dweller that no man can bind, (fourth generation beast, lol). I speak from all sincerity even though I like to chuckle a lot, (for I do know the end thereof, if indeed you love the Master and his and our heavenly Father). :chuckle:

I know the scriptures you refer to when speaking like that but what i am pointing out is that it does make you sound peculiar. I bet you wouldn't dare speak like that in public. :chuckle:

And no you did not kill him. You haven't killed anyone ever.

Keeping it real. ;)


Well-known member
I know the scriptures you refer to when speaking like that but what i am pointing out is that it does make you sound peculiar. I bet you wouldn't dare speak like that in public. :chuckle:

And no you did not kill him. You haven't killed anyone ever.

Keeping it real. ;)

Indeed I stoned him with cutting words like sharp and jagged stones:

Once upon a Bar Mitzvah there was a young boy whose name was Balal, (behold, is he not mixed?). And Balal just so happened to have a close friend of the genos having been called Baal which was his best friend-associate and closest confidant. And this Balal loved his heavenly Father with all of his heart, and with all of his soul, and the young boy offered up alms of good deeds and prayers every day; even three times daily, with his bedchamber window open and his countenance toward Yerushalaim of above. There was a day when Balal came to present himself before the Father, and the boy was in his bedchamber, on his knees, and as he began to praise and give thanks to the heavenly Father it came to pass that his best friend Baal crept in through his window and tapped him on the shoulder in the midst of his supplications. And the Baal said to Balal; "The circus is coming! the circus is coming! The caravan approaches the gates of the city! There be lions, and bears, and leopards, and wild beasts: come now, let us go out and see the affair, and you can finish your petitions at the evening oblation!"

And at that moment the Most High sent a Malak to the young boy; and Balal heard a still small voice in his heart, saying, "If indeed you love the Father with all of your heart, and with all of your soul, and with all of your mind, and with all of your strength, then guard his commandments: lay them up in your heart and in your soul; remember them and honor them by keeping them within you." And as Balal heard the voice of the word within his heart the young boy was reminded of a passage he recently overheard some of the friends of his Father discussing outside the synagogue: "If your brother the son of your mother, or your son, or your daughter, or the wife of your bosom, or your closest associate friend who is like unto your own soul, if any of these entice you secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other elohim, which you have not known, neither you, nor your fathers; namely, of the elohim of the people which are round about you, nigh unto you, or far off from you, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth; Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him or hide him: But thou shalt surely harag-slay him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones so that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the Most High thy Elohim, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. And all Yisrael shall hear, and fear, and shall do no more any such wickedness as this that is in your midst."

Then received Balal some understanding of this word: so he took up stones, and he stoned his counterpart associate Baal; he stoned him sharp stony words of refusal and rebuke until that Baal died the death under a heaping pile of heaping stony words. And no more did the young man allow the voice of that one to enter into his heart or into his mind. Yet none of the people of the town were the wiser; for in that little village none other had seen or heard of any kid goat named Baal. And as for Balal, (behold, was he not mixed?) the Father sent the Malak of the Covenant once again to deliver him a white stone with the new name Balaq'el having been written therein; for the young man was willing to annihilate a portion of his own soul and cleave away unto his heavenly Father. :)


If you do not do the will of Elohim you will cannot receive the Promise, (Heb10:36-39).

Enoch 10:4-5
4. And again the Lord said to Raphael, Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the
[outer] darkness: [Mat22:13 ASV] and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. 5. And cast upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there unto the age, [Rev20:1-3 ASV] and cover his face that he not see light.

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Well-known member
Indeed I stoned him with cutting words like sharp and jagged stones:

If you do not do the will of Elohim you will cannot receive the Promise, (Heb10:36-39).

Enoch 10:4-5
4. And again the Lord said to Raphael, Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the
[outer] darkness: [Mat22:13 ASV] and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. 5. And cast upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there unto the age, [Rev20:1-3 ASV] and cover his face that he not see light.


Who is it that you think you've 'killed' with your words because I bet they are still here and talking in exactly the same vein. People rarely change, especially on line.


Well-known member
Who is it that you think you've 'killed' with your words because I bet they are still here and talking in exactly the same vein. People rarely change, especially on line.

Wrong again, what I said to Patrick was just kidding but I told you I was sincere in what I said: why can you not understand by example? I was not speaking of judging anyone here or anyone or anything without. Judge your own house and those within, O man, or do you not believe the words of Messiah and Paul? It is not up to me to cast anything out of you: pluck out your own offensive right eye and cut off your own offensive right hand or foot. Those who refuse love darkness, love their own way and ways of thinking, and hate the truth, and do not truly believe Messiah rose from the dead: for if indeed they did believe, they would change and do what he says, and cut off sin from their midst.

patrick jane

It's sad you can't tell a sense of humour from pride.

And it's really sad that you think a "deeper relationship with Jesus" has no room for a moment of jest.
So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from hell
Blue skies from pain
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl (Flat Earth :chuckle:)
Year after year
Running over the same old ground
And how we found
The same old fears
Wish you were here


Well-known member
Wrong again, what I said to Patrick was just kidding but I told you I was sincere in what I said: why can you not understand by example? I was not speaking of judging anyone here or anyone or anything without. Judge your own house and those within, O man, or do you not believe the words of Messiah and Paul? It is not up to me to cast anything out of you: pluck out your own offensive right eye and cut off your own offensive right hand or foot. Those who refuse love darkness, love their own way and ways of thinking, and hate the truth, and do not truly believe Messiah rose from the dead: for if indeed they did believe, they would change and do what he says, and cut off sin from their midst.

Ahrr so it was Patrick you killed, nope he's still here and the same as before. Just like yourself and your daqqenese. And me taking the micky.


Well-known member
Ahrr so it was Patrick you killed, nope he's still here and the same as before. Just like yourself and your daqqenese. And me taking the micky.

I just told you in that post that I did not speak of anyone outside myself. Moreover Paul also helped in teaching me this by way of his discourses concerning the old man: you therefore make it plain that you neither understand nor believe Paul.


Well-known member
I just told you in that post that I did not speak of anyone outside myself. Moreover Paul also helped in teaching me this by way of his discourses concerning the old man: you therefore make it plain that you neither understand nor believe Paul.

Now are most certainly judging me. I'll let Jesus be your judge. :carryon:

And you, PJ and I are all just the same as ever except for PJ's flat Earth brainwash that began two weeks ago.