Yes, he is an "end times" false prophet: and I already watched the whole video, and I already know from other of his videos, which have been posted elsewhere around here, that he quotes and uses the Book of Enoch in other of his videos to supposedly prove some of his points. How can you think that you get to have it both ways? You tell me I am using Enoch when what I actually posted in your thread was Jude; and then you yourself believe the same guy who is quoting Enoch and distorting what is written therein so as to concoct a flat-earth model? Look up "Zen Garcia", same old bunk, same old "God's Calendar" as the other false prophet running around here predicting the tribulation in 2022 and the return of Messiah on 24th Sept 2029 because of his version of "God's Calendar". You are being swept into a big lie, (and I only hope that you will see the light before it is too late, friend).
You like conspiracies, Patrick?
"The masses are now dumbed down to the point that we can begin to seed our enemies with "conspiracy theories" and lies that will bring about their own destruction. We should begin to make tweets, facebook pages, forum threads, and boobtube videos to accomplish our purpose. Begin with the flat-earth conspiracy: the hardcore fundamentalist literalist Bible thumpers will not be able to resist, and many will latch onto it. At first a few thousand will begin to believe because of their ignorant understanding of the writings. Then millions will believe: and they will thus come to destroy themselves from within, and discredit themselves before the whole world, without us needing to lift another finger." ~ Romaneus Illuminatus Saturnalius Elius (R.I.S.E.). :chuckle: