His servant, Europe is "going to hell in a hand basket ?" Well so is America, but for different reasons. WE are becoming chaotic and lawless . Capitalism has been disastrous for America. In theory it works, but not in practice.
The disastrous supply side economics imposed by the clueless Ronald Reagan h ave destroyed the middle class and created ever expanding poverty, unemployment and helplessness in this country .
We are now an oligarchy , not a democracy or a republic . A tiny handful of superrich people controls the economy and the government , and the vast majority are struggling to stay alive and
make ends meet.
Conservatives accuse liberal democratic politicians of "redistributing wealth ", or intending to .
But the GOP has been redistributing wealth for decades. But as reverse Robin Hoods, stealing from the poor and middle class to make the rich even richer .
Wages have stagnated while the cost of living has risen steadily . There are far too jobs which pay enough to earn a decent or better living. The cost of college education graduate and medical school has become far too expensive, and this is disastrous, because America desperately needs first rate scientists, doctors, engineers, etc. This high cost of higher education is shooting America in the foot .
Our government wastes billion on our boated military budget while our infrastructure is crumbling , and refuses to divert funds for what is really needed . The American dream has become the American nightmare !