The difference between liberals and conservatives


New member
The difference between liberals/'progressives' and conservatives is that liberals do not love the foundational principles that this country was built upon. Instead they want to change this country to be more like Europe. Liberals are also ungrateful to be born in America. Conservatives on the other hand love this country's principles and understand that they should be grateful to be a free American.
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New member
Conservatives fought on the side of King George to maintain the status quo. Liberals brought forth a new country conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

That is a really bad argument because it takes what I say out of historical context. I'm obviously not talking about 'conservatives' who were actually crown loyalists. I am talking about present day Patriots(conservatives) and today's lovers of tyrants(progressives)

patrick jane

The difference between liberals/'progressives' and conservatives is that liberals do not love the foundational principles that this country was built upon. Instead they want to change this country to be more like Europe. Liberals are also ungrateful to be born in America. Conservatives on the other hand love this country's principles and understand that they should be grateful to be a free American.
Yep, basically


That is a really bad argument because it takes what I say out of historical context. I'm obviously not talking about 'conservatives' who were actually crown loyalists. I am talking about present day Patriots(conservatives) and today's lovers of tyrants(progressives)
Oh, so you are saying that today's conservatives are the liberals of the founding father's days. Got it. :)


New member
Can you be more specific about what you think "liberals" ideals actually are? You are so far basically defining based on what they aren't. Also is the term meaningful when describing people outside the USA?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Can you be more specific about what you think "liberals" ideals actually are? You are so far basically defining based on what they aren't. Also is the term meaningful when describing people outside the USA?

Actually, I don't think the terms are meaningful inside, or outside of anywhere anymore. :plain:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Actually, I don't think the terms are meaningful inside, or outside of anywhere anymore. :plain:

nor are your posts
-there are two kinds of liberals
-those who want to take care of others who can't take care of themselves
-those who want to be taken care of because they can't take care of themselves


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
nor are your posts
-there are two kinds of liberals
-those who want to take care of others who can't take care of themselves
-those who want to be taken care of because they can't take care of themselves

-there are two kinds of republicans
-those who back the party because it's the only way to stop abortion
-those who are chrys


The liberals were responsible for slavery, and now want government and other people's money to take care of them.

They're the 'Lazy Socialist' party.


Well-known member
That is a really bad argument because it takes what I say out of historical context. I'm obviously not talking about 'conservatives' who were actually crown loyalists. I am talking about present day Patriots(conservatives) and today's lovers of tyrants(progressives)
The problem is that all you're doing is spouting off your own personal bias. Easet is correct in claiming that conservatives were loyalists during the revolution because the definition of a conservative is one who seeks to preserve the status quo. And the loyalists were seeking to maintain the status quo of their time.

Conservatives are generally the wealthy and powerful in their society because those are the people who have the most to gain from maintaining the status quo. During the revolution, taxation was effecting even the wealthy colonists, however, and power was not being shared with them by Britain, so many of them became "liberals", and fought to liberate the colonies from British control. But not all of them. And the ones that did not were the hyper-conservatives. Those who wanted to maintain the status quo even in the face of British abuses.

The term "conservative" applies to those who, IN ANY INSTANCE (then as now), seek to maintain the status quo. While the term "liberal" refers to anyone who seeks to liberate themselves and/or their society FROM the status quo in any instance, then or now.

Progressives are those who seek to continually improve the state of themselves and/or their society through constant exploration and adaptation. Progressives are often also liberals, and liberals are often also progressives, though not always. And even some conservatives support progressive reforms; so long as they don't threaten their privileged positions.

So before you go trying to slander whole groups of people that you don't really know anything about, you should at least try and get your terms defined accurately. Because when you do so, you will be forced to recognize that it was the conservatives among us that opposed nationhood for the United States, that fought against ending slavery, that opposed allowing woman to vote or own property, and that oppose, to this day, all attempts at progressing toward equal freedom, justice, and opportunity for all our citizens. Conservatism is by and large the attitude of the privileges elite seeking to keep things the way they are, so that they will remain the privileged elite. For some, that privileged elite status depends on their religion, so they fight to maintain it's social dominance and it's illusion of righteousness. For others, that privilege depends on the elite status of their race and/or nationality, so they seek to maintain the illusion of their ethnic superiority. And for many that superior elite status depends on their wealth, and their ability to influence business and government with it, so they seek to maintain that advantage for themselves by whatever means they can.

And so those are the people who are the "conservatives" in our modern society: religious elitists, racist elitists, and greedy rich.

Is that really the crowd you want to be associated with? Because those are the people who do not want society to change or progress. They are invested in the illusion of their own superiority, and so fight against any and all social change that enables equality, opportunity, and fairness for everyone else.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The problem is that all you're doing is spouting off your own personal bias.

good thing you don't ever do that, eh? :thumb:

purex said:
Easet is correct in claiming that conservatives were loyalists during the revolution because the definition of a conservative is one who seeks to preserve the status quo. And the loyalists were seeking to maintain the status quo of their time.

Conservatives are generally the wealthy and powerful in their society because those are the people who have the most to gain from maintaining the status quo. During the revolution, taxation was effecting even the wealthy colonists, however, and power was not being shared with them by Britain, so many of them became "liberals", and fought to liberate the colonies from British control. But not all of them. And the ones that did not were the hyper-conservatives. Those who wanted to maintain the status quo even in the face of British abuses.

The term "conservative" applies to those who, IN ANY INSTANCE (then as now), seek to maintain the status quo. While the term "liberal" refers to anyone who seeks to liberate themselves and/or their society FROM the status quo in any instance, then or now.

Progressives are those who seek to continually improve the state of themselves and/or their society through constant exploration and adaptation. Progressives are often also liberals, and liberals are often also progressives, though not always. And even some conservatives support progressive reforms; so long as they don't threaten their privileged positions.

So before you go trying to slander whole groups of people that you don't really know anything about, you should at least try and get your terms defined accurately. Because when you do so, you will be forced to recognize that it was the conservatives among us that opposed nationhood for the United States, that fought against ending slavery, that opposed allowing woman to vote or own property, and that oppose, to this day, all attempts at progressing toward equal freedom, justice, and opportunity for all our citizens. Conservatism is by and large the attitude of the privileges elite seeking to keep things the way they are, so that they will remain the privileged elite. For some, that privileged elite status depends on their religion, so they fight to maintain it's social dominance and it's illusion of righteousness. For others, that privilege depends on the elite status of their race and/or nationality, so they seek to maintain the illusion of their ethnic superiority. And for many that superior elite status depends on their wealth, and their ability to influence business and government with it, so they seek to maintain that advantage for themselves by whatever means they can.

And so those are the people who are the "conservatives" in our modern society: religious elitists, racist elitists, and greedy rich.

Is that really the crowd you want to be associated with? Because those are the people who do not want society to change or progress. They are invested in the illusion of their own superiority, and so fight against any and all social change that enables equality, opportunity, and fairness for everyone else.


never mind

The Horn

LOL !!! America WOULD be much better off if it became more like Europe . We would have far less poverty, unemployment, hopelessness , better medical care , A MUCH LOWER ABORTION RATE THEN WE HAVE NOW , more personal freedom , far less crime, a very low murder rate, better technology, much less religious strife, and just plain more happiness .


Well-known member
LOL !!! America WOULD be much better off if it became more like Europe . We would have far less poverty, unemployment, hopelessness , better medical care , A MUCH LOWER ABORTION RATE THEN WE HAVE NOW , more personal freedom , far less crime, a very low murder rate, better technology, much less religious strife, and just plain more happiness .

Put the crack pipe down...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
LOL !!! America WOULD be much better off if it became more like Europe . We would have far less poverty, unemployment, hopelessness , better medical care , A MUCH LOWER ABORTION RATE THEN WE HAVE NOW , more personal freedom , far less crime, a very low murder rate, better technology, much less religious strife, and just plain more happiness .

so what's stopping you from moving there? :idunno:


New member
Conservatives fought on the side of King George to maintain the status quo. Liberals brought forth a new country conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Except, the laws that we have passed over the last 50 years have made some groups of people more equal than others.

Double standards all over the place.