That to me is very inconsistent.
Gentiles are being saved today by the work of the Servant of Jehovah. Specifically the work of the cross.
The OT passages that speak of gentile salvation are not connected to the Priesthood of Moses nor are they connected to the nation of Israel during the kingdom. The passages speaking to and about gentile salvation are about the work of Messiah on the cross.
Israel will be representatives of Jehovah in the kingdom as a witness to the nations of the faithfulness of God to keep His word and they will point to that keeping of His word.
Salvation of the Gentiles in the kingdom will be by accepting Messiah.
The scripture is clear STP, the salvation of Gentiles thru the cross is not a musterion, it was revealed specifically that by Messiah's death, burial and resurrection that Gentiles would be saved - not that Gentiles would be saved by the priestly system of the Jews.
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