To be saved and be found in disobedience is not true obedience.To seek to be saved by obeying God's commands is DISobedience.
Is the decision to obey God's command an individual freedom we have?
Since this is in the Exclusively Christian Theology forum I am assuming we are all believers, whatever bearing this has on the question.
Is the decision to obey God's command an individual freedom we have?
Since this is in the Exclusively Christian Theology forum I am assuming we are all believers, whatever bearing this has on the question.
To seek to be saved by obeying God's commands is DISobedience.
and when with other likeminded believers, it is better. Philippians 2:2
Do you remember Romans 8:4? It is important to understand that the only hindrance to obeying the Law (God's commands found in the Law) and thereby obeying God, is your flesh.To go back to the slavery of the Law is a freedom we have. Once we freely choose to ethe Law, we became slaves of the Law, get disconected from Christ, make null the work of the croos, and became dammed. At that point we are no more free but slaves.
We can freely choose to loose our freedom. Then, we are no longer free but slaves. Who keep the Law is not free, despite he did freely choose not to be free.
(Christians teaching to keep the Law, are after a single think: colect tithe)
Other Christians can help us in our walk with God and Christ.Yes.
and when with other likeminded believers, it is better. Philippians 2:2
Do you remember Romans 8:4? It is important to understand that the only hindrance to obeying the Law (God's commands found in the Law) and thereby obeying God, is your flesh.
I don't know what you mean about 500 obligations and I believe you are wrong about tithing not being a command of God.because you and me have flesh. you and me can not obey the Law.
that is why the Holy Spirit has PROHIBITED to teach to observe the Law.
that is why Paul warn us of trying to obey the Law and go back to its slavery
(is this all about tithing or is ir about the 500 obligations)
I don't know what you mean about 500 obligations and I believe you are wrong about tithing not being a command of God.
Do you believe the Law is for showing a person their sin? 1 Timothy 1.
Matthew 5:19 NASB - "Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.tithing is part of the Law
we are prohibited to go back to the slavery of observing the Law
we are prohibited of teaching to observe the Law.
We can not teach to tithe, can not tithe.
if we tithe we are disconected from Christ, made null the effects of the cross, and are dammed in our sins.
Matthew 5:19 NASB - "Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
All of God's commands are important. Not everyone is circumcised. For those who are, like myself, we are still not supposed to preach circumcision. But that does not mean circumcision is not a command of God.are you circuncided?
do you teach circuncicion?
circuncicion is one of the commands... do you observ it?
do you sacrifice a lamb avary year?
do you keep all Jew fests?
do you observ the sabbath from sunset to sunset?
do you only eat the kosher food?
I gues for you it is enough if people tithe... nothing else.
that is what Jesus call HYPOCRITES.