Yeah, reminds me of just what the arrogant, stuck up and compassion challenged puritans said in the church. Thanks for reminding me why I left it.
On that note, you just carry on GM, I've nowt else to say to you.
Yeah, reminds me of just what the arrogant, stuck up and compassion challenged puritans said in the church. Thanks for reminding me why I left it.
On that note, you just carry on GM, I've nowt else to say to you.
Yep, with religious imagery.
That's exactly what he said, as he raises his arms in a "behold me" gesture.
Then why even use so much religious imagery??????
"I AM' is satire on religion.
The single candle and the eyes is satire on religion.
Having 3 people on crosses with the one in the middle being higher than the others is satire on religion.
Forming a circle to bow before a jeweled skull relic is satire on religion.
Holding up a book as though it were a sacred holy book is satire on religion.
Body shaking trances is satire on religion.
The whole video is cluttered with religious satire.
I believe he knew very well they were religious imagery and purposely used them for his dark vision of "art".
I didn't see it as satire. I don't claim to know what was in Bowie's mind, or what he hoped viewers would see or interpret from what seems to me to be many layers of expression. But what I took from the video were all the emotions a person might go through when they know they're dying. To feel powerless, to be afraid, maybe terrified. To wonder if there's an afterlife, to confront one's own doubts, question one's own beliefs, to look at loved ones knowing that soon there will be no more chance to see them, to breathe, to see the sun rise. That maybe all the things once worked for seem pointless now. So many things, I can't even begin to scratch the surface.
To some Christians here, there's a certain smugness because they won't feel any of those human emotions, because they believe, and they're moving on to the mansion in the sky where they'll see all their loved ones again (although I don't know how, since there's no male or female etc.) and of course all the unbelievers will be wasting away in eternal torment, as some here gleefully remind us. Anyway, even a believer can be assailed by doubts and fears and inconsolable grief knowing their days are numbered, and whether what they believe really true, or will they just be some unremembered bones in the earth?
And that's what I saw in that video.
Well, you were looking at it through from a Godless perspective.
she's been doing that a lot lately
So emotionally it seems that you quite enjoy some of Bowie's work but objectively your beliefs and what you think were his beliefs means that your emotional response has to be overruled?Actually, I enjoyed a few of Bowie's songs and one of his films. At that time, I
was unaware of his connection with Satanism and Aleister Crowley though. I'll
not be listening to anymore of his works.
So emotionally it seems that you quite enjoy some of Bowie's work but objectively your beliefs and what you think were his beliefs means that your emotional response has to be overruled?
Don't you think that enjoying life whenever we can reasonably do so should be a consideration rather than a dogmatic adherence to an un-demonstrable belief? Puritans would forgo all Earthly pleasures for their religious beliefs but perhaps after all we are only here to suffer?
Now where did I put that hair shirt? :think:
My choice is none of your business.
Sure. Except that you've created a thread about it and you've posted over 100 posts about it, on an online discussion forum.
You're perfectly free to not listen to David Bowie without making it into a public discussion. You chose to make it public.
If you don't want something in your life to be someone else's business, don't stand on a street corner shouting about it.
Neither are you apparently.You are not the ruler of my choices or life.