The corporatist , globalist mainstream media


America has a way of weeding out these sort of Marxist agendas. We've arrived at another part of US history where Americanism is under attack.

The media 'going to war' with the President doesn't realize their ability to fall- they think that since they are the press, they are immune to consequence, and they can simply omit the power and influence of the elected government when they don't like it :rolleyes:


New member
"America has a way of weeding out these sort of Marxist agendas. We've arrived at another part of US history where Americanism is under attack.

The media 'going to war' with the President doesn't realize their ability to fall- they think that since they are the press, they are immune to consequence, and they can simply omit the power and influence of the elected government when they don't like it."

This is a truthful statement here on TOL.

It is the role of the media to keep a watch on the federal government.

But - when the media embraces an ideology which is in direct opposition to the American culture and to the Constitution, then the elected administration and its supporters, including the Alternative Media, and Biblical Christians, have to expose that media for what it is. You might think that those who claim to be Christians are free to support any ideology they want to support.

Marxism is systematically and fundamentally anti-Christian. And the corporate and financial ruling elite that has been moving toward a collectivist anti-culture and a totalitarian world government is also anti-Christian. The Anti-culture is a part of Transformational Marxism, as a wrecking machine to do away with the family and Christian based culture, coming down from an early founder of the Frankfurt School, Georg Lukács who wanted "Aufhebung der Kultur," Abolishment of Culture. The ruling elite co-opted this form of Marxism which does not say it is Marxism.

The Bill of Rights, put into the Constitution by James Madison and his Committee in the House, comes out of Isaiah 10: 1-2, and a few other texts like Psalm 9: 4, Lamentations 3: 5 and Malachi 3: 5. A Hillary Clinton administration would have started to undo that Bill of Rights, starting with the First and Second amendments.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Show up....loudly at NYU rallies...for ex. :chuckle:

so, in the public square, you think it's effective to shout them down

does that stop them from hating or from acting on their hate?

does that stop them from finding others who agree with their message of hate?


New member
so, in the public square, you think it's effective to shout them down

does that stop them from hating or from acting on their hate?

does that stop them from finding others who agree with their message of hate?

No. But that doesn't matter. The important thing is to show people you have morals and a zeal for that morality.


New member
For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God

Their own PC based morality is their god.


so, in the public square, you think it's effective to shout them down

It's cheaper than expired fruit and veggies. (Or in your case...rolled up newspaper.) :idunno:

does that stop them from hating or from acting on their hate?

does that stop them from finding others who agree with their message of hate?

Old hat. We've covered this sufficiently.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well, just ask the KKK nearly as powerful and influential as say, 100 years ago?

is that a result of being shouted down in the public square?

or have more effective measures been employed?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Does it really matter...

of course it matters - i don't want these morons to go underground and skulk out in the middle of the night to tip over headstones in jewish cemeteries and spray paint swastikas on black churches - I want them out in the open where they can be seen


of course it matters - i don't want these morons to go underground and skulk out in the middle of the night to tip over headstones in jewish cemeteries and spray paint swastikas on black churches - I want them out in the open where they can be seen

Now what the hell are you going on about?


The corporatist , globalist mainstream media

Trump's strategy to discredit the intelligence community, the judiciary and the American media is becoming all the more evident - in light of Flynn and now Session's contacts with the Russian ambassador."

Trump knows that these connections between his Campaign and Putin will eventually surface, so he has conducted a series of preemptive strikes to undermine their credibility.

Given that the Democrats are no longer in a position to serve as an effective opposition, he recognizes that the American intelligence community, the judiciary and the media are all that stand between him and absolute power.

Trump is all too willing to jeopardize American democracy as the price for remaining president!