The corporatist , globalist mainstream media


So what you are saying is, silence them if you dont like the message by fake news, and falsely calling them racist supremecists, bigots, haters etc... so only what you think matters, right?

Hate matters...yes. It's self-explanatory. One wonders why even you keep missing the mark here! :idunno:


New member
Sure it makes sense...he simply pines for the good old days when power was unquestionably the exclusive province of white male-dom....which both he likely represents thus ego, bias and nostalgia all gather to form one rosy revision of the past.

Exactly :thumb:


New member
You don't want to silence hate?! What's wrong with you?

You don't get to define hate. The NYU nytjob doesn't either. Hate speech as covered under the first amendment. I fight your speech everyday because it's hate to me. Fight hate don't silence it.
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New member
Me? Specifically? That's quite the responsibility you've alluded to ...on my behalf.

No, it a collaborative effort. Really just common sense.

No it's not...not when free speech is endangered because your people think they are entitled to define speech that is unacceptable


You're kind doesn't rule over us anymore. 306 electoral votes say so.

Trump now gives us the license to freely hate!

One sad commentary on the current state of All-American ( and righties continue to be baffled by the riots :doh:)

But sorry no, majority consensus says otherwise.