The Conditions for Receiving the Holy Spirit

God's Truth

New member
lol,bare in mind I'm the neophyte,,,but in Acts 9:6 KJV Paul neither had heard nor believed the Gospel. Instead he was told in Acts 9:6 KJV what he needed to do.

So the two "conditions" that everyone needs to do,fulfill,accomplish ect. Paul himself had not yet "done,fulfilled,accomplished ect."(the things you listed to do to receive the Holy Spirit),,,

Maybe it just seems odd but if we say to those who make a list of (things to do to be saved) and say that no in fact you are saved by Grace,and only Grace then is it proper to begin a "new list of things to do to" ,,,

(1) hear,
(2) believe,

again Paul had not yet done either of those two in A9:6

Paul had to believe, hear, see, pray, fast, and wait.

God's Truth

New member
The apostle Paul was a killer of Christians before he was converted to Christ on the road to Damascus.

We should never limit the power of the Holy Spirit to bring people to Christ.

My conversion to Christ was a shock for many.

Did you pray and ask for forgiveness like the apostle Paul?


The only condition I see is that any possible recipient be first and foremost a human being. The more "unclean" or "corrupt" the better.

"...Your faith has saved you."


Well-known member
So they don't believe that Jesus saved them on the cross at Calvary. ,,,,instead they close their eyes and go into that corner room in the temple 1 Corinthians 3:16 KJV , 1 Corinthians 6:19 KJV and not believing that Jesus saved them on the cross they confess that they are their own Savior,,they stand in the temple and reason what they do to save themselves,,,


Well-known member
Good, no arguments here. -

Patrick, please listen if you can.

Pate teaches and preaches a false gospel of works.

Hearing of the Gospel, which is Spiritual, can only be accomplished
by God giving one Spiritual Ears to hear, and that's evidence of New Birth.

Prov. 20:12
The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.

"A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven." - John 3:27


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Hearing of the Gospel, which is Spiritual, can only be accomplished
by God giving one Spiritual Ears to hear, and that's evidence of New Birth.

Since you have been shown here several times, you can go to hell. :) Exactly as Paul said. Oh You full of fraud and deceit, how long will you pervert the straight ways of the Lord?

When people are told the gospel, they know it is true. God reveals it to them in their heart. He gives each a measure of faith.

17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

When presented the gospel, you hear it and you believe. Or you reject it by your own choice. You reject it. You claim you believe because God makes you believe. That is a false gospel to be accursed.


Well-known member
Since you have been shown here several times, you can go to hell. :) Exactly as Paul said. Oh You full of fraud and deceit, how long will you pervert the straight ways of the Lord?

When people are told the gospel, they know it is true. God reveals it to them in their heart. He gives each a measure of faith.

17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

When presented the gospel, you hear it and you believe. Or you reject it by your own choice. You reject it. You claim you believe because God makes you believe. That is a false gospel to be accursed.

You preach and teach a false gospel of works just as Pate does Jude 1:4!


Robert Pate

Well-known member
Patrick, please listen if you can.

Pate teaches and preaches a false gospel of works.

Hearing of the Gospel, which is Spiritual, can only be accomplished
by God giving one Spiritual Ears to hear, and that's evidence of New Birth.

Prov. 20:12
The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.

"A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven." - John 3:27



Salvation has already been made available to all who do nothing more than call upon the name of the Lord, Romans 10:13.

Bradley D

Well-known member
God had a purpose for Paul. Paul, like the other apostles was chosen.

Paul was called to be an apostle and to be murdered for his faith in Christ.

God called the most unlikely man to be a witness for Christ and his Gospel.

You are right God does pick the unlikely to serve Him. Even the believers were concerned with Paul.

"When he came to Jerusalem, he was trying to associate with the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple. But Barnabas took hold of him and brought him to the apostles and described to them how he had seen the Lord on the road, and that He had talked to him, and how at Damascus he had spoken out boldly in the name of Jesus. And he was with them, moving about freely in Jerusalem, speaking out boldly in the name of the Lord.…" (Acts 9:26-28).

And instead of listening to the truth Jesus spoke. They put Him down believing Jesus was just the son of Joseph the carpenter.

"Isn't this the carpenter's son? Isn't his mother's name Mary, and aren't his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?" (Acts 9:27)


Well-known member
Over and over they deny the blood of the cross. They cannot believe it,they hear it preached but believe it they will not. They do not understand they are the temple of God and that when they close their eyes and are in that corner they confess "I am God ,I am the Christ,I am mine own Savior".

They boldly say they were saved by their own works. They have all the works to be preformed set in order in their minds and have their bodies fulfill it. They are Antichrist,they hold their works in higher esteem than the lords cross.

God's Truth

New member
The only condition I see is that any possible recipient be first and foremost a human being. The more "unclean" or "corrupt" the better.

"...Your faith has saved you."

Faith alone is dead, and cannot save.

See James 2:14, 17, 20, and 22.

God's Truth

New member
Patrick, please listen if you can.

Pate teaches and preaches a false gospel of works.

Hearing of the Gospel, which is Spiritual, can only be accomplished
by God giving one Spiritual Ears to hear, and that's evidence of New Birth.

Prov. 20:12
The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.

"A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven." - John 3:27


The works we no longer have to do are the ceremonial works.

The people used to have to do the ceremonial works for hundreds of years.

We do not have to do those works anymore to clean ourselves, but we still have to obey Jesus.