the church


New member
It was actually a question about confession.
Given that the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) has nothing whatsoever to do with "sacrificing Jesus over and over," your question makes absolutely no sense, and only serves to prove my earlier statements about your vast ignorance of Catholic teaching and practice. Thanks for publicly demonstrating it for us once more.


New member
I will restore unto them the years that the locust have eaten.
Count up the years.

And he doesn't rule only 1000. It is 1000 before the destruction of Satan.

If you had read the scriptures I quoted you would have seen that Jesus GIVES BACK the Kingdom rule to his Father, Jehovah, after the thousand years.


New member
Er, no you can't:


I believe that God has an organization on Earth. How else would the preaching work be done in a way that we could tell how the work was going? God is a God of order. (I Corinthians 14:33)

So who is God's organization? I can see only one that really does what Jesus said to do. They have made some statements in the past that are largely misunderstood. Some things were outright wrong (like Charles Russell saying that he was the faithful and wise servant; Matt.24:45). I think that the statements you quoted above are largely true. A person can understand the Bible and get an idea of who God is and what His purpose for the earth has always been, and that He will end wickedness by means of Christ, but there are things that the Bible doesn't answer, like who is "the faithful and wise servant?" It's just not in there. So we have to look and see how Christ's teachings match up with what the churches are doing.

So, I can say that I think by myself, and I could always see what Jesus says in the Scriptures & how the O.T. prophecys about him, and that God is Jehovah. But I never knew what the true Christian Church was until I met JWs. They are the only church that really honors Jehovah and teaches the truth about Him and His Son Jesus.


New member
Jesus messages are for the world.

His basic teachings don't need any scholars' help to understand.

He taught us everything we need to know for God's kingdom.

Yes, except who the "faithful and wise servant" is. (Matt.24:45) That is where being with the right church helps us and we can work in unison with them to advance Christ's interests world-wide.


New member
If you only knew what the Kingdom of Heaven is.
And, the reason for 30,000 denominations is that they follow Peter instead of Paul.

No, they follow men alive today and not the Scriptures. Men have distorted the Scriptures and are teaching lies. Their followers get involved with worldly affairs and completely set aside the teachings of Jesus (AND Peter and Paul).


New member
Man kind was not created to be ruled... authority implies subservience. Adam was not subservient to a king and neither were countless generations after him.

To voluntarily submit ourselves to the totalitarianism of a church is to revolt against Gods plan for his creation. And to think, God appointed Saul and then David as a PENALTY upon Israel.

Man WAS created to be ruled---not by men, but by God. Adam didn't want God's rule. Things aren't going to be right again until Jesus comes back to rule. It's true, the appointment of Saul was a form of penalty. Jehovah warned the people that they were asking for brutality and suffering, to have a human king. They found that that is what they gained, esp. through Solomon in his later years and then most of the kings after that.

God wants to be our Sovereign ruler, and He will be that, starting with Jesus' Millennial Reign.


New member
"Baal worship" is not an organization.

The Catholic Church is the oldest (legitimately traced back to AD 33; the next oldest is only about 500 years old) and largest organization that the world's ever seen.

And the largest Apostate organization the world has ever seen. (Acts 20:29,30; 2 Peter 2:1-3; Revelation 17 and 18)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The problem is:

Catholics worship idols and pray to Mary.

Jehovah Witnesses are a considered a non-
Christian cult and they're anti-Trinity.

Neither are "Body of Christ" material.


New member
Man WAS created to be ruled---not by men, but by God. Adam didn't want God's rule. Things aren't going to be right again until Jesus comes back to rule. It's true, the appointment of Saul was a form of penalty. Jehovah warned the people that they were asking for brutality and suffering, to have a human king. They found that that is what they gained, esp. through Solomon in his later years and then most of the kings after that.

God wants to be our Sovereign ruler, and He will be that, starting with Jesus' Millennial Reign.

No, God wants us to live as he created us to live, with a minimum of rules.

God walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the garden, he never asked them to bow down before him or build an altar or church for him.


Yes, except who the "faithful and wise servant" is. (Matt.24:45) That is where being with the right church helps us and we can work in unison with them to advance Christ's interests world-wide.

I don't rely on man's teachings because Jesus taught us what we need to know in His gospel.

Jesus teachings are not complicated that we need to rely on anyone else. Jesus says don't let anyone call you a teacher because He is the teacher.


New member
And man is ruled by our Maker, in His Church, already, which is His kingdom, here and now in seed form on earth.
You distinguish between our Maker and the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is our Maker become flesh.

Jesus plainly stated that his kingdom is not of this earth.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't rely on man's teachings because Jesus taught us what we need to know in His gospel.

Jesus teachings are not complicated that we need to rely on anyone else. Jesus says don't let anyone call you a teacher because He is the teacher.

You have one little problem, Jesus was speaking to the lost sheep of the House of Israel in Matthew through John. So, unless you are a Jew living 2000 years ago, He wasn't speaking to YOU. I think you're living in 2016 and you're a Gentle if I'm not mistaken?


New member
You don't know that. Nobody except the pope for sure knows all that the Lord taught His Apostles and what the Apostles taught to the first generation of Church bishops.

You don't know that the Lord didn't teach the Apostles to teach the Magisterium that the Church ought to vie for political power until such a time that the world learned the importance of religious liberty and the separation between Church and state.

Your interpretation of history is discontinuous, while the Magisterium implores us to interpret history continuously.

I think it's pretty clear in the Scriptures that Jesus did not teach getting involved with politics at all. (1) He set the example for Christians to follow. He RAN when the people tried to make him king (John 6:15). Nowhere in the Scriptures does he give any indication that he is interested in what any politician is doing or saying so that he can get involved. (2) He said that he was "no part of the world," and his disciples were no part of the world also (John 17:14,16). He said that his government (kingdom) was not of this world (where corruption and all manner of filthiness abides) but from a heavenly Source. That heavenly government would rule some day, with him as the King, and it will actually DESTROY all of the corrupt man-made governments. (Matthew 6:9,10; Daniel 2:44)

One of his disciples, James, said that "friendship with the world is making oneself an enemy of God." (James 4:4) That is exactly what Jesus taught, and I'm sure he still feels that way. What does that make the RCC and any organization that cozies up to the political powers?


New member
so why do so many listen to what he says?
-who listens to what you say?

Because he makes all these people feel warm and fuzzy! They can go right on doing whatever they please (homosexuality, abortions, fornication of all sorts, and a whole list of "minor" things that the pope doesn't even think about like fraud and drunkeness and even murder), and as long as they are good Catholics and give their money to the Church they are golden. An easy faith!