the church


Well-known member
The Word of God is the truth and it's quite clear. I will not play your game.

The RCC is an abomination that has perverted the Word of God from their beginning. If that's where the "spirit" has led you, so be it. But it not the Holy Spirit that is your guide.

P.S. The very reason that God gave us His written Word was so that no one like the RCC could claim to be the one true speaker for God.

Brother, the question I am asking you is an important one, whether I am Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, Jew, Muslim, anything!

I realize you have a strong dislike of Catholicism, and a distrust of Catholic people. That's alright.
Without any reference to Catholic doctrine, my question is still one that needs to be grappled with.

And truly, I absolutely do not wish to deceive anyone.
And if I am being deceived, I wish for my erroneous beliefs to be corrected.


Well-known member
Is it true then, that if someone comes to an understanding contrary to your own, you would have to conclude that they were wrong, in believing the Spirit had led them to that belief?

Right Divider

Body part
Is it true then, that if someone comes to an understanding contrary to your own, you would have to conclude that they were wrong, in believing the Spirit had led them to that belief?
I'm not going to answer this leading and contrived question. But thanks for continuing to try to get me to go down your rabbit hole.


Well-known member
I'm not going to answer this leading and contrived question. But thanks for continuing to try to get me to go down your rabbit hole.

Alright :idunno:

Perhaps you would be willing to explain how someone can tell whether it is oneself or the other, that is in error, when both people earnestly and prayerfully feel they are led by the Spirit, and yet arrive at contradictory beliefs.

And this does happen. Often.
It is not far-fetched, nor is it merely hypothetical.

Right Divider

Body part
Alright :idunno:

Perhaps you would be willing to explain how someone can tell whether it is oneself or the other, that is in error, when both people earnestly and prayerfully feel they are led by the Spirit, and yet arrive at contradictory beliefs.

And this does happen. Often.
It is not far-fetched, nor is it merely hypothetical.
Instead of speculating on hypothetical's, why don't you give some concrete examples. Then we can see what the problem really is.

Would you not agree that if two people reach a contradictory "belief" about something in scripture, that at least one of the two must be wrong?


Well-known member
Would you not agree that if two people reach a contradictory "belief" about something in scripture, that at least one of the two must be wrong?

Yes. That seems to be a logical necessity.

Instead of speculating on hypothetical's, why don't you give some concrete examples. Then we can see what the problem really is.

That is a fair request.

What's your stance on infant baptism?


Instead of speculating on hypothetical's, why don't you give some concrete examples. Then we can see what the problem really is.

Would you not agree that if two people reach a contradictory "belief" about something in scripture, that at least one of the two must be wrong?
And that bar isn't very high. I believe in transubstantiation. I believe that the elements become the body and blood of the Lord; mystical but nonfictional. You either do or you don't. That's a contradiction. In this particular dispute, who is the one being led into error? Or, whether it's morally permissible for a divorcee of a living ex-spouse, to marry someone else? What about whether or not it's immoral to have icons or statues of Christ or His mother?

You're going to argue your position from Scripture. I'm going to argue my position from Scripture. Which one is being led by the Holy Spirit, and which one is all wet? And what is the deal, with the one who's all wet? Is that even a Christian at all? Is it possible for a true member of the Body of Christ to be led astray?

Good question.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
In fact, she has no idea whatsoever. She merely uncritically accepts what her chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect has told her to assume on this point, though it is entirely contrary to documented ecclesiastical history.

I love it when Pope Cruciform Pompous IV calls us a sect, as if it is derogatory.
Paul didn't mind, neither do I.


Acts 14:22 (AKJV/PCE)
(14:22) Confirming the souls of the disciples, [and] exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

Are you sure about that quote?
Confirming the disciples hearts, and exhorting them to continue in the faith,affirming*that we must through many afflictions enter into the kingdom of God.

now what are you whinning about? did i just researched for you and wasted my time on you?

Right Divider

Body part
Confirming the disciples hearts, and exhorting them to continue in the faith,affirming*that we must through many afflictions enter into the kingdom of God.

now what are you whinning about? did i just researched for you and wasted my time on you?
"The Apostles chose men to assist them, imparting to them greater or less powers. Before leaving a place, they chose a successor with full powers (Acts 14:22).

Acts 14:22 (AKJV/PCE)
(14:22) Confirming the souls of the disciples, [and] exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

Your "version" of that verse does not at ALL resemble the ACTUAL verse.

That was my point.

The REAL verse says nothing about choosing OR imparting powers of ANY kind.