the church


New member
The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ himself in 33 A.D. This is a historic fact. If you disagree, then simply post the name of the recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect that IS, in your opinion, that one historic Church that was founded by Jesus Christ himself in 33 A.D. Post the name now, please.

The church at Rome was most likely started by Jewish converts who heard the gospel in Jerusalem. Sorry but your church history is skewed. The church at Rome didn't become primarily Gentile until Claudius expelled all Jews from the city in 49AD.


New member
Well, I've enjoyed the merry-go-round, but I think it's time to get off. The scenery has become monotonous.

What I've learned in this thread:

The Roman Catholic Church is the true Church of Jesus Christ because Jesus made Peter the Pope.

We know this because the Roman Catholic Church tell us that when Jesus gave Peter keys to bind and loose and told him to feed His flock it meant He was setting Peter in as the CEO of His Church and the ultimate decider of points of doctrine.

We know from Common Sense!(tm) that Peter handed those keys down to one man who did likewise so that one mortal man is the final decider throughout Church history. Oh, and the Roman Catholic Church told us.

We can safely ignore portions of scripture that the Roman Catholic Church tell us are unimportant. Like Jesus telling Peter that he shouldn't exercise dominion and authority over other believers.

Whatever the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church says is True. This means that when a Pope signed a confession that Jesus was not divine, that was not heresy until the Church later said it was heresy, at which point it became heresy. This is true of other Popes who recanted from heresy. They weren't heretical until they recanted from heresy at which point their past statements became retroactively heretical.

In summary, the Roman Catholic Church is in charge because the Roman Catholic Church says so.


you must have a lot of trouble interpreting what the bible says
he got it, you don't. 'Anti-Catholic' = 'Bible Believer'. 'Christian (Christ's One)' = originally meant 'Bible Believer'. 'Protestant' = originally meant 'Bible Believer'.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What I've learned in this thread:

The Roman Catholic Church is the true Church of Jesus Christ because Jesus made Peter the Pope.

this is based on -
Jesus changing simon's name to peter which means rock -
Jesus building His church on this rock -
Jesus asking peter to feed His sheep, three times


this is based on -
Jesus changing simon's name to peter which means rock -
Jesus building His church on this rock -
Jesus asking peter to feed His sheep, three times
Why does the Catholic hate the Word of God..???.

First of all, 98% of Catholic have never read a complete Bible, and have NO idea what It actually teaches, but will reject it anyway because that's what the Roman Church tells them, that God's Word isn't sufficient for being built up in their faith..

They believe their religious institution but reject the Word of God, the Word is simply a window dressing for their religious rituals.

They believe the greatest lie of the Devil was "Not everything you need for doctrine is in the Word of God, you need something that totally contradicts the Word of God, you need tradition, the same religious tradition that Christ condemned"...and the great unwashed of Catholicism bought the lie of the devil and became just like their father the devil, and nullified God's Word by their mind-numbing traditions...


whoa! -
we just have a different interpretation -
so what is really bothering you?
you tell protestants they hate the Word due to not following your chief. a wafer chanted over by a Catholic chief will never save anyone....Romans 14: 17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.



100% of Protestants don't even have a complete Bible.
66 books is now scientificaly proven to be the complete bible. that means if one single little tiny mini micro letter is added or taken away, the bible becomes incomplete. you can look up the proofs yourself through ivan panin works or theomatics. when you do, dont come back whinning about being debunked. the extras are not even breathed by God


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
66 books is niw scientificaly proven to be the complete bible. that means if one single little tiny mini micro letter is added or taken away, the bible becomes incomplete. you can look up the proofs yourself through ivan panin works or theomatics. when you do, dont come back whinning about being debunked.

How would you know if you had a "complete" bible. Define "bible." Where can I get a copy? That is the question, Sherlock.


Well-known member
66 books is now scientificaly proven to be the complete bible. that means if one single little tiny mini micro letter is added or taken away, the bible becomes incomplete. you can look up the proofs yourself through ivan panin works or theomatics. when you do, dont come back whinning about being debunked. the extras are not even breathed by God

It is scientifically proven that Ivan Panin was a hack.

You can use his same "proofs" to "scientifically prove" that Shakespeare's plays are the Word of God, too.
Do you believe that Shakespeare was divinely inspired, too? Ivan Panin's methods "prove" it, after all.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
How would you know if you had a "complete" bible. Define "bible." Where can I get a copy? That is the question, Sherlock.

Oh sure! Just swoop in fella and ignore the two rows of six loaves and the 66 chapters of Isaiah!
You beat all, you know that fella?


It is scientifically proven that Ivan Panin was a hack.

You can use his same "proofs" to "scientifically prove" that Shakespeare's plays are the Word of God, too.
Do you believe that Shakespeare was divinely inspired, too? Ivan Panin's methods "prove" it, after all.
you failed

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh sure! Just swoop in fella and ignore the two rows of six loaves and the 66 chapters of Isaiah!
You beat all, you know that fella?

I subscribe to the "get in a hurry" compelsion theory, Mayor. I think I saw that in that Hollywood movie, "The Shawshank Redemption."