the church


New member
Jesus' flesh died but his Spirit did not die.

Everything about the live Jesus died. The spirit that was the FORCE keeping him alive simply wasn't keeping him alive anymore so it in essence "went back" to God. But this "spirit" is not a conscious part of a person that leaves the body at death.


New member
Jesus' flesh died but his Spirit did not die.

Everything about the live Jesus died. If a conscious part of him lived on after his death, then he would not have really DIED. If he didn't really die, then we are all still in our sins.

The spirit that left him (Ecclesiastes 12:7) is what we call "the force of life" that comes from God and keeps all alive things alive. When someone dies, that force of life has left him, and it, in essence, "returns to God." It doesn't say that it is a conscious part of the dead person.


New member
No, not Jesus' BODY. Jesus' Spirit went to prison/Hell/Hades.

That is right, prison is Hell and Hades. It is a the opposite of paradise.

You would have to give the scripture you are confused about.

Did YOU give the scripture you are talking about? Does anybody know you are talking about IPeter 3:18-20?

When we actually examine IPeter 3:18-20, we might be able to clear up some mis-understandings. It says that Jesus, in the spirit, went to a "prison" where there were "spirits." Just who are these spirits? Dead people? No. They are indicated to be fallen angels that disobeyed in the days of Noah. See how verse 20 of IPeter 3 links these spirits with Noah's day. See also 2Peter 2:4,5; Genesis 6:2; and Jude 6. Since all of these verses identify the spirits as the angels that sinned in Noah's day, now look at 2Peter 2:4 where God did not spare the angels of Noah's day but "committed them to pits of darkness." The word for "pits of darkness" is not Hades, but Tartarus. So "Hell" is an erroneous translation. What does Tartarus/pits of dense darkness mean? Simply a darkened or diminished spiritual state. They are not in Hell (grave) or a literal prison. The Greek word for "Hell" is "Hades," and it does not appear here in this verse.

Look at IPeter 3:18-20 again. Does it say that Jesus "preached the Gospel" to these spirits? No. As the margin note in The New Testament Recovery Version explains: "the spirits here refer not to disembodied spirits of dead humans but to the angels who fell through disobedience at Noah's time and are imprisoned in pits of gloom, awaiting the judgment of the great day. Christ went to these rebellious angels to proclaim, perhaps, God's victory, accomplished through Christ's death in the flesh, over Satan's scheme to derange the divine plan."

So the prison is NOT Hell/Hades (and would you post where you get the idea of what Paradise is?). And Jesus didn't preach the Gospel to the demons.


New member
Regarding post #279 by GodsTruth:

No. That's not true. "Hell" is translated from the Greek word "Hades," and "Hades" does not appear in those verses you posted. What appears there is "Gehenna," and that has an entirely different meaning than "Hades." Jesus spoke of Gehenna to give the people the idea of what would happen to wicked people. What does fire Do? It is an illustration of something vanishing into nothing. Why do you not set fire to your 20 dollar bill and watch it burn? Because eventually it will be GONE, right?

That is why Jesus used that illustration of ever-burning fire. Wicked people will be completely GONE.

So..."Hell/Hades" is not the word in those scriptures you posted. It is "Gehenna," and it SYMBOLIZES complete destruction, annihilation, obliteration.

Jesus' body was indeed in "Hades" which is THE GRAVE.

God's Truth

New member
Everything about the live Jesus died. The spirit that was the FORCE keeping him alive simply wasn't keeping him alive anymore so it in essence "went back" to God. But this "spirit" is not a conscious part of a person that leaves the body at death.

I believe the scriptures and not you.

God's Truth

New member
Did YOU give the scripture you are talking about? Does anybody know you are talking about IPeter 3:18-20?

When we actually examine IPeter 3:18-20, we might be able to clear up some mis-understandings. It says that Jesus, in the spirit, went to a "prison" where there were "spirits." Just who are these spirits? Dead people? No. They are indicated to be fallen angels that disobeyed in the days of Noah. See how verse 20 of IPeter 3 links these spirits with Noah's day. See also 2Peter 2:4,5; Genesis 6:2; and Jude 6. Since all of these verses identify the spirits as the angels that sinned in Noah's day, now look at 2Peter 2:4 where God did not spare the angels of Noah's day but "committed them to pits of darkness." The word for "pits of darkness" is not Hades, but Tartarus. So "Hell" is an erroneous translation. What does Tartarus/pits of dense darkness mean? Simply a darkened or diminished spiritual state. They are not in Hell (grave) or a literal prison. The Greek word for "Hell" is "Hades," and it does not appear here in this verse.

Look at IPeter 3:18-20 again. Does it say that Jesus "preached the Gospel" to these spirits? No. As the margin note in The New Testament Recovery Version explains: "the spirits here refer not to disembodied spirits of dead humans but to the angels who fell through disobedience at Noah's time and are imprisoned in pits of gloom, awaiting the judgment of the great day. Christ went to these rebellious angels to proclaim, perhaps, God's victory, accomplished through Christ's death in the flesh, over Satan's scheme to derange the divine plan."

So the prison is NOT Hell/Hades (and would you post where you get the idea of what Paradise is?). And Jesus didn't preach the Gospel to the demons.

You are adding to the scriptures. Prove the scriptures say they are angels. Prove the angles die.

God's Truth

New member
Regarding post #279 by GodsTruth:

No. That's not true. "Hell" is translated from the Greek word "Hades," and "Hades" does not appear in those verses you posted. What appears there is "Gehenna," and that has an entirely different meaning than "Hades." Jesus spoke of Gehenna to give the people the idea of what would happen to wicked people. What does fire Do? It is an illustration of something vanishing into nothing. Why do you not set fire to your 20 dollar bill and watch it burn? Because eventually it will be GONE, right?

That is why Jesus used that illustration of ever-burning fire. Wicked people will be completely GONE.

So..."Hell/Hades" is not the word in those scriptures you posted. It is "Gehenna," and it SYMBOLIZES complete destruction, annihilation, obliteration.

Jesus' body was indeed in "Hades" which is THE GRAVE.

Matthew 10:28 And fear not them who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, 'Raca,' is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.

Matthew 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.

And many more.

You have to acknowledge the scriptures that say 'Hell'.

Hell is Hades, Gehenna,and the Lake of Fire.

Hell is prison.

Hell is separation from God.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Everything about the live Jesus died. The spirit that was the FORCE keeping him alive simply wasn't keeping him alive anymore so it in essence "went back" to God. But this "spirit" is not a conscious part of a person that leaves the body at death.

You're a cultist remember?