the church


we believe


are all necessary for salvation
If a person professes faith in Christ and yet falls away or makes no progress in godliness, it does not mean that he has lost his salvation. It reveals that he was never truly converted. -Paul Washer


Well-known member
we have our verses and you have yours

Only wicked and corrupted minds are willing to play Mexican Standoff with the Word of God. It never fails to show the true level of respect and fear they have for it -- zero. It's only a collection of prooftexts used to justify their falsity and to enslave minds. They do not care that they make God out to be the author of confusion.
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Hall of Fame
Only wicked and corrupted minds are willing to play Mexican Standoff with the Word of God. It never fails to show the true level of respect and fear they have for it -- zero. It's only a collection of prooftexts used to justify their falsity and to enslave minds. They do not care that they make God out to be the author of confusion.

that is your interpretation of paul
-not ours


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If a person professes faith in Christ and yet falls away or makes no progress in godliness, it does not mean that he has lost his salvation. It reveals that he was never truly converted. -Paul Washer

who is paul washer?
-your beliefs are man made


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Hall of Fame
The verses are the same sadly you allow man made traditions to negate, ignore, take out of context,, and pervert scripture in your church.
based on your interpretation of paul
-it is not the churches interpretation of paul


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Christ died for my sins and rose again for my justification. I've gratefully accepted that gift and have been eternally made part of Him and am being grown into His image.

What yet do I lack but must have, which only the RCC can provide?

so why are mad people so mean?


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It takes an amount of boldness and certainty to approach God directly, which they lack despite their Pope.

our mass is all about Jesus and we mention mary the mother of Jesus only once when we ask her and all the saints to pray for us


who is paul washer?
-your beliefs are man made
Mine isn't cult. Catholicism is a pagan based man worshipping cult. Anyone who seriously studies history knows that the papal system in the antichrist system . For example the pope (a man) says you must confess your sins to a priest (a man) . The Bible teaches to confess your sins only to God for only God can forgive sin. Isaiah 43:25, Luke 5:24.
And Pope Gregory the Great (540-604) said " I confidently affirm that whoever calls himself universal bishop or desires to be so called is in his pride a fore runner of antichrist".

john w

New member
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based on your interpretation of paul
-it is not the churches interpretation of paul

Members of the boc are the church. Identify your "church"-it is comprised of whom? And from what source authority, gave you this interpretation?

You won't touch this.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
our mass is all about Jesus and we mention mary the mother of Jesus only once when we ask her and all the saints to pray for us

Your "mass" is all about re-sacrificing, in an "un-bloody" sacrifice(which is a contradiction in terms, as pertaining to propitiation, defined biblically), this impotent "Jesus" of your own minds, not the book, who you depict as a victim, still nailed to a cross.


Well-known member
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Your "mass" is all about re-sacrificing, in an "un-bloody" sacrifice(which is a contradiction in terms, as pertaining to propitiation, defined biblically), this impotent "Jesus" of your own minds, not the book, who you depict as a victim, still nailed to a cross.

Jesus said
-this do in remembrance of me