the church

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
we have a different interpretation of the bible
Who is this "we"?

Very convenient-you rarely give your interpretation, of what verses mean, such as the ones I provided, that even a 6 year can understand, what they mean. No, you defer to a bunch of clowns, in clown outfits, this alleged "church," to interpret verses for you, as they think of you as a bunch of idiots, Jethro's, that need to be spoon fed, and led into the ditch, in which they are ...


having a different interpretation of the bible is not being dishonest
My answer to a Catholic who preached purgatory to me.....
Your simply do not believe the Word of God or the promises of God, nor do you believe that what Christ did for you was good enough for you, you need more and are therefore saying Christ perfect sacrifice for our sins is simply not good enough, you need to be purged or burned or suffer in some way to pay what Christ's perfect sacrifice didn't cover.....this is a disgrace to the Name of Christ..


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
My answer to a Catholic who preached purgatory to me.....
Your simply do not believe the Word of God or the promises of God, nor do you believe that what Christ did for you was good enough for you, you need more and are therefore saying Christ perfect sacrifice for our sins is simply not good enough, you need to be purged or burned or suffer in some way to pay what Christ's perfect sacrifice didn't cover.....this is a disgrace to the Name of Christ..

we believe


are all necessary for salvation

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
having a different interpretation of the bible is not being dishonest
Give us your interpretation of the concept of "church," and your source authority, for said interpretation, and whether it is yours, or some bunch of clown, in clown outfits.