An armed militant who was part of the security team during the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation was in custody Thursday in Grant County on weapons charges after threatening to shoot federal law enforcement officers, according to Grant County District Attorney Jim Carpenter...
...A Grant County sheriff's deputy arrested Willingham at a motel after Willingham said that if he wasn't jailed Wednesday, he would "start shooting federal law enforcement officers" the next morning, Carpenter said.
Willingham had a semi-automatic rifle with 230 rounds of .308-caliber ammunition at the time of his arrest, Carpenter said.
In early February, Willingham said in an interview with The Oregonian/OregonLive that he arrived at the wildlife refuge 30 miles southeast of Burns a few days after the Jan. 2 takeover by armed protesters. He said he worked on security details and was being "groomed" for a leadership role in the occupation.
The American people stand up to the Fedcoats in Nevada
and tell them to leave their state and stop violating
their one is hurt or attacked. The lying
Fedcoats claim "massive armed assault on agents".
The Fedcoats plan and execute an ambush to prevent LaVoy
Finicum from reaching a different county, stated by their
own men in the ensuing investigation
they shoot and murder LaVoy, lie about who took shots and when, and claim legal
justification for their acts which are clearly Murder in the
1st Degree.
Ryan Bundy, one of the leaders of the occupation in Eastern Oregon, will represent himself in court proceedings and at trial.
Bundy signed away his right to counsel at a hearing Friday in U.S. District Court in Portland.
jose said:I'm an obsessive retard
A Montana man accused of disturbing a sacred Burns Paiute archeological site by using heavy equipment to dig a giant latrine for protesters became the 26th person charged publicly in the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
A judge on Monday unsealed the name of Jake Ryan that had been concealed in an indictment filed March 8 in U.S. District Court in Oregon...
...During the occupation, tribal leaders expressed repeated concerns that petroglyphs or historical items sacred to the tribe would be unearthed and destroyed. They asked federal authorities to prosecute any related crimes.
For those of you that have been keeping up with the plight of the Ryan family in Montana, they have decided to make a stand. Jake Ryan was at the Malheur Refuge and got to be pretty close to LaVoy. Best we can tell, he is guilty of nothing. No more than the Bundys or LaVoy. The charges against him are unclear but a federal warrant has definitely been issued for him. After much fasting and prayer, the family has said that they have decided "the arrests stop here".
Ryan’s parents have said that they don’t know where their son is. “We’ve got stuff going on here that is in progress,” his father, Dan Ryan, told the Guardian. “We’re still considering what options there are.” His mother, Roxsanna Ryan added, “At this point, we’re trying to work with local people.”
Lawyers for Ammon Bundy plan to argue that the federal government lacks jurisdiction to prosecute him for the takeover of a national wildlife refuge in Oregon.
In court papers filed Friday, attorney Lissa Casey says a forthcoming motion to dismiss the case will challenge the federal government’s authority to assert ownership over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
I love how much liberals really show their obsessive lean toward government on these sort of subjects.
Move to another country, please :wave:
No thank you ... I will continue to enjoy my country and the freedom it gives to all. Especially women.
However, you have my permission to relocate.
I love how much liberals really show their obsessive lean toward government on these sort of subjects.
Move to another country, please :wave:
You aren't going to enjoy freedom for long if you keep leaning on the government like an idiot.
Women enjoy 'privilege'. Your attempt to consistently conceal the fact with a false perception of 'liberation' doesn't do you any favors. You just show that it was never about 'equity', it was about manipulating men to make your life easier at their expense.
The government will do away with that as well, because men will not be in a position to continue supporting the feminist scandals.
I think you meant equality but even without that you make no sense. You go on rants against women and you can't put two sentences together
I think you meant equality but even without that you make no sense. You go on rants against women and you can't put two sentences together
Voters in rural Harney County, Oregon, overwhelmingly rejected the ideology of right-wing militia members who made the local wildlife refuge famous with their ill-fated occupation earlier this year. Candidates sympathetic to Ammon Bundy and his fellow "patriots" were overwhelmingly voted down in Tuesday's election