The Bundy ranch roundup continues!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
CLICK HERE to read the indictment (PDF). On page 13 it says Santilli "was a leader and organizer of the conspiracy who, among other things: recruited followers using the internet and other facilities in interstate commerce

again, just calling it a "conspiracy doesn't wash - they have to have committed something that meets one of those exceptions you linked to

jo said:
led an assault on federal officers

must have missed that one - when were federal officers assaulted?

jo said:
; threatened federal law enforcement officers


jo said:
; and participated in the extortion of federal law enforcement officers".



Our resident liberals being a foot stool for big government.

Must be a day that ends with a 'y'.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
nah - if you can't provide details, i'll accept that you're talking out yer....


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
ok, i got this far in the pdf file and call bullcrap:

The indictment resulted from a massive armed assault against federal law enforcement officers that occurred in and around....

again - what "massive armed assault"?

feel free to link to any news agency's coverage of this "massive armed assault against federal law enforcement officers"


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't remember an assault against law enforcement officers either. :idunno:

Are they saying that holding the building was an assault on law enforcement? :liberals:


Well-known member
The late rancher LaVoy Finicum sought to elude the state’s armed enforcers, but he wasn’t attempting to evade the law. His intent, as he explained clearly and repeatedly to OSP troopers before the lethal ambush at a roadblock on Oregon Highway 395, was to travel to John Day to meet with Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer, who could have taken him into custody, if just cause existed for that action.

Finicum, who nurtured a winsome if misguided faith in the Constitution, entertained the hope that Palmer might be a peace officer who was willing to act in the name of the people, rather than enforcing the will of the state.

If the objective of the FBI and the OSP on January 26 had been to arrange the peaceful arrest of Finicum and his associates, they would have reached out to Palmer. The destination of the convoy was known, as was its purpose – to convene a town hall meeting, not to commit a violent offense.

Rather than coordinating with Palmer, the FBI and the local lickspittles in uniform deliberately ignored him, and withheld any information about the plan to interdict the convoy. This is because Sheriff Palmer is seen as a “security leak” owing to his sympathies with the ranchers and other residents of his rural county who have been driven into destitution by the federal government.

Finicum's Wake

By William Norman Grigg

Pro Libertate Blog

March 10, 2016

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No, they're talking about the Bundy Ranch standoff. Remember THESE GUYS?

yes i do

but i don't remember "a massive armed assault against federal law enforcement officers"

can you link to any msm coverage of this supposed "massive armed assault against federal law enforcement officers"?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i did read it

right at the beginning they refer to something that, as far as i can tell, never happened

"a massive armed assault against federal law enforcement officers"

Jose Fly

New member
You said you stopped reading ("ok, i got this far in the pdf file"). The line you quoted is the first sentence! IOW, you stopped reading after the very first sentence.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You said you stopped reading ("ok, i got this far in the pdf file"). The line you quoted is the first sentence! IOW, you stopped reading after the very first sentence.

it only took me that long to realize it was bullcrap

there was no "massive armed assault against federal law enforcement officers"

unless you can link to some msm coverage of it :idunno: