ECT The Broken Record of MAD


TOL Subscriber
Lol, you sure are rack'n em up lately.

Technically, preaching the kingdom of God would be preaching the gospel (good news) of the kingdom of God.

The same, but different.

Unless Acts 28 is asserting that Paul was preaching bad news :chuckle:

You're too literal,'re too...literal.
Technically, the kingdom preached in M, M, L and J is the kingdom of heaven. Paul was not preaching the kingdom of heaven, but that is what jamie believes he was preaching. Go study. Both of you!


New member
Technically, the kingdom preached in M, M, L and J is the kingdom of heaven. Paul was not preaching the kingdom of heaven. Go study.


The terms are used interchangeably - quit being too literal.

Go study...properly :chuckle:


New member
"The kingdom of heaven is a subset of the kingdom of God"~STP

I could not have said it any better!

Lol - you and your exclamation points.

And so, the STP replaces the KJV :chuckle:

And geez, where are all the MADs - what; are you and STP their leader? MADs...take me to your leader :crackup:


TOL Subscriber
Lol - you and your exclamation points.

And so, the STP replaces the KJV :chuckle:

And geez, where are all the MADs - what; are you and STP their leader? MADs...take me to your leader :crackup:
I can see that the kingdom of heaven offered in M, M, L and John is in the kingdom of God. I can also see that the church, the Body of Christ is in the kingdom of God, but not in the kingdom of heaven as the kingdom of heaven has a different gospel, doctrine, duty and inheritance.

Brother SaulToPaul's quote is concise compared to me having to say all of that so I borrowed it and gave him credit for it. I did not replace the KJB with it. Get over yourself.


Well-known member
which are these though?,,,there are one of the first ress.,and the second death has no power over them. then afterwards there is another in the second ress. judged differently,from that written in the books? how is it that they are different and the same?...Then again it's another’s letter and the BOC are not present and of either of these two group groups?


New member
I can see that the kingdom of heaven offered in M, M, L and John is in the kingdom of God. I can also see that the church, the Body of Christ is in the kingdom of God, but not in the kingdom of heaven as the kingdom of heaven has a different gospel, doctrine, duty and inheritance.

Brother SaulToPaul's quote is concise compared to me having to say all of that so I borrowed it and gave him credit for it. I did not replace the KJB with it. Get over yourself.

There you go - reading into a thing.

I did not say I disagreed with his take on the KOH being a subset within the KOG.

When I disagree, I say so. You know that.

It's what rattles you so. You are used to being told you are o so right all the time :crackup:

That same, but different, that I mentioned...went right past you.

Go back and reread my post to jamie in agreement with yours to her.

Reread it...slowly :chuckle:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I can see that the kingdom of heaven offered in M, M, L and John is in the kingdom of God. I can also see that the church, the Body of Christ is in the kingdom of God, but not in the kingdom of heaven as the kingdom of heaven has a different gospel, doctrine, duty and inheritance.

Brother SaulToPaul's quote is concise compared to me having to say all of that so I borrowed it and gave him credit for it. I did not replace the KJB with it. Get over yourself.

At times like this it's best to face reality. Danoh is a "Know Nothing", I mean "Know-it-All." One of those anyway. There's a verse of Scripture I believe speaks to Danoh. Romans 12:3 "For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith."

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
The kingdom of heaven is not at hand. Matthew 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Just to add to what you just said, Sister Heir. What Jamie and others don't understand is, The Book of Matthew is pertaining to the lost sheep of the House of Israel only, and not to the Gentiles/The Body of Christ/ The Church. And, it is speaking about a time in the future (Kingdom Message) when Christ will return to earth and reign over His people Israel on the throne of David.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Everyone who is a "True Believer" has been looking for the return of Christ beginning 2000 years ago until now in 2016 and beyond. As the Bible states, in 2 Peter 3:8 "Dear friends, don't let this one thing escape you: With the Lord, one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day." God's going by His own timetable, not ours.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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As I've mentioned before, Mid-Acts Dispensationalism is a GREAT "Tool" to help Grace Gospel Believers to "Rightly Divide" the word of God. Sans "MAD" we can readily become confused and see contradictions where there are none. That's why it's an invaluable "Tool" to use, in order to fully understand and apply Spiritual truth to ourselves and others.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I, myself as a teenager became confused by the book of James. It appeared to contradict what I had been taught and what Paul had been teaching. Years later, I learned about the Doctrine of MAD, and it cleared up my misunderstanding of what James was saying and who he was saying it to.


Well-known member
"At hand",,,has it been at hand just since a certain time and did not exist before then? Gods kingdom,and thy kingdom come ect. are in conflict,that is "on earth as it is in heaven",,,is an comparison of something that already existed arbitrary to the reality before our own faces,"at hand" ,has always been present with God the question is,is it present among man.


The Dark Knight
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Paul didn't preach "the gospel of the kingdom" either, but every time jamie sees the phrase "kingdom of God" that is what he/she sees in his/her mind's eye.
I've noticed.

We actually are in violent agreement, brother. I say that looking above for a meteor falling out of the sky to strike me. ;)

God ordains meteorites to strike the elect for agreeing with (purported) Arminians?!? So much for TULIP! :rotfl:

The gospel of the kingdom is that it is at hand.

Do you not believe that?
How long has it been at hand?


New member
You're wrong on this one Danoh. Get over your obsession with proving heir wrong.

No obssession, bro.

No more than when she points out some thing or other to me that she believes I am off on.

Personally, I don't mind having such things pointed out to me.

None of us should.

And we MADs might all do well to both practice that towards, and welcome same, of one another.

Those who take such things personal are merely showing their gospel of grace could stand to allow said grace to dictate what it is they are taking personal.

I and other MADs I know have gone hours over a time in such iron sharpeneth iron, without taking any personal offense whatsoever.

And I continue to find that sometimes I find I was off on one or another understanding; sometimes someone else was; sometimes I or they or both of us end up at an even finer distinction, and so on.

Other times, such times have been only a one time discussion with some, as they were obviously not only too much about their view alone, but a bit overly sensitive about having anyone pointing anything out to them and or voicing a different understanding.

And these are ever the types one always finds one's having to explain one's actions and or intent to...

Don't tell them that, though - they'll take that wrong as well :chuckle:

Goes to show that of the various camps within MAD, they all end up basically boiling down to two camps - MAD and Grace Based MAD.

In short, as....

"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend" Proverbs 27:17.