ECT The Bride of Christ

Totton Linnet

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PhilipJames @ post35

Lookee again.

Jerome had exactly the same problem with the sheep and goats. "Then the King shall come in His glory and all His holy angels..." so says Jerome. Now the greek word is sacredos in the Hebrew it means holy ones. This can either mean saints or angels. Paul teaches that it is the church who come with Christ to judge, we are to participate in the judgement.

But once again Jerome with his dualistic mind has already identified the church as the righteous sheep. Therefore he translate sacredos as holy angels. As with the parable of the virgins it still works on a level but it throws the entire passage into disjoint.

If you picture the scene. Here is the King with His angels [according to Jerome] He is addressing the sheep on His right hand and the goats on His left. And the sheep have an inheritance, they are rewarded for their ministry to one of these the least of "these My brethren"

Who can He be pointing to when He says "these My brethren"? the sheep?

It doesn't make sense. If the sacredos are the church who ARE His brethren then it makes sense.

Watch what Jesus says to these sheep. "Come ye blessed of MY Father..." it is not YOUR Father, or THE Father. "Come you ministered unto Me"
The sheep answer "when did we minister unto Thee?" they have no recognition of the indwelling Christ.

Then also the Lord says "inasmuch as ye did it to these MY brethren...." it is not "these YOUR brethren" or even "The brethren."

But this judgement takes place long after the rapture "so shall we ever be with the Lord" the church cannot be featured here as subjects of judgement, we have passed over the judgement.

Believing in the Millennial kingdome must change your view from the dualistic mindset to the threefold and more biblical mindset. But even if you do not believe in the Mill yet God is to create a new heavens and a new earth.

Who then is to inherit the earth? Our Portion is the heavenly one. Yes I believe the Jews [as per the MADianites] but also the meek of the earth.

Never again can we blast all and everyone who disagrees with us to hellandgone....even though the wicked will be turned into hell.


Well-known member
For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy: for I espoused you to one husband, that I might present you as a pure virgin to Christ. Speaking to a part of the Church, the local church found in the city of Corinth, Paul declares that by means of evangelism, they were espoused ... to one husband for the purpose of eventually being presented as a pure virgin to Christ. The means by which this will be accomplished is, of course, by the process of sanctification. Unlike Israel, who was guilty of adultery, when the union comes between the Messiah and the Church, the Church will be presented as a pure virgin.

Hi , so Evangelism GETS ONE Married ?

God marrys a Nation !!

So are all members of the Body of Christ get a married Ceremony ??

What does the Greek Espoused means ?:bang::bang:

Remember that is the Body of Christ there cannot be MALE nor FEMALES , Gal 3:28 and this means we are no BRIDE !!

Check VINE'S !!



Well-known member
I appreciate that, truly I do.

you mean these? Their end is destruction. Their God is their stomach; their glory is in their "shame." Their minds are occupied with earthly things.

I would have to say no... but they might think they are...


It is not a question of being tough. by all means be tough and firm in your convictions!

But I find (and it may not be your intent) that your posts tend to be mocking of those who don't hold the same beliefs as you.
If you believe you follow the Truth and they are in error, leading them to that Truth can be a delicate matter. ( a bruised reed I will not break)

I am just suggesting that you choose your words (and emoticons :) ) more carefully.


Hi and thanks for your concern as as to spiritual condition !

They problem with Pentecostals is SIN , then the next day you are lost , then Repent , Then you are saved again and accuse Dispensationalist with a License to Sin , and there are many examples of those that sin .

Check out 1 Cor 5:1 and then in 1 Cor 5:5 Paul pronounces Judgment .

Pentecostalism has a MONKEY on their backs and do not realize that ALL SIN has been Forgiven , in Col 2:13 and Titus 2:14 and Eph 1:7 and Col 1:14 and there are many more and you have NONE !!

The Kitchen does get HOT , does it not !!



Hi , so Evangelism GETS ONE Married ?

God marrys a Nation !!

So are all members of the Body of Christ get a married Ceremony ??

What does the Greek Espoused means ?:bang::bang:

Remember that is the Body of Christ there cannot be MALE nor FEMALES , Gal 3:28 and this means we are no BRIDE !!

Check VINE'S !!


Did you get a transgender operation Dan? Or are you still a man?

The context is the means of salvation not to teach your preconceived philosophical intellectual ignorance.

Men are men, women are women, to come to Christ is not relevant but for you to teach that you are no longer a man is pure ignorant eisegeses.


Why would you check Vine's Dan?
To prove preconceived philosophy thru irrelevant context?
What is the context? Is it saying no men, women, slave, free, Jew or geek?
It is contrasting salvation by grace in contradistinction from the Judaisers who said we must be circumcised aka Jews to follow Christ.
I'm so disappointed in you here. Hello


Well-known member

Christ inaugurated only one covenant for all mankind regardless of their flesh, Jew or gentile, male or female.

There is one covenant, one Throne, one King, one people.


Hi , and give a verse where this one Covenant is written !!

What is in this Covenant ??:deadhorse::deadhorse:

dan p


New member
PhilipJames @ post35

Lookee again.

Jerome had exactly the same problem with the sheep and goats. "Then the King shall come in His glory and all His holy angels..." so says Jerome. Now the greek word is sacredos in the Hebrew it means holy ones. This can either mean saints or angels. Paul teaches that it is the church who come with Christ to judge, we are to participate in the judgement.

I agree with you here. But now we are getting into judgement...something entirely different than the wedding feast , in my opinion. (although those who came to the feast unworthily ARE thrown out to stand before that judgement...) Do you see a connection between the feast and judgement?

Who can He be pointing to when He says "these My brethren"? the sheep?

As Christ died for all, he could be pointing to everyone when HE says 'these my brethren' but I would tend to agree with you that HE is pointing to members of HIS body.

Watch what Jesus says to these sheep. "Come ye blessed of MY Father..." it is not YOUR Father, or THE Father. "Come you ministered unto Me"
The sheep answer "when did we minister unto Thee?" they have no recognition of the indwelling Christ.

Agreed. The sheep in this passage are those who live righteously but have no intimate knowledge of Jesus. (Rom 2:14-16)

But note that amongst the goats, (see Matthew 7:23) will be some who 'thought' they were members of the Body of Christ...but Jesus will say HE never knew them.

I believe this DOES refer to the wedding feast. I think Jesus is saying 'knew' very much in the biblical sense... these are those that knowingly refuse to be united with Jesus in the Eucharist.

But this judgement takes place long after the rapture "so shall we ever be with the Lord" the church cannot be featured here as subjects of judgement, we have passed over the judgement.

The timing of the rapture, again, is something completely different than what we were discussing... but in my opinion, that timing comes immediately before Christ's second coming... the dead in Christ rise first, then, we who remain will be joined with them. I Believe the 'judgement' immediately follows Christ's return...

Who then is to inherit the earth? Our Portion is the heavenly one. Yes I believe the Jews [as per the MADianites] but also the meek of the earth.

Honestly, I haven't really though much about the 'new heavens and new earth'... I'm more concerned with serving my Lord, here and now... but I know that when we are glorified, we shall be like HIM, and see HIM as HE is... knowing HIM fully, even as we are known...

Never again can we blast all and everyone who disagrees with us to hellandgone....even though the wicked will be turned into hell.

Absolutely agreed! 'how you judge, so shall you be judged' is a verse that should make ALL of us, merciful to everyone! wishing that GOD will save ALL (but we also know that some will knowingly and willfully reject that mercy)



Well-known member
Did you get a transgender operation Dan? Or are you still a man?

The context is the means of salvation not to teach your preconceived philosophical intellectual ignorance.

Men are men, women are women, to come to Christ is not relevant but for you to teach that you are no longer a man is pure ignorant eisegeses.

Hi and you are the SILENT ONE that says the Gal 3:28 is Transgender !!

If I had not told you that there 4 verb tenses in Gal 3:28 you would NEVER know , How INFANT is that , Mr BRAZEN !!

Gal 3:28 says that there are NO MALES nor FEMALES in heaven , so pencil that verse out of your bible !!:bang::rotfl::rotfl:

Do not worry , for God has mercy on the RECALCITRANT and the POOR in Spirit !!

The reason I did not answer YOU before is that I do not waste CANNON BALLS l on the Troubled !!

dan p


Here's a tip, read Acts chapter 15 before studying Galations. And use a bible that is written in paragraph form. This way you won't quote out of context and promote error.


Well-known member
Here's a tip, read Acts chapter 15 before studying Galations. And use a bible that is written in paragraph form. This way you won't quote out of context and promote error.

Hi and I study the whole bible , not just the Gospels , for IF you read OUTSIDE of the Gospels , the CONTEXT de-rails your so-called theology !!

Since you have me read Acts 15 , tell me what Acts 15:11 means , BLOVIATOR !!

IF you Can interpret Gal 3:28 and what the 4 Present Tense mean in Galatians you will never INTERPRET Acts 15:11 !!

So , do not BROOZLE to much , so Avoid this post and tell what " Jesus wept " means !!:deadhorse::deadhorse:

dan p


Well-known member

Hi , so it is a play of Symbolism OVER Substance on your part ?

So , you can not answer Acts 15:11 ??:deadhorse::deadhorse:

Ask and I will help you , and bring you more Intojoy !!

God has a lot of Mercy for you !!

You are a good example Law Keepers , because the Gospels are still old Covenant , called the OT !!

dan p
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Well-known member
Law keepers. Lol

Hi , and it is Obvious , why you will not answer Acts 15:11 it shows 2 Programs , Law and Grace !!

It shows 2 Gospels !

It shows that AFTER Acts 15 , Peter dis-apprears from the scene !

It means that Israel will soon be set aside , Acts 13:46 , Acts 18:6 and Acts 28:28 !!

Staying in the Gospels has CRIPPLED your Pentecostalism and makes it very easy to Rebutt !!

dan p


New member
To any and all who are contemplating 'the bride of Christ'...

It is not too late to be united with the bride and her Groom!

The Spirit and the bride say, "Come." Let the hearer say, "Come." Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of life-giving water.

To any and all who are contemplating 'the bride of Christ'...

It is not too late to be united with the bride and her Groom!

The Spirit and the bride say, "Come." Let the hearer say, "Come." Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of life-giving water.


Matthew 25

1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.



Well-known member
To any and all who are contemplating 'the bride of Christ'...

It is not too late to be united with the bride and her Groom!

The Spirit and the bride say, "Come." Let the hearer say, "Come." Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of life-giving water.


Hi and just where is the Body of Christ mentioned in Rev 22:17 ?

The whole book of Revelation is the PURGING of Israel and the Body of Christ does not " endure to the End " as those in the Great Tribulation do !!

dan p


New member
Hello Dan,

Hi and just where is the Body of Christ mentioned in Rev 22:17 ?

bolded for you here:

The Spirit and the bride say, "Come." Let the hearer say, "Come." Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of life-giving water.
