PhilipJames @ post35
Lookee again.
Jerome had exactly the same problem with the sheep and goats. "Then the King shall come in His glory and all His holy angels..." so says Jerome. Now the greek word is sacredos in the Hebrew it means holy ones. This can either mean saints or angels. Paul teaches that it is the church who come with Christ to judge, we are to participate in the judgement.
But once again Jerome with his dualistic mind has already identified the church as the righteous sheep. Therefore he translate sacredos as holy angels. As with the parable of the virgins it still works on a level but it throws the entire passage into disjoint.
If you picture the scene. Here is the King with His angels [according to Jerome] He is addressing the sheep on His right hand and the goats on His left. And the sheep have an inheritance, they are rewarded for their ministry to one of these the least of "these My brethren"
Who can He be pointing to when He says "these My brethren"? the sheep?
It doesn't make sense. If the sacredos are the church who ARE His brethren then it makes sense.
Watch what Jesus says to these sheep. "Come ye blessed of MY Father..." it is not YOUR Father, or THE Father. "Come you ministered unto Me"
The sheep answer "when did we minister unto Thee?" they have no recognition of the indwelling Christ.
Then also the Lord says "inasmuch as ye did it to these MY brethren...." it is not "these YOUR brethren" or even "The brethren."
But this judgement takes place long after the rapture "so shall we ever be with the Lord" the church cannot be featured here as subjects of judgement, we have passed over the judgement.
Believing in the Millennial kingdome must change your view from the dualistic mindset to the threefold and more biblical mindset. But even if you do not believe in the Mill yet God is to create a new heavens and a new earth.
Who then is to inherit the earth? Our Portion is the heavenly one. Yes I believe the Jews [as per the MADianites] but also the meek of the earth.
Never again can we blast all and everyone who disagrees with us to hellandgone....even though the wicked will be turned into hell.
Lookee again.
Jerome had exactly the same problem with the sheep and goats. "Then the King shall come in His glory and all His holy angels..." so says Jerome. Now the greek word is sacredos in the Hebrew it means holy ones. This can either mean saints or angels. Paul teaches that it is the church who come with Christ to judge, we are to participate in the judgement.
But once again Jerome with his dualistic mind has already identified the church as the righteous sheep. Therefore he translate sacredos as holy angels. As with the parable of the virgins it still works on a level but it throws the entire passage into disjoint.
If you picture the scene. Here is the King with His angels [according to Jerome] He is addressing the sheep on His right hand and the goats on His left. And the sheep have an inheritance, they are rewarded for their ministry to one of these the least of "these My brethren"
Who can He be pointing to when He says "these My brethren"? the sheep?
It doesn't make sense. If the sacredos are the church who ARE His brethren then it makes sense.
Watch what Jesus says to these sheep. "Come ye blessed of MY Father..." it is not YOUR Father, or THE Father. "Come you ministered unto Me"
The sheep answer "when did we minister unto Thee?" they have no recognition of the indwelling Christ.
Then also the Lord says "inasmuch as ye did it to these MY brethren...." it is not "these YOUR brethren" or even "The brethren."
But this judgement takes place long after the rapture "so shall we ever be with the Lord" the church cannot be featured here as subjects of judgement, we have passed over the judgement.
Believing in the Millennial kingdome must change your view from the dualistic mindset to the threefold and more biblical mindset. But even if you do not believe in the Mill yet God is to create a new heavens and a new earth.
Who then is to inherit the earth? Our Portion is the heavenly one. Yes I believe the Jews [as per the MADianites] but also the meek of the earth.
Never again can we blast all and everyone who disagrees with us to hellandgone....even though the wicked will be turned into hell.