Hello Totton,
This won't do.
I think you are too much a bible scholar to allow such sloppy exegesis stand.
I wouldn't consider myself a biblical 'scholar.. certainly not in any academic sense of the word. I have, however, heard scripture proclaimed since I was a babe, and have read it since I was quite young.. I would say that it has been 'written on my heart', but I couldn't quote it chapter and verse to you. When in a discussion something brings to my mind something in scripture, I often have to go searching for it to find the appropriate citation to share with others...
What are you advocating two weddings? one for the "brethren who have gone before" and one for those who will join them?
I think you misunderstood me. Probably my fault for not being clear enough....
There has been only one wedding. Jesus united Himself with HIS bride at the inception of the New Covenant.
The feast that celebrates that covenant is the 'wedding feast'. And that feast will be celebrated forever in heaven... this is the 'eternal feast' to which I was referring.
The feast of the New Covenant that we celebrate here, in this world,
anticipates that heavenly feast.
Do you know the story of Tobiah? It is a foreshadowing of Christ and HIS Church.
Tobiah leaves his father Tobit's house, and goes to a kinsman's house where he marries Sarah. On the night of their wedding he frees her from the demon that jealously guards her. The next day the wedding feast begins there in Tobiah's father-in laws house. Then they head back to Tobit's house, and Tobiah goes on ahead to prepare a place for his bride. When the bride arrives, the feast continues in his father's house.
but at the second resurrection the dead in Christ rise first then we who remain are caught up together with them. The church is together, the bride of Christ, we come with Him.
Agreed. But I'm not sure how you are using that in relation to the wedding feast. Please explain.
Do you think the oil in the lamp is a good analogy for the Holy Ghost? now we know that parables are set forth to teach one particular message, in this case being prepared, we must not over strain the meaning of the symbols used. But surely the Lord does not use poor or downright wrong analogy.
For if the oil were the Holy Ghost we see that even the unwise had some oil but it ran out...is that an analogy for the Holy Spirit? and they are advised to go to the dealers and buy.
Interesting. I had never thought of the oil as the Spirit.... As you said, 'they all slept'... to me it has always referred to those who no longer are eagerly anticipating the imminent return of the Lord... Some however continue to practice their faith (love God and one another) and some turn back to the world pursing things of this world.
It points [in my opinion] to a much wider mercy than is commonly supposed by the evangelical church. It is my humble opinion that the whole doctrine of the final judgement is in sore need of a complete overhaul and rethink. Things have been skated over for too long.
I also think that GOD's mercy is much wider than many suppose. In my opinion ( and I stress this is my personal opinion.. Jesus Himself will of course judge as HE wills) Christ's death for the world has changed the default position, for the world, from that of being dead and having to choose life to that of living and having to choose death.
I believe HE will judge not based on our knowledge, but on our hearts, those who in their hearts seek life and righteousness will not be damned for ignorance.
However, those of us to whom knowledge of the Truth has been given will be called to a higher account. (to him that has been given much, much will be expected)
If you believe as I do that the church is saved by grace through faith alone then many of the parables [such as the talents] make no sense whatever. Even the judgement clearly shown in Matt. 25 we see the righteous sheep receive an inheritance as reward for works.
I do believe we are saved by Grace through faith. But not through faith alone.. (as I believe Matt 25 shows as well as many other places)
I believe that we are saved by Grace, through faith that loves!
Without love for GOD and for one another, our 'faith' is worthless... we have no oil in our lamps, sharing no light with those around us.