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Grosnick Marowbe

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For those who don't think there's ANY connection between the Democratic Party and Antifa and BLM. You have to ask yourself one important question; "Who GAINS from the violence, protests, frantic speeches and name calling?" The ONLY rational answer can be, The Democratic Party. Why? Because they were the ones who had a horrendous and shocked reaction to the failed election. On the day of Trump's Inaugural Speech, thousands of people protested in the streets and this began a "Snowball Effect" of protests which eventually became riots, violence, hateful speeches, and disgusting name calling and filthy language being bandied about, everywhere.

Eventually, Antifa Thugs began to label, Conservative Trump voters/supporters; "Nazis/Fascists. The hate continues to this very hour. You have to ask yourself; "Is Antifa/BLM organizations helping the Left-wing Democrats or the Conservative Republicans? There's only one answer to that. On Saturday, August 12, 2017, a protest occurred in Charlottesville Virginia. A White Nationalist group was there to protest the planned removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee. The Newscasters announced that there were White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis present and at some point Antifa Thugs show up and all out pandemonium breaks out and one Protestor gets killed by an insane murderer who ran his car into a group of Protestors.

President Trump eventually blames both sides for the mayhem. After all, there were White Nationalists, the KKK, and Antifa involved in the melee. It takes TWO sides to have a battle take place. Antifa played a huge part in what eventually took place that day. The Police and their Superiors also have to take responsibility. The Police left the area because they stated to a Cable Reporter; "It's too dangerous." Had these two groups of antagonists been separated by the Police, it's doubtful the outcome would have been the same.

The "Fake News" have taken advantage of this violent riot and basically placed it on the KKK/White Nationalists, and the Neo-Nazis. They seem to "Play down" the part that Antifa played in this situation. Why would they do that? The answer is simple; Antifa is at war with Trump and his Conservative followers. Trump has, on a number of times, spoken about his "Disgust" of the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and White Supremacists. The TRUE KKK only represents a small number of members and are not as effective as they were many years ago. The far-left-wing liberals/Democrats, Antifa/BLM, Democratic Political hacks, Hollywood Celebrities, and the Media (Fake News) have been successful in "Blurring the Line" between the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and White Supremacists, with the Conservative Trump voters/supporters.

Considering that Antifa is constantly calling those who voted for Trump; Nazis/Fascists, have any of you actually seen or talked to someone who admitted to being a Nazi sympathizer, was wearing a Swastika, or confessed to being an admirer of Hitler? I have NEVER, in my 66 years of life met or even seen a real Nazi in their Natural Habitat. Simply said; Antifa hates Conservative Trump supporters, so they label them one of the worst names to call someone and that is a "NAZI."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
A Conservative Gathering was scheduled to take place in San Francisco, however, it was canceled due to it not being safe. So, a "Counter-protest" took place instead. The far-left-wing protestors took the opportunity to make lurid speeches about the "NAZIS" and how they were coming to San Francisco in order to kill their children, and other family members. The Link is below.

Grosnick Marowbe

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I'd like to get some opinions about the following. I'm of the notion, even though I believe in Free-Speech 100%, that it would be in everyone's best interest if the Conservative voices didn't show up at these "Open Space" protests. That way, the Antifa Thugs would only have the Police to contend with. The Police would then be forced into doing their Jobs and their Superiors wouldn't have an opportunity to have their officers, "Stand Down." I mean, how could the Police just stand around and watch the Antifa guys and gals, break store windows, start fires, block streets and freeways, and commit heinous crimes? If there's nobody for these depraved animals to taunt, what will they do instead?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are some "Conspiracy Theory Videos" up on YouTube relating to the Virginia Protest that left three people dead on August 12th of this month. They seem to infer that it was all a huge HOAX and arranged by CIA operatives. I don't necessarily buy into such theories, however, if there's any validity to it, there's not much anybody can do about it. If the so-called "Shadow Government" actually exists, well, that would be extremely disconcerting, to say the least. In the end analysis, God is in control of everything and NOTHING can interfere with His Will. If you should come across such "Theories" just remember, God is in control and nothing can happen unless He allows it and if He allows it, it's according to His purpose.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Actually, and Libertarian turned republican for a day patrick jane will confirm this: Donald Trump's sole purpose as running as a republican was to destroy the once conservative based Republican Party. You should be grateful that LGBTQ flag waver Donald Trump accomplished his goal Sandy.

Hmm, when was the republican's conservative?

Up until this last election republicans put on pretty good show pretending that they're conservative, and then came their acceptance of Donald Trump...


Wrong. He is an enemy of human rights, especially when it comes to children, the elderly, minorities, women ... and gays. He is his own basket of deplorable ...

I, for one, am immune to his kool-aid ...

I see that you're unappreciative of what republican for a day Donald Trump has done to the once conservative Republican Party. Had a conservative lied his way onto the Democratic Party ticket for President by saying that he was pro choice and pro LGBTQ rights and after being elected did just the opposite, democrats would have his head. It appears that republicrats are tolerant of evil (as long as the person promoting it is in their Party).

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Wrong. He is an enemy of human rights, especially when it comes to children, the elderly, minorities, women ... and gays. He is his own basket of deplorable ...

I, for one, am immune to his kool-aid ...
Stay thirsty, my friend. :thumb:


Hall of Fame
I see that you're unappreciative of what republican for a day Donald Trump has done to the once conservative Republican Party. .

WRONG. The Republican party *deserves* to lose and lose big for allowing this creature to stay in power. I wouldn't have supported Trump had he run as a democrat ... just as I wouldn't have supported Adolph Hitler or Putin if they had run as democrats.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I see that you're unappreciative of what republican for a day Donald Trump has done to the once conservative Republican Party. .

WRONG. The Republican party *deserves* to lose and lose big for allowing this creature to stay in power. I wouldn't have supported Trump had he run as a democrat ... just as I wouldn't have supported Adolph Hitler or Putin if they had run as democrats.

Yes, the Republican Party needs to be scrapped and a new Conservative Party needs to replace it, but that doesn't mean that you can't admire Donald Trump for destroying it (ask Libertarian turned republican for a day patrick jane, he does).


Hall of Fame
Yes, the Republican Party needs to be scrapped and a new Conservative Party needs to replace it, but that doesn't mean that you can't admire Donald Trump for destroying it (ask Libertarian turned republican for a day patrick jane, he does).

Sure it does. The Republican party was far better PRIOR to Trump destroying it. I WOULD admire it *if* they behaved like patriots and put country ABOVE party. That, of course, would mean ridding the country of the nutcase that Putin elected.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Yes, the Republican Party needs to be scrapped and a new Conservative Party needs to replace it, but that doesn't mean that you can't admire Donald Trump for destroying it (ask Libertarian turned republican for a day patrick jane, he does).

Sure it does. The Republican party was far better PRIOR to Trump destroying it. I WOULD admire it *if* they behaved like patriots and put country ABOVE party. That, of course, would mean ridding the country of the nutcase that Putin elected.

The Republican Party has been moderate to liberal for decades now, even though it's had very conservative/traditional values party platforms. Too bad that they don't demand that the men and women whom they elect stick to that platform.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I see that SOME posters here are in a real tizzy about our President. Antifa equates Trump voters/supporters with Nazis, white supremacists, and the KKK. I wonder if those same Posters have bought into that line of illogical thinking? Do you believe that Trump voters/supporters are Nazis, white supremacists, and members of the KKK? It's a serious question, after all, if Trump is so evil are those who voted/support him, EVIL, by association?
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