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BLM in an uproar over sign posted at a KFC restaurant.

Here's the sign they are sooooooooooooo upset over.


Full story:

Lol - back when I was a kid, I set up a shiskabob stand at some park event.

Some guy decides to rat me out because people were spending their money on the kabobs rather than on his over priced t-shirts.

Every so often, a cop or two would wander over, to say they had to say something because "the guy's complaining" - and "thanks for the free pop and kabobs" I'd been feeding them with, all day, lol.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Lol - back when I was a kid, I set up a shiskabob stand at some park event.

Some guy decides to rat me out because people were spending their money on the kabobs rather than on his over priced t-shirts.

Every so often, a cop or two would wander over, to say they had to say something because "the guy's complaining" - and "thanks for the free pop and kabobs" I'd been feeding them with, all day, lol.


Well-known member
ANYONE who studies the history of ideas should notice how much more often people on the political left, more so than others, denigrate and demonize those who disagree with them - instead of answering their arguments-Thomas Sowell

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
ANYONE who studies the history of ideas should notice how much more often people on the political left, more so than others, denigrate and demonize those who disagree with them - instead of answering their arguments-Thomas Sowell

"How much for that one?" Thomas Jefferson.

Or, opinions are like people, absent substance they don't amount to much. Sowell has his expertise. That wasn't a part of it.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I hear tell Antifa and BLM are at odds with one another. That's interesting, considering they're basically one of the same. They're both "Rabble rousers" and both include Black and White members.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
An old friend of mine has believed for years that there's some kind of "Shadow Government" behind the scenes that actually control what's going on in our Government, etc. Although it has, no doubt, been dismissed as a "Conspiracy Theory," I wouldn't totally discount it. After all, isn't it possible that Obama, the Clinton's, Soros and his ilk, etc, could quite possibly be involved in some nefarious Cabal?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Our country has been under a "Dark Cloud" that could quite possibly be connected or understood to be some form of witchcraft or demonic interference. The witchcraft idea was suggested to me by one of my dearest Friends. I have no doubt there are demonic forces influencing the anarchy, violence, and obstruction. Although, the Bible states that the heart of man is desperately wicked, (Jeremiah 17:9) so, we can't make the mistake of blaming all that's going on, as the work of Satan and his fallen angels.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
In 1 Samuel 15:23 it states: "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king. As we see from this verse of Scripture there's a close relationship between "Rebellion and Witchcraft." The first "Rebel" was Satan himself. He and his fellow fallen angels rebelled against God in Heaven and were cast out. No doubt these "entities" are using the same M.O. of rebellion, by influencing Antifa, BLM, and other violent individuals and organizations to indulge in such anti-social behavior.


New member
Our country has been under a "Dark Cloud" that could quite possibly be connected or understood to be some form of witchcraft or demonic interference. The witchcraft idea was suggested to me by one of my dearest Friends. I have no doubt there are demonic forces influencing the anarchy, violence, and obstruction. Although, the Bible states that the heart of man is desperately wicked, (Jeremiah 17:9) so, we can't make the mistake of blaming all that's going on, as the work of Satan and his fallen angels.

Can't blame it on Satan and his little minions - it is definitely the idiot man-boy Trump's fault.


Well-known member
Typical of some people to lie about the opinion held by another, even though the opinion is written in black and white.

Those people usually are too lazy to read a continuing dialog.

I would suggest washing the mouth out with Kool-Aid, after removing the foot.

Too lazy because they actually think for themselves, and form their opinions based on what was said? :chuckle:


Well-known member
If we're faced with an all out Civil War and the far-left-wing Antifa/BLM and the other LIBS think they're so tough and used to battering others who don't agree with them, how many of those "Characters" are ready to do real battle on America's streets, and with real weapons? I would ask the same to the LIBS on this thread. Are you TRULY ready to take it to the next level, which, God Willing won't take place? Has everyone given this any serious thought? It happened once, it could happen again.

Normal people don't engage in this anarchy we're seeing around us. We will defend our homes when need be, but the rest of them are all of the same stripe. We have the itty bitty Klan, and we have the so called "white supremacists", who are Obama supporters in disguise (Kessler) sent in to make the Klan look bigger. Then you have the antifa disguised as white supremacist haters. Then you have some liberal loons who follow antifa around like lemmings and support them on social media because they fall for any disguise that comes along.

"I stand against hate", they say in self-righteous indignation. All while they align themselves with the hate filled mob bent on tearing this country apart. IDIOTS taking control of America. :down:


Well-known member
If both factions were to aggressively attack one another, it may take their attention off of the American citizenry? It might make for a financially rewarding "Pay-Per-View."

Nah, mob courage is not courage enough to actually take each other out. What will happen is they'll create another "event", and they'll get the swamp to confiscate our guns, and then they can go about their business of destroying America like they planned.....globalization at it's finest.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Normal people don't engage in this anarchy we're seeing around us. We will defend our homes when need be, but the rest of them are all of the same stripe. We have the itty bitty Klan, and we have the so called "white supremacists", who are Obama supporters in disguise (Kessler) sent in to make the Klan look bigger. Then you have the antifa disguised as white supremacist haters. Then you have some liberal loons who follow antifa around like lemmings and support them on social media because they fall for any disguise that comes along.

"I stand against hate", they say in self-righteous indignation. All while they align themselves with the hate filled mob bent on tearing this country apart. IDIOTS taking control of America. :down:

"So called white supremacists"? You're not another dippy conspiracy nut like musty are you?

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