Hopefully, Mueller at least has a modicum of integrity, if not, he and his fellow investigators (All Dems as I've heard) might just make up something if they can't really find anything. We can only hope that they'll be honest.
Plus Donald isn't defending his past sins.It isn't true....that's why it was so funny.
I don't think most people defend things that God abhors, they just don't choose to obsess over them all the time, like you do. After all, we were all guilty of many things God hates at one time or another.
Proverbs 6:16-19
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
There are more of them than we knew and way more powerful than we imagined. It will take a civil war to truly drain the swamp.Nah....the swamp creatures don't want their swamp drained. They're just more determined than we expected.
In the same way that Kraft American singles are "based" on cheese.Then, why are you in a thread based on Politics?
People like Grosnick Marowbe who believes that Republicans can do no wrong gave us the Republican Establishment, the same one that gave us Roe v Wade 44 years ago, and the same one that is still in power under Donald Trump.
So God forgives everyone? (and here I thought repentance was mandatory).
Let's talk about you and Grosnick Marowbe instead of "most people". You both defend an unrepentant sinner (Donald Trump) who promotes things that God abhors. You both attack me for standing up for God's Word.
Good luck with your GRACE without repentance.
There are more of them than we knew and way more powerful than we imagined. It will take a civil war to truly drain the swamp.
In the same way that Kraft American singles are "based" on cheese.lain:
Please give evidence that GD is not a conservative.
It got us nowhere working " constructively " with these folks since 1980. They give no quarter at all. It's time for Armageddon so to speak....and we are seeing it.
Like I mentioned: They're addressed daily in a thread here on TOL that 200-300 people view each day.
I'm pretty sure that Robert Mueller's investigation into Trump corrupt ties with Russian will be the deciding point.
Even if that is swept under the proverbial rug, I truly pray that Trump step's down from the Presidency and gets the spiritual and psychological therapy that he so desperately needs.
You thought I was walking away from the thread?
Oh my, no!
I'm simply going to put my discipline hat on and not respond to, "the game".
Hopefully, Mueller at least has a modicum of integrity, if not, he and his fellow investigators (All Dems as I've heard) might just make up something if they can't really find anything.
I agree about the investigation. That is what we are watching closely.
Trump has a long very lucrative history with Russia. People in his inner circle who don't want to go to jail will cooperate with Mueller. This investigation and it's findings won't turn out good for Donald Trump.
So Trump should go to jail?
So Trump should go to jail?