I almost feel some empathy for the far-left-wing prisoners, however, I stop short of giving them any support. That would only "enable" their hatred of the President of our GREAT Country and his agenda.
Well, I'm kind of a "Rare Breed" of poster who doesn't mind silencing "Disruptive Trolls" that are just here to cause problems and not have an actual discussion. Understand? Probably not.
Thanks to a very few Posters like Tambora, Glorydaz, etc., there is some reason/logic being shared on this marvelous Political Thread.
Only if he said it, of course.Now that's the kind of narcissism that Trump himself would be proud of!
Now that's the kind of narcissism that Trump himself would be proud of!
I was having a discussion. I'd even tried opening up an honest line of dialogue with yourself only for you to take sideswipes at a convo I was having with someone else. I have not trolled your thread at all but if you wanna do the exact thing you accuse the "left" of doing then you go right ahead and report me. Then you can tweet away on here and worship that narcissistic chump of a president all you like.
That's because they have decided that one should only be allowed to says things only the way they want them to be said.
They go haywire over HOW he is communicating, instead of hearing WHAT he is communicating.
I get him, as lots of folks do.
Others just can't get over the side-line rhetoric, and focus on that instead of the the actual intent of his message.
How's Theresa doing over there?I was having a discussion. I'd even tried opening up an honest line of dialogue with yourself only for you to take sideswipes at a convo I was having with someone else. I have not trolled your thread at all but if you wanna do the exact thing you accuse the "left" of doing then you go right ahead and report me. Then you can tweet away on here and worship that narcissistic chump of a president all you like.
Isn't it interesting that some of the cities that have had trouble with Antifa have laws that prohibit the wearing of masks, yet, those same cities have Mayors that are Democrats and those Mayors refuse to have that law enforced? Interesting, huh?
Yep, and those same Mayors tell the police to "stand down", and they do nothing to keep the protesters separated. Really, they want this to happen.
I would certainly hope so.
I really don't need your permission, you must realize that, correct?
How's Theresa doing over there?
What, you hope the guy would be proud of your narcissism?
Sure, set up a shrine to the chump if you like.