So you all agree there is a standard of behavior that will be evidence of Christ?
Nope. Anyone can fake that "FORM OF godliness."
The Jew went around "called a Jew." When he was in fact "a breaker of the law."
The standard is invisible - neither male, nor female, nor circumcision, nor uncircumcision, nor Jew, nor Gentile; BUT a NEW creature.
Where? According to what "after the flesh"?
Wrong standard of measure - now we know NO MAN after the flesh.
Yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh even He know Him in that way no more.
Case in point - one might think the athelete who thanks God for his win in some fool football game (man's pursuit of glory in his own vanity) might be "a good Christian," but all that proves is a superstitious fool (for the Son is "about My Father's business" NOT about the NFL).