The beginning of the demise of TV is when...


[Sodomite Mike Brady
] Matthew 10:14-15 Why will it be easier for Sodom and Gomorrah than the town that rejects the good news? I'm not really wanting to overtly derail the thread but as it falls in line with some of the actors, even from some of these better shows, it may be worth discussing.

Are you suggesting we never watch television or movies?...
Our bodies are temples (1 Co 6:19). We should guard the eyegate and eargate (Pr 4:23). The Holy Spirit will let us know if we are displeasing him (Eph 4:30). We should keep in close contract with him (Deut 5:32).

We're judged based on: circumstance (Gen. 39:10–20), conscience (1 Cor. 10:27–29), illumination (Josh. 7:10–15), etc. Everything is heaven; we will see, is a big deal (1 Pe 4:5).

"Mt 10:15 for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city—Those Cities of the Plain, which were given to the flames for their loathsome impurities, shall be treated as less criminal, we are here taught, than those places which, though morally respectable, reject the Gospel message and affront those that bear it." Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Vol. 2, p. 36). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

"...Do you recall how John the Baptist preached at first to the unbelievers of Israel: "You brood of vipers; who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham for our father,' for I say to you, God is able from these stones to raise up children to Abraham."' There were many in Israel who had the misguided notion that belonging to the chosen people, being a Jew, was a free pass at the judgment day. So John the Baptist, Jesus, and Paul struggled to get the point across that those who reject Jesus and live in sin will be condemned at the judgment day whether Jew or Gentile. It was the Jewish towns of Chorazin and Bethsaida to whom Jesus said, "Woe to you . . . For if the miracles had occurred in Tyre and Sidon (Gentile cities) which occurred in you, they would have repented in sackcloth and ashes. Nevertheless, I say to you it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment, than for you" (Matthew 11:21, 22). Jesus turns the false notion on its head: worse for the Jews in judgment, not better, because their privilege was greater..." Full text: Final Judgment: Eternal Life vs. Wrath and Fury by John Piper


Slow Fade ~ Casting Crowns
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Your threads have me asking the question: Who are the top Godly/Christian television characters from television?

Which 5 or 10 readily come to mind?

1. I've lately been enjoying Last Man Standing with Tim Allen. He deals with real problems like a pregnant teen daughter and somewhat liberal Christian wife, but I've appreciated a lot of the writing on the show dedicated to lifting up the name of the Lord Jesus Christ on many of the episodes.

My favorite line on Last Man Standing Vanessa Baxter (Tim Allen's wife) says to their atheist son-in-law: "Ryan, the rest of the family is really going to miss you in heaven."

2. Uncle Jed, according to Jethro, could quote the bible backwards and forwards. Though naïve, they always took in the stranger, always were blessings to their community, even cantankerous ol' Granny. I know a lot of those kind of Jesus-hearted-people.

3. Mayberry in general. They all attended church and prayed and though there is no overt gospel, the effects of living in a Christian community are seen and lauded on the show.

4..... I'm still mulling such a list over. Any other candidates come readily to mind for all of you?

I may reserve 4 here for Blue Bloods. They are a Catholic family and pray at every meal and discuss how their faith interacts with their family values and lives as police officers and a DA
1. Ricky and Bubbles on Trailer Park Boys
2. Kenny Powers on East Bound and Down
3. Michael Scott on The Office


New member
Never having understood the actual sense of "all our righteousness is as filthy rags," most Christians will equate any kind of moral good as "a Christian value."

In this, they are unwittingly pushing a works salvation unaware that is what they are doing.


Well-known member
Never having understood the actual sense of "all our righteousness is as filthy rags," most Christians will equate any kind of moral good as "a Christian value."

In this, they are unwittingly pushing a works salvation unaware that is what they are doing.
Most people live in a cloud of self-ignorance most of the time. So this behavior should not come as a surprise. They proclaim whatever they want to believe at the moment, because it makes them feel good, at that moment. And they'll proclaim the opposite the next moment if that's what makes them feel good in that moment. They don't think about it long enough or honestly enough to actually recognize the hypocrisy and contradiction that they engage in. And if you try to point it out to them, they'll just get all hyper-defensive and start spewing more contradictory nonsense to hide from their own self-ignorance.

We humans are a sorry lot in many ways. But we can also have our moments of honesty and clarity, and of amazing kindness. So we're not all bad. :think:


Well-known member
Lucas McCain was and remains rare. A bad dude with a rifle who went to church regularly and often mentioned "the Good Book" and or "the Good Lord" to his son, and lived according to his beliefs about that.
… And that JAW!


New member
Most people live in a cloud of self-ignorance most of the time. So this behavior should not come as a surprise. They proclaim whatever they want to believe at the moment, because it makes them feel good, at that moment. And they'll proclaim the opposite the next moment if that's what makes them feel good in that moment. They don't think about it long enough or honestly enough to actually recognize the hypocrisy and contradiction that they engage in. And if you try to point it out to them, they'll just get all hyper-defensive and start spewing more contradictory nonsense to hide from their own self-ignorance.

We humans are a sorry lot in many ways. But we can also have our moments of honesty and clarity, and of amazing kindness. So we're not all bad. :think:

You have just described the very basis of one's ending up Charismatic.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's been about 15 for us.

i hadn't fully appreciated how manipulative the media is until two things happened - i discovered an unexpected force of emotion against my "On Cowards and Heroes" thread

and I found myself choking up listening to the CBC's coverage of the one year anniversary of the shooting of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
...the zenith being when "Happy Days" went from canned laughter, to a studio audience, characterized by "The Fonze" going from being cool, to overacting/reacting.

It is called "jumping the shark", after Fonzie. But we still have this.
