ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
Not unless she went through considerable (read: superhuman) efforts to hide her ugliness.![]()
like buying me beer?
Not unless she went through considerable (read: superhuman) efforts to hide her ugliness.![]()
lain: Rape is FORCED sex or sex with those incapable of consenting to sex.
Under the criteria you are using, NO, they are most certainly not rapists.
lain: Rape is FORCED sex or sex with those incapable of consenting to sex.
Under the criteria you are using, NO, they are most certainly not rapists.
"Or sex with those incapable of consenting..."
A victim of fraud and deception is, by that very fact, incapable of consenting.
Deception and fraud are NOT the same as rape.
A married man who hides his wedding ring to have fling with a co-worker is an adulterer and slime ... however, IF she consented, he is not a rapist.
"With those incapable of consenting." Can a fraud victim consent or not?
I'm not entirely sure what to make of this. At first glance, the deceptions seem to be different in kind. The adulterer fails to signify, by means of exterior signs, that he is married. The transgendered person, however, actively signifies, by means of exterior signs, that he is a woman.
The adulterer isn't telling a lie. He's simply failing to disclose the truth.
The transgendered person's very appearance is a lie and a fraud.
In this country, the answer is essentially no. Most states don't address the point at all and have no enforceable law on the particular.I call this "the banned debate" because this actually did get me banned on another forum.
Are sexually active transgendered persons rapists?
Let us take a man. He feels like he's a woman. He wants to look like a woman. So, he gets surgery to make him look like a woman. He now appears to have female, not male, sexual organs. Let us even grant that he believes that he is a woman.
He then proceeds to have sexual intercourse with another man, failing to indicate to that man that he, in fact, was born a man.
Has he committed an act of rape?
In fact, I'm inclined to think that he has:
I call this "the banned debate" because this actually did get me banned on another forum.
Are sexually active transgendered persons rapists?
Let us take a man. He feels like he's a woman. He wants to look like a woman. So, he gets surgery to make him look like a woman. He now appears to have female, not male, sexual organs. Let us even grant that he believes that he is a woman.
He then proceeds to have sexual intercourse with another man, failing to indicate to that man that he, in fact, was born a man.
Has he committed an act of rape?
In fact, I'm inclined to think that he has:
1. He has failed to gain the informed consent of his sexual partner. In fact, his refusal to bring up this very important point, which most men would find problematic, has thereby denied his sexual partner a right to say "no" in an informed way.
2. Anyone who disagrees with me, in effect, must argue that the informed consent of his sexual partner doesn't matter, i.e., that it's the feelings, wants, desires, etc. of the transgendered person which matter, not the choice, autonomy, etc. of his sexual partner.
Which is precisely the rapist's mentality and mindset. In order to disagree with me, you must argue like a rapist would argue.
Social liberals positively baffle me on this point.
They are constantly prattling on about consent. When it comes to abortion, when it comes to rape, when it comes to medicine, etc. All of a sudden, though, they stop caring about informed consent when it comes to transgendered persons who wish to commit sexual acts?
Beats me. With the exception of the thread that I made about how social liberalism is reducible in principle to a form of atheism (which, I insist, was not predominately about sexuality, even though the topic arose), I basically just entered into discussions which were already ongoing.
"Various things." That's one way to disassociate yourself from what you said there that was probably as bigoted and contemptible as the things you've said here.It is, however, very revealing about the mindset of the libtards on that forum that, as I posted various things on a thread about Tamir Rice, reports to the moderation were practically just rolling in. None of them actually violated the rules, but people were quick to report things.
It's a safe assumption.And annabenedetti, I really must object to the underlying assumptions of this question, i.e., that prior to my saying anything, that the matters in question were personal and none of my or anyone else's business.
Of course it's true.In principle, that might be true
Ridiculous.if people rested content with keeping their perversions to themselves.
They aren't.
The moment that a man publically insists that he is a woman, his business has just become public.
The moment that sodomites demand public recognition is the moment that their business becomes public.
The moment that people demand public funding for contraceptives, again, is the moment that their sex lives cease to be private.
I call this "the banned debate" because this actually did get me banned on another forum.
Are sexually active transgendered persons rapists?
Let us take a man. He feels like he's a woman. He wants to look like a woman. So, he gets surgery to make him look like a woman. He now appears to have female, not male, sexual organs. Let us even grant that he believes that he is a woman.
He then proceeds to have sexual intercourse with another man, failing to indicate to that man that he, in fact, was born a man.
Has he committed an act of rape?
In fact, I'm inclined to think that he has:
1. He has failed to gain the informed consent of his sexual partner. In fact, his refusal to bring up this very important point, which most men would find problematic, has thereby denied his sexual partner a right to say "no" in an informed way.
2. Anyone who disagrees with me, in effect, must argue that the informed consent of his sexual partner doesn't matter, i.e., that it's the feelings, wants, desires, etc. of the transgendered person which matter, not the choice, autonomy, etc. of his sexual partner.
Which is precisely the rapist's mentality and mindset. In order to disagree with me, you must argue like a rapist would argue.
Social liberals positively baffle me on this point.
They are constantly prattling on about consent. When it comes to abortion, when it comes to rape, when it comes to medicine, etc. All of a sudden, though, they stop caring about informed consent when it comes to transgendered persons who wish to commit sexual acts?
He actually is in a handful of jurisdictions, as per my last, if he conceals to induce consent.Do you think a married person who conceals their married status would he a rapist too?
Do you think a married person who conceals their married status would he a rapist too?
only if they have sex outside their marriage
of course, then they're an adulterer and should be executed on that basis
but now that homosexuality is hunky-dory, what about a man married to his wife who cheats on her with another man?
is that adultery, rape or just a guy "exploring his sexuality"?
When I pass people at the store I feel like everyone wants me - :rotfl:
Sherry called the police department and reported that she had
been raped.
The officer who answered the phone, asked, "When did this happen?"
She replied, "Last week."
The police then asked, "Why did you wait until now to report it?"
"Well," she said. "I didn't know that I was raped until the
check bounced."
Will the "John" in this story be prosecuted for rape?
If not, why not?
Because the sexual act itself was still consensual, even if fraud was involved.
If sex is consensual, there is no rape involved.
lain: Rape is FORCED sex or sex with those incapable of consenting to sex.
Under the criteria you are using, NO, they are most certainly not rapists.
While I do think a transgender person should inform sexual partners of their change I wouldn't call it rape if they don't. Possibly some kind of lesser charge.
Do you think a married person who conceals their married status would he a rapist too?