Okay, fair enough, I understand what you're saying here.
thank you
that was fun
Okay, fair enough, I understand what you're saying here.
a laity in action
A Crisis in the Church
a loyal opposition. The corruption in the Church is being exposed. Thanks to Church Militant, Taylor Marshall, The Lepanto Institute, and JOHN-HENRY WESTEN. These are dedicated men who love the Church and are working hard to expose the corruption in the Church. They will keep you informed.
The counter reformation marches on...the pendulum beginning to swing right...RIP WASP America...
Protestants everywhere so uncomfortable in the resultant collapse that they will come home...hail victory...
a solution
A Crisis in the Church
a denial that it is a problem. Nothing new here. Nothing to talk about. Just a few conservative bishops clinging to rigid dogmas. They will soon die and what you call a problem will soon just go away. The Church of Nice will accept everyone. Mercy, forgiveness, and prayer will be featured. God loves you just the way you are. Just say "Lord, Lord,"
a solution
A Crisis in the Church
a denial that it is a problem. Nothing new here. Nothing to talk about. Just a few conservative bishops clinging to rigid dogmas. They will soon die and what you call a problem will soon just go away. The Church of Nice will accept everyone. Mercy, forgiveness, and prayer will be featured. God loves you just the way you are. Just say "Lord, Lord,"
Maybe if the church had allowed married and women priests from the beginning, we wouldn't be in the predicament we are today.
that is very interesting
why don't we talk about what to do now?
that is very interesting
why don't we talk about what to do now?
It is very interesting. What are your plans for what we do now?
a place to start
Does anyone really know what clericalism is?
it starts with the seminaries.
we can't have any homosexual bishops running them
this is job one
everyone has to make their own plans
please tell us what clericalism is?
An abuse of power. It makes other abuses possible.