The Ann Coulter Hang-Ups


Well-known member
The video doesn’t claim her egregious error here discredits her entirely. Much of her work is valid exposing liberals. It’s when she lies, covers and defends Republicans for their murder of children and destruction of Christian values that she becomes a hypocrite and should be rebuked.

What Anne should have done is admit her obvious "mistake," accept the rebuke, and move on. Glad you helped to bring this to light, Bob. :up:


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
As i recall Romney was jumping the fence on the abortion issue many times, Delmar, would you say any comment on his postion is a lie ? To make a statement on a person/politician and then find out his postion changed does not make one a liar.
Absolutely right! Changing your position from wrong to right is a good thing, I agree whole heartedly, BUT American right to life demonstrated that Romney changed his position from pro life to pro choice, back to pro life, back to pro choice, and then finally, back to pro life! When you can demonstrate all that it is fair game to call him a liar, don't you think?
And as liberals were proud of slick willy's prowess and success as a liar and practice it daily, we should view liberals as truth sayers and deny God as they do ? I hope your not Sean Hannity's flipper she was about a whole load short of a load.

:up: Blame liberals when they are worthy of blame. I have no problem with that. Just stop giving Republicans a free pass!

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
She writes pretty good columns, often. I guess she is the female version of chrysostom.


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Super Moderator
yankeedoodled said:
It is just shocking that Ann Coulter did not support a candidate that is pure as the driven snow…
Straw man diversion. Hey YD, we hope for better opposition here on TOL. Please think harder before posting a disagreement. That way, you’re posts will be more interesting, and possibly even, helpful! Exposing and opposing those who fund the murder of children is a far cry from demanding perfection. I hate to think of what complaints you would allow your wife if you only beat her on the weekends.

yankeedoodled said:
totally without blemish.
That same diversionary word play could be used to defend any murderer, regardless of the magnitude of his crimes.

yankeedoodled said:
Show me you are utterly without error.
Is that really your standard for leveling criticism? (Or are you just being disingenuous?) Let’s test:
1) Romney funds murdering children: YD – not worthy of criticism
2) Coulter defends Romney’s murder of kids: YD – not worthy of criticism
3) ARTL makes a video: YD – worthy of criticism, especially from me, YankeeDoodled!

Hey YD, by you criticizing others for criticizing Ann, can’t you see the hypocrisy? (Please don’t have a knee-jerk defense mechanism, but think for a moment, and then try allowing your fingers to click Reply and posting this: “Good points TOL; thanks for hanging in there; I’ll now reconsider your claim of Ann’s wrongdoing.” Just try that YD; you’ll see. Humility is good for the soul!)

yankeedoodled said:
The point is the hypocrisy of holding someone to standards of flawlessness... while giving the iniquity crowd a blank check
If I get your meaning, you are trying to divert attention from a Republican who is a radically and aggressively pro-homosexual child killer by getting us to fear the Obama bogeyman. What’s worse, YD, a run-of-the-mill child killer, or a child-killer who dresses up as a pro-life, pro-family, conservative Christian?

yankeedoodled said:
Ann's error does not discredit her entirely
Glad to see that you finally acknowledged, YD, that Coulter erred. The video does not say that she is entirely discredited. Her defense of Joe McCarthy still stands. (My 2003 interview of Ann about her defense of McCarthy starts with an audio clip of a sermon I delivered in my first year in the pulpit, in 2000, about which Coulter said to me: “I can’t believe that sermon of yours by the way [Welcome to Eternity]. Boy, were you ahead of your time. And quite brave…”) So YD, that’s a red herring. The video doesn’t claim her egregious error here discredits her entirely. Much of her work is valid exposing liberals. It’s when she lies, covers and defends Republicans for their murder of children and destruction of Christian values that she becomes a hypocrite and should be rebuked.

yankeedoodled said:
judging from the very people that parade the error of doing just that... from those [here at TOL] that abhor judgment
Hey YD, you must not know TOL very well. TOL emphasizes Christ’s teaching, to “judge rightly” (Google those words) and see the TOL article, Judge Rightly is not some guy's name!

yankeedoodled said:
Ann came on to discuss her book and had no real obligation to divert to other topics.
Coulter’s Guilty brings up Mitt Romney about eight times. And she’s hypocritically guilty of committing the same wrongdoing about him that she exposes the liberals for when she identified:
Constant false media reports about Romney; Coulter could have been referring to herself when she wrote: “"the media were unable to stop themselves from spreading unsubstantiated rumors about Romney[]…" (p. 153-154) What? Like Coulter and Republican unsubstantiated rumors that he governed as a pro-lifer; had no choice but to institute homo marriage; did not enact a quasi-socialist extension of gov’t health care; did not dramatically raise taxes; did not use his millions in an attempt to buy silence, or even support, from conservative, pro-life organizations; etc.

yankeedoodled said:
hypocritical blinders…
Hey YD, that would be Ann, condemning liberals who promote homosexual marriage and child killing while defending a Republican who did more for those two wicked goals than almost any other person: single-handedly ordered homo marriage and authorized tax-funded elective abortions.

yankeedoodled said:
I don't see their grounds for demanding perfection
Straw man. Red herring.

yankeedoodled said:
must be flawless. As i find no politician that fits the mold of perfection, is any Christian then guilty of supporting any politician?
Straw man. Such absurd argument could be used to defend any wicked leader, Obama, etc.

To make a statement on a person/politician and then find out his postion changed does not make one a liar.
No, of course not YD. And to document that a politician is lying (even by heroically going beyond the standard proof that his lips are moving, as does the ARTL Coulter Hang-Ups video) does not make one a liar. (Now surely YD, you can agree with that. No?)

yankeedoodled said:
I can't see lynching misdemeanors before felons, it offends my sense of justice.
Hey YD, perhaps you can fine-tune your sense of justice to emote outrage at tax-funded child killing? Or is it just Youtube videos you disagree with that move you to action?

-Bob Enyart

Congratulations Bob. This post wins my Pick of the day! :first:


New member
Bob E. you are correct that neither Ann nor Romney are perfect and Romney is a fence jumper. I have mentioned much the same, nonetheless you criticise my evaluation and agree with it at the same time. Such would be support and detraction of Romney to change view towards him as Romney's expressed views change. You appear determined to accuse of the very efforts you engage in.

Blame liberals when they are worthy of blame. I have no problem with that. Just stop giving Republicans a free pass!

You must have missed a lot of my postings, i have held Bush's feet to the fire as i have slick willy's or Obama's. I don't politically whore for anybody nor should any professing Christian. If Christians didn't (nor support iniquity with their votes)we wouldn't be in the mess we are now in.
I find it interesting how many would tear a moral/Christian apart for not being perfect and yet be quite comfortable in the presence/comraderie with the worst of the iniquitous. Reminds me of swallow a camel and strain at a gnat.


New member
Jefferson, we have much the same views on the holocaust of abortion as i have much posted. Do you intend to advanced the pro-life movement by needless/senseless division to as great a degree as you can achieve ? You throw the baby out with the bath water needlessly/senselessly playing bull in a china shop. Makes me much doubt your sincerity or real purpose.


New member
Somebody missed the obvious. Trying to burn misdemeanor offenders who acknowledge morality while giving the unrepentant murderers/felons a pass is acts of depravity. Ann isn't perfect, neither are you, neither am i, public lynchings whould be reserved for the outright depraved, not those with hangnails-minor errors.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Dear yankeedoodled, you're invited to call a radio show...

Dear yankeedoodled, you're invited to call a radio show...

Dear yankeedoodled, you're invited to call a Denver radio show to discuss your post:

Somebody missed the obvious. Trying to burn misdemeanor offenders who acknowledge morality while giving the unrepentant murderers/felons a pass is acts of depravity. Ann isn't perfect, neither are you, neither am i, public lynchings whould be reserved for the outright depraved, not those with hangnails-minor errors.

I must admit, it's hard for me to comprehend your point. It seems it would help if you could explain over the phone what you mean.

-Bob Enyart
M-F 5 p.m. Eastern Time
1-800-8Enyart (836-9278)


New member
Thanks for the offer Bob, however i usually drive from early morning to late at night. This forum does seem to be sufficent to discuss matters. Ann's mother just a short time ago died from a long drawn out cancer, and i think Ann wasn't in need of senseless nitpicking that day with her mother in tow. Had she been demorat the bawling of outrage would still be ringing.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Yankeedoodled [and Cameron], are your fingers up to the challenge?

Yankeedoodled [and Cameron], are your fingers up to the challenge?

Ann wasn't in need of senseless nitpicking [about Romney] that day...

yankeedoodled [and Cameron for that matter]: do you have the ability to post this:
Yes, Mitt Romney authorized tax-funded surgical elective abortions.

Yes, Mitt Romney implemented homosexual marriage even though the state Supreme Court never even mentioned him in their opinion of the matter.​
Just wondering 'bout the ability in those fingers of yours.



New member
We might have been able to save thousands of unborn lives.

We might have been able to save thousands of unborn lives.

Had we voted for McCain there would be fewer abortions in the next 4 to 8 years. I am certain of that. I am no McCain fan and neither is Coulter, but I am seriously annoyed that so many pro-lifers threw their votes away on a guy who was unelectable. As a Catholic and a Christian, I loved Keyes too and think he was the best man, it just so happens he had no chance to win. We, pro-lifers, clearly chose the wrong path to stopping abortion if we voted for Keyes. Our only clear and moral choice in this election was to stop Obama, the biggest threat to unborn babies this country has ever had as a leader. I got this email from a friend and it really struck a nerve with me, as I remembered the arguments we had during election time. This person, who is obviously extremely pro-life, said I could post the email anonymously, so here it is.

I am disappointed with all of the wasted votes from pro-lifers that could have been used to battle Obama and his pro-abortion stand..

If we had any candidate imagineable as a realistic choice, and we chose McCain, then our choice would have reflected support for his weak stand concerning abortion, or at the very least it would say that we just didn't care. However, this was not the situation facing the pro-life crowd during this last election.

When faced with only two realistic choices, our eventual choice does not necessarily reflect support for any particular stand on any issue, but it is really a choice against less appealing stands on the same issues. My vote for McCain, was not a vote for McCain's weak pro-life stand. It was a vote against the greater evils of Obama. Since the biggest Obama evil is his heavy duty pro-choice stand, my vote in favor of McCain was really a vote against abortion.

Let's talk about the support Obama received, not only from people who loved him, but from those who despised his pro-choice position. People had four choices in this election; 1) not vote, 2) vote for someone with absolutely no chance of winning, 3) vote for Obama, or 4) vote for McCain. Of those four choices, voting for McCain would have been the more hurtful choice for Obama. As a voter, my aim was to hurt Obama's chances of winning as much as possible by voting for McCain. At the same time, I was hoping that America would at the very least end up on a better track toward winning the battle against abortion. The best track wasn't available, but a better track was. Unfortunately, many in the pro-life gang helped to put us on the worst track. I believe that the people who voted for an unrealistic candidate to show God their support for life, had pure intentions, and I understand that when it comes to our faith, we should not cower to anyone. Unfortunately, their refusal to vote for McCain was just the support Obama was counting on.

When faced with difficult situations, we also need to consider doing the right thing in the eyes of God. In Scripture, we learn that God has the power, despite our sins, to read our hearts. Our actions simply do not tell the whole story, especially when taken out of context. If we only saw the action of voting for a man who is weak on standing up for life in all situations, and didn't see all of the surrounding circumstances, how could we discern where this action is coming from, and say with any certainty that the action is wrong? God sees all, and he knows our intentions. Those who voted for McCain in hopes of helping to battle Obama's pro-abortion stand did so with good intention, and not for the purpose of supporting abortion in certain and limited situations. We do our best under the human circumstances that are NEVER perfect, and we trust the rest to God. McCain isn't perfect, but he was better, and his mindset more closely resembles God's than does Obama's.

There is no such thing as not making a choice. Whatever we do or don't do as American citizens during an election, we are making a choice that affects America. Voting for a person with no realistic chance of becoming president is like not voting at all. Many of the pro-life bunch who didn't like McCain's weak stand for life, wasted their chance to vote against the pro-choice Obama either by not voting or by voting for someone with no chance of winning. By wasting their vote in this manner, they have essentially supported Obama and his pro-choice stand. If McCain had won due to the pro-life crowd getting together and supporting him, we could have made our choice for life known in a very clear and confident way. No one in his right mind would have looked to our support for McCain as support for his weak pro-life position, for the world knows we only had two realistic choices. With McCain as president we would not be facing the numerous certain deaths that are sure to come about because of Obama's strong pro-choice stand, and the world would not be hearing the message that it is hearing today. That sad message is that the majority of America thinks that abortion is okay. Maybe McCain would not have been the best thing for America, but Obama is by far the worst. I have to wonder what all the unborn lives who are in peril would be saying right now if they could speak.