The Abortion/Homosexuality Paradox


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Temp Banned
I am not arguing that the woman has no right to decide what happens to her body.

I am arguing that the fetal child has the same right to life that the mother has.

What's wrong with that?
Well, all you've posed is a conundrum. Not a solution.

Now, whats your solution?

Perhaps we could remove unwanted fetuses and develop them in test tubes? Unfortunately, that's not possible, yet.


Hall of Fame
They are not dependent upon another human being's body for their sustenance. So your analogy is missing the essential component.

Who is responsible for the unborn child being dependent on their mother's body? The Pregnancy Leprechaun? An innocent person should not lose their life because of another person's actions.

The reason this issue is so difficult to resolve, and the reason most Americans believe early term abortions should be legal, is because most people are reluctant to usurp the autonomy of another person's body.

Oh really. Yet the MOTHER takes it upon herself to unsurp the autonomy of her child's body by destroying it.

The fetus' body has not yet fully formed, and so is not yet physically autonomous. Whereas the mother's body is. And so the mother's autonomy reigns until the point at which the fetus could survive on it's own. At that point, the fetus' autonomy becomes manifest (or could be if necessary) and so we do not allow abortions after that point of development.

Right. BTW, it's not necessary for you to spout another pro-abortion rationalization ... I have read them all. None of them negate the fact that the mother is using a legalized form of murder to end the life of her child on the altar of convenience.

So far, no one has come up with a better way of resolving this issue of autonomy and it's relation to the right to life.

Perhaps it has to do with the fact that it is a made up issue by those who wish to condone the intentional killing of unborn babies.

A person's rights should not extend in such a way that it fatally impairs the life of another human being.

One made a choice to allow pregnancy. IF not for that *choice*, there would be no innocent baby to slaughter.


Well-known member
The point is that most of us are reluctant to usurp the physical autonomy of another human being's body. Yet we are also reluctant to allow the deliberate destruction of a fetus in the womb. So we are stuck with a dilemma.

This sounds more like an argument against abortion, than for it.

Besides, wasn't it the woman's exercise of her oh-so-precious bodily autonomy that resulted in pregnancy?

I am not arguing that the woman has no right to decide what happens to her body.

I am arguing that the fetal child has the same right to life that the mother has.

Still waiting on this one - do you agree or disagree?


Well-known member
Temp Banned
"I am arguing that the fetal child has the same right to life that the mother has."

Do you agree?
This isn't about the "right to life", it's about one's physical autonomy. The fetus does not have a right to usurp the mother's physical autonomy. And neither does anyone else. So unfortunately for the fetus, it is dependent upon the mother's body for life. And that being the case, it is also dependent upon her decision to allow it to grow inside her, or not to.

We all have a "right to life". But in this world, that right is often not respected, by man or nature.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Who is responsible for the unborn child being dependent on their mother's body? The Pregnancy Leprechaun? An innocent person should not lose their life because of another person's actions.
Says who? We kill and eat "innocent" animals every day. Don't they have a "right to life", too?

The fetus is dependent upon the mother's body for it's survival. The mother is in charge of that body, and what happens to it and in it. Not you, not me, and not the fetus. That's just the way it is.


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Temp Banned
… wasn't it the woman's exercise of her oh-so-precious bodily autonomy that resulted in pregnancy?
Yes, and you weren't in charge of that, either. Like it or not, people get to do what they want with their own bodies. And the fact that a fetus is sometimes dependent upon women who do not want them in their bodies is unfortunate. But no more unfortunate than being conceived in a sick body, or being conceived with a damaged or deficient DNA blueprint.

There is much we do not get to control in this world.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Like it or not, people get to do what they want with their own bodies.

That's a load of :pureX:....There are plenty of laws which restrict what we can do with our bodies. If you want you use a simplistic "Lifes not fair" argument to justify this butchery then fine but at least be honest about it. :rolleyes:


New member
Just finding this thread now as I was away for a few days:

Horn, I think I can understand your argument:

If Christians support life so much that they cannot stand to see a fetus aborted, then why when some of those fetuses are born gay, do they condemn them?

Answer: They don't believe they were born gay, or that there are gay fetuses.

They would think of it like this:

It is good that as a fetus, Charles Manson was not aborted.
But what he became as an adult was despicable.
Ergo, we have a right to condemn him now, though he was dear to us as a fetus.

You are assuming gay = good. You are assuming that gay = genetic, fixed at birth.
The pro-life people are assuming no such thing.

What they do presume is that a fetus is a human person, with human rights.
Pro-choice people assume no such thing (a fetus is not human, etc.)

So it is an argument at cross-purposes, from divergent and mutually exclusive purviews.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, all you've posed is a conundrum. Not a solution.

Now, whats your solution?

Perhaps we could remove unwanted fetuses and develop them in test tubes? Unfortunately, that's not possible, yet.

Solution, if you don't want your baby, give it up for adoption.


Well-known member
And that being the case, it is also dependent upon her decision to allow it to grow inside her, or not to.

This is some wacky logic.

A child is dependent on other people for a long, long time. Not just prenatally.

And yes, that means losing some autonomy, doesn't it?

Try to square some examples with your way of thinking:

Mommy wants her body to be in Aruba for 2 weeks. So she leaves her 6-month old baby at home to starve. Oh well, Mommy does what she wants with her own body.

Mommy puts 1-year-old baby in the bath. Mommy's body is tired. Mommy decides she wants her body to go to sleep now. Mommy sleeps all night; baby drowns. Oh well, Mommy does what she wants with her own body.

Mommy has a 20-week-old baby in her womb. Mommy decides she doesn't want to be pregnant. She pays a doctor to pull the baby's body out of her and kill it. Oh well, Mommy does what she wants with her own body.

In all of these situations, a loss of the mother's autonomy was necessary to preserve the baby's life.
Yet I doubt you'd argue that the first two ought to be legally acceptable.
What makes the third example any different?


Hall of Fame
Says who? We kill and eat "innocent" animals every day. Don't they have a "right to life", too?

Your argument is to compare the life of an animal to the life of an innocent child? :think:

When is the last time you heard a parent tell their child to "fetch" or "roll over and play dead"? When is the last time you have seen a parent keep their child on leash or in the back yard?

As much as I love my many pets, they do not compare to the love I have towards my children. Perhaps I just assumed that all parents would feel this way. My bad.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
That's a load of :pureX:....There are plenty of laws which restrict what we can do with our bodies.
Like what? And keeping mind how rare your examples will be compared to an unwanted pregnancy.
If you want you use a simplistic "Lifes not fair" argument to justify this butchery then fine but at least be honest about it.
I'm simply pointing out that you and I do not have control of other people's bodies. They do. And trying to use the force of law to usurp that control is a very serious problem for a great many people. And until you somehow solve that problem, you will not be able to make abortion illegal.

So far, I have not seen anyone post a good reason why they should be allowed to usurp another persons physical autonomy. Insults and declarations of self-righteousness don't count.


Your argument is to compare the life of an animal to the life of an innocent child? :think:

When is the last time you heard a parent tell their child to "fetch" or "roll over and play dead"? When is the last time you have seen a parent keep their child on leash or in the back yard?

As much as I love my many pets, they do not compare to the love I have towards my children. Perhaps I just assumed that all parents would feel this way. My bad.
Since we're in the market for in-apt comparisons:

When is the last time you've witnessed a parent tuck their zygote into bed with an out-of-tune lullaby?


Well-known member
So far, I have not seen anyone post a good reason why they should be allowed to usurp another persons physical autonomy.

Still no answer...

Does the fetal child have a right to live, just as the mother as a right to bodily autonomy?


Hall of Fame
Since we're in the market for in-apt comparisons:

When is the last time you've witnessed a parent tuck their zygote into bed with an out-of-tune lullaby?

Well, considering you know that the unborn baby cannot be tucked in, your comparison doesn't apply.

Don't blame me that one of your fellow anti-lifers compared children with animals.