No, but it does determine who decides what happens inside a pregnant woman's body. This seems to be the part that many of you refuse to recognize."Manifested" autonomy is not, nor has ever been a valid way to decide what lives or dies.
No one is "pro-abortion". That was never the issue. The issue is who determines what happens inside a pregnant woman's body. And most Americans believe that the woman's physical body is autonomous (it exists apart from the state, the church, and the control of others): that it is for her, only, to decide what happens inside it.
That's because we humans are biased in our own favor, and we are making up the definition.Both animals and humans clearly manifest a will to not be killed. Yet, it is considered murder to kill a human, but not an animal.
Why is that? What difference brings about the distinction?
They don't both exhibit autonomy. In fact, the fetus is not autonomous at all. It is physically dependent in every way on the woman's body.Clearly the difference cannot be as simple as "manifested" autonomy, since both possess this.
You still don't seem to grasp the idea that this isn't about a fetus' right to life. It's about the woman's right to decide what happens inside her own body.
Every life form has a "right to live". But not every life form is going to be allowed to live, by us. We humans will kill and eat many of them. We will kill others to ward of disease, or to increase our own wealth, to to make our lives easier, or to live longer, or whatever. Life forms annihilate each other all the time in their struggle for survival, pleasure, and dominance.
There is no question that the fetus has a right to live; same as any other life form. The question is; will it be allowed to live, and who will decide that. Most of us believe that because the fetus is dependent upon a woman's body for it's existence, and the woman has autonomy over her own body, that she then gets to decide if the fetus can develop inside her, or not. It's not about us agreeing with her decision or not agreeing. It's about respecting her right to decide for herself.
And I can't think of any good reason why anyone else should be able to over-ride her autonomy. Nor have I heard any of you explain to me why your moral ideology should trump her physical autonomy (and her own moral ideology).