The Heroic Gunslinger Fantasy

patrick jane

i'd heard that they reloaded

my point was that they could have been overwhelmed before they could reload if their victims hadn't acted like panicked sheep

People afraid of a stray bullet did not band together and smother the gun men like they could have. I say pick something up and use it as a weapon, even if it's throwing dishes at them. Surround and smother. Instead of losing maybe 10 or 20 lives it got into the hundreds. People need to overcome their paralyzing fear.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
People afraid of a stray bullet did not band together and smother the gun men like they could have. I say pick something up and use it as a weapon, even if it's throwing dishes at them. Surround and smother. Instead of losing maybe 10 or 20 lives it got into the hundreds. People need to overcome their paralyzing fear.

been working this angle in the On Cowards and Heroes thread - we've been socialized to act like sheep, but the paradigm that made that an effective strategy no longer holds

we learned the lesson wrt airplane hijackings

time to learn it for this type of nonsense


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People afraid of a stray bullet did not band together and smother the gun men like they could have. I say pick something up and use it as a weapon, even if it's throwing dishes at them. Surround and smother. Instead of losing maybe 10 or 20 lives it got into the hundreds. People need to overcome their paralyzing fear.

The problem is just that not everyone is wired that way. It's true that if you were given a period of time to explain the reality of the situation (We rush them and some of us will die or we don't and all of us will die.) then you may have a fighting chance (A large portion will still bail even though they "get it".)....but without that it's a toss-up and is entirely dependent upon the luck of the draw as to how many "like minded" people will be in the same area. :plain:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The problem is just that not everyone is wired that way. It's true that if you were given a period of time to explain the reality of the situation (We rush them and some of us will die or we don't and all of us will die.) then you may have a fighting chance (A large portion will still bail even though they "get it".)....but without that it's a toss-up and is entirely dependent upon the luck of the draw as to how many "like minded" people will be in the same area. :plain:

concealed carry is a much better answer


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George Bush:

“Are those terrorists in my town? My six guns will surely sort THAT out!”

...And remember what happened with THAT?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
George Bush:

“Are those terrorists in my town? My six guns will surely sort THAT out!”

...And remember what happened with THAT?

yeah, after seven years of ignoring the middle east bammy's finding out it didn't go away or solve itself

:mock:bammy, the sad sack


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Anyone using the atrocity in Paris as an excuse to smugly lecture the dead and the shocked on the need for more guns isn't worthy of contempt.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
you realize that's a cartoon, right?

i know you struggle with reality at times, so i thought i'd ask