You have as much chance of litigating against an auto company for making the car that someone got drunk and killed a family of four with. The car just as the gun are just tools, completely harmless tools depending on who is using it, guns nor cars have ever killed anyone, the person using them have.
The question being, why do we hold Big Auto to a higher standard than Big Gun?
The car and the gun are both deeply American. Does anyone else in the world love cars and guns like America? Hell no. Not even close.
We're a big, sprawling country and the independence and virility intrinsic to the car and the gun speaks to our character, history, and priorities.
Yet when it comes to quality control, government oversight, lawsuits, and recalls, it's night and day. The gun is uniquely, and bizarrely, in its own world.
Calling guns and cars both "tools" is a bit of a misnomer. Can both be used recreationally? Certainly. Do they both make life easier? Well...yes and no. Largely, guns are incidental to the life of Joe Schmoe, when we really break it down. How many people these days shoot for the table, so to speak, and rely
only on firearms as a means of providing for themselves or their families? Very, very few.
It's a stretch for me to think of any gun as intrinsically "harmless." Their mission--their sole purpose in life--is to inflict harm, one way or another. Not so with the car. That's why these comparisons never really work.