The “no difference” theory is dead: Same sex parenting


New member
Right. There are not always advantages. I at least am admitting this; I didn't have to say anything at all.

I took your posting of the article without comment as agreement with it. Was I mistaken? Please don't take my post here as an attack or negative commentary. It's not meant to be.


New member
I think a lot of people here prefer traditional marriage and parenting. Not everyone who does would oppose homosexual marriage as a matter of law.

This is true. Not everyone considers God's input on the matter.

But I don't see you launching a lot of threads about either. What you do launch a great many threads about are attacks against the non traditional notions and I think that's what Granite is getting at.

What's wrong with strongly supporting the traditional and Godly family unit? I'm not understanding the upset over this considering this is a Christian forum.

When you do that long enough it stirs a sentiment expressed as, essentially, stop pretending to consider a thing you've clearly decided for yourself and just begin threads with title like, "More Support for my Stand against Gay Marriage" or adoption, etc.

Oh, I don't know, I look at it sort of like I look at all the different Scripture versions/translations. God's Way will out!

"For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so will my word be which goes forth from my mouth; it will not return to me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:10-11


New member
I took your posting of the article without comment as agreement with it. Was I mistaken? Please don't take my post here as an attack or negative commentary. It's not meant to be.
More or less, yes. I am in agreement. No worries :)


New member
Which then goes back to my question to give your first answer meaning. There aren't that many things of so serious a nature, are there?

I think the undermining of God's intention for males and females is pretty serious, Town. Even if one doesn't believe in God, there is still the fact that it's unnatural or men would have the proper plumbing for procreation and women wouldn't require "input" as it were. I think the long term result of "neutering" society is horrendous.


New member
"substance addition"

reminds me of when my ex moved out and the boys and i had to learn to cook :eek:

I realize he meant addiction, Res. There is a means whereby one might be afflicted with substance addition. His Name is Yeshua HaMashiach! :D
In the knowing of Him, we know God's Headship, His intention for the human race and the assigned roles of men and women.


Have I just been ...trumped?! :chuckle:



...nor does "playing god cards" evince him. :idea:




just killing time before a teaching lesson on system based concept maps :idunno:

prolly fall asleep before ten minutes is up


New member
studies like this require a sufficient sample size
it has been very difficult finding enough children raised by same sex couples
now it is very difficult finding enough children raised by parents who are still living together

or perhaps the point is that it's difficult finding enough children raised by same sex parents who are still living? (and I realize that can be taken a couple of ways) It's simply not a healthy situation all the way around.

a study in Australia with a larger sample size than this has just wrapped up...they didn't have any trouble finding children raised by same genderd couples