Texas Drownings Not Predestined

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If we Christians said to the Lord, "Lord, we want to appear as ridiculous as possible to unbelievers to increase their chances of rejecting the gospel. How could we appear really stupid?" And the Lord would say, "Well, if you really wanted to do that follow the pagan Greek notion, the Aristotelian notion that everything was predestined. And then that would make you look really stupid."


New member

Do you ever have anything constructive to say?

Arguably. I'm sure it depends on your POV.

However in this case I think I was highly on topic and, I venture to suggest, making an observation that would be perfectly true for most atheist non-believers.

YEC and also the problem of evil tend to be much bigger debate points (aside from the whole existence thing) for us than predestination.


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It's easy to believe in all-powerful and all-knowing God till something terrible happens.


Well-known member
Man! When I saw this story on the news ... it's one of the saddest stories I've seen in a long time. It's really heartbreaking.


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Originally posted by Flipper

That's a bit rich, coming from Bob. I find YEC far more ridiculous than predestination.

You do? I'm a Christian who is not YEC, and I don't find it ridiculous--I disagree with their interpretation. They have some good points, they have some weak points.

But predestination? Give me a break. Toss a quarter about 2000 times, and figure out what type of "intelligent" entity has predestined heads or tails from the begining of time.

I've always wondered if "God predestined me to get 'F's and incompletes, take $50 out of your wallet, buy some weed, and skip school to get stoned with my fellow gang members" washes with the predestined crowd?"


Caped Crusader
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Either Paul's epistles are inspired Scripture, or all Reformed and Presbyterians are wrong (with the possible exception of billwald).

Hey! I just thought of something: If God predestined everything, then even if Paul was a total liar, his writings were inspired by God. In fact, everything anyone has every written was inspired by God. :freak:
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But predestination? Give me a break. Toss a quarter about 2000 times, and figure out what type of "intelligent" entity has predestined heads or tails from the begining of time.

Well generally I avoid purely theological discussions because I tend to disagree with the most basic premises. Nevertheless, if we imagine an infinite being with infinite power who can also be expected to have absolute knowledge of the start condition in the universe, then a fully deterministic universe where all possible outcomes are already known by such a being might seem to be a logical given. I can think of a naturalistic problem with it, but once you introduce absolute beings of infinite power, all bets are off. How it fits into a larger plan is not for finite critturs to say because we are ill-equipped to make any determination of the motives and decisions of infinite reason.

Whereas YEC is off by orders of magnitude on the age of the earth and universe with most of the mainstream sciences and their proposed alternative mechanisms seem ad hoc and not really compatible with each other. YEC is apparently way off on so many things that it's hardly funny anymore. The whole flood story is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. I'm not trying to cause offense, that's really how I see it.
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