test the spirit


New member
Who is speaking directly to your face? I thought I was on my Laptop and happened to see something you said?
Oh, come on; in plane sight.

Is that more truthful to you? Easier to grasp?

Did you really grasp it or are you simply clutching your keyboard?

Word games are a cheap indeavor.

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh, come on; in plane sight.

Is that more truthful to you? Easier to grasp?

Did you really grasp it or are you simply clutching your keyboard?

Word games are a cheap indeavor.

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Get a hold of yourself, Sir. You seem to be going overboard a wee bit, don't ya think?

God's Truth

New member
I do, that's why I reject what people like you have to say and just trust what the written word of God has to say.

Just believe what the scriptures say.

Show one scripture that says what you claim, you know, how we don't have to obey.

Don't give me a scripture that says not of yourselves or not of works. Give the scriptures that say not of obeying.

While you are at it, give the scripture where Jesus tells Paul that he is giving him another gospel LOL


New member
Not to my knowledge? (and it's very extensive)
If an unsavory character repossessed a thing then you posit that said thing was initially the property of said character.

To say such is to say that we are created in evil or by evil.

You really shouldn't say such about the creation of GOD.

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Just believe what the scriptures say.

Show one scripture that says what you claim, you know, how we don't have to obey.

Don't give me a scripture that says not of yourselves or not of works. Give the scriptures that say not of obeying.

While you are at it, give the scripture where Jesus tells Paul that he is giving him another gospel LOL

I already 'yielded' the floor back to others and cannot in all good conscience, take it back.


New member
And, what's that supposed to mean? In English this time, please.
Matthew 12: 35. A good man from his good store produces good things, and a bad man from his bad store produces bad things. 36. But I tell you that for every careless word that men shall speak they will be held accountable on the day of Judgement. 37. For each of you by his words shall be justified, or by his words shall be condemned."

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God's Truth

New member
Have you heard about the circumsision of the spirit or heart?

Have you ever heard that the OT is simbolism for the truth and the law of the Spirit?

Do you understand why the killing of GOD'S creatures was never acceptable to GOD, and how it has always been a reference to self sacrifice of desires placed before the will of GOD, and the offering up of one's self wholly to GOD for GOD'S will to be done in one's own life?

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You our trying to destroy the Old Testament and God's Truth.

God did command the sacrifice of animals.


New member
You our trying to destroy the Old Testament and God's Truth.

God did command the sacrifice of animals.
God commanded sacrifice for sin and repentance.

How does one sacrifice a thing which is not his? Having dominion is not owning.

How does the life of GOD'S creatures that one even helped to bring about with their work, pay for the sins of that individual?

Sacrifice can only ever be of self.

Was the OT a shadow and portrayed as through a veil?

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God's Truth

New member
I already 'yielded' the floor back to others and cannot in all good conscience, take it back.

You are a comedian, in the line of an insult comedian.

Don Rickles, John Rivers, Rodney Dangerfield...

I do think you have a talent.

You could have made a lot of money doing stand up or writing for sitcoms.