ECT Teachings related to Faith and faithing . Pistis and pisteuo .


All the heroes of Faith are nothing but ordinary men willing to make a choice to surrender their lives to God .


Faith is continually surrendering your life to what the mind has agreed to , and the heart has responded to . It is an action !


The purpose of this thread is to show how a moment of believe and receive is not how we position ourselves to receive the Spirit of Christ .


1 Peter 1 : 6,7 Peter said , your going to have persecution , but the trial of your Faith will bring forth that which is more precious than Gold .

What is the the trial of our Faith ?

Faith applied is faithing , Faithing is "pisteuo" in the Greek , pisteuo is defined as "A personal surrender to Him , and a life inspired by such surrender ."

So the trial of our faithing is a testing of our decision to surrender our life to Him . Is our surrender genuine ? Is our surrender supported by daily decisions that show God We really consider our lives to be His and not ours anymore .

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New member
1 Peter 1 : 6,7 Peter said , your going to have persecution , but the trial of your Faith will bring forth that which is more precious than Gold .

What is the the trial of our Faith ?

When in and of Christ, the trial/test of one's faith will always be as His was, i.e, to protect the "Living Word" which was deposited in Him and now us, by the new birth from above, made vulnerable in our body of Adam's flesh. Hence, the need to love God with all our heart soul, mind and strength as Jesus did. Howver, unlike Jesus who was full of grace and truth, for the newborn from above, faith is by measure. It is a process by learning the ways of the Father as Jesus learned them.


When in and of Christ, the trial/test of one's faith will always be as His was, i.e, to protect the "Living Word" which was deposited in Him and now us, by the new birth from above, made vulnerable in our body of Adam's flesh. Hence, the need to love God with all our heart soul, mind and strength as Jesus did. Howver, unlike Jesus who was full of grace and truth, for the newborn from above, faith is by measure. It is a process by learning the ways of the Father as Jesus learned them.

Jesus learned the ways of the Father ? You continue to make comments that make me wonder if your in this group to just cause trouble . How can Jesus be 100% God and !00% man at all times , all the time and not know the ways of Himself , or the Father since they are one in the same . There is something about yourself your not telling us CR .

The first thing a called out one must accept going out the gate is to be a christian , one must accept the paradoxical truth , that the father , the Son , and the Holy Spirit are separate , and one in the same , at all times , all the time . This is the second time you've hinted that you don't accept that , is this true ?

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New member
Jesus learned the ways of the Father ?

Absolutely! You need understanding.
He spent 30 yrs learning them that in the end His Father would say: "This is My beloved Son in Whom "I AM" well pleased"; "Hear ye Him".

You continue to make comments that make me wonder if your in this group to just cause trouble . How can Jesus be 100% God and !00% man at all times , all the time and not know the ways of Himself , or the Father since they are one in the same . There is something about yourself your not telling us CR .

Consider you haven't been paying attention. Your needle has been stuck in an 'untoward' groove.
Jesus learned obedience: "For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings." Hebrews 2:10 (KJV)

Said by Jesus before the cross. "I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do." John 17:4 (KJV)

"For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous." Romans 5:19 (ESV)

"Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience OF Christ;" 2 Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)

And for the last the undeniable:

"And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:8-11 (KJV)

The first thing a called out one must accept going out the gate is to be a christian , one must accept the paradoxical truth , that the father , the Son , and the Holy Spirit are separate , and one in the same , at all times , all the time . This is the second time you've hinted that you don't accept that , is this true ?

Ditto my last.


1 Peter 1:6,7 Peter says , your going to have persecution , but the trial of your Faith will bring fourth that which is more precious than Gold .

What is the trial of our Faith ?

This is when we first surrender our lives to God , it must be a genuine surrender , not perfect , genuine . Jesus , like in a courtroom makes that determination or the trial of our Faith . If it's genuine , we move closer to God "pisteuo". If it's not genuine , we move away from God faithing in reverse , "apisteuo".

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New member
1 Peter 1:6,7 Peter says , your going to have persecution , but the trial of your Faith will bring fourth that which is more precious than Gold .

What is the trial of our Faith ?

This is when we first surrender our lives to God , it must be a genuine surrender , not perfect , genuine . Jesus , like in a courtroom makes that determination or the trial of our Faith . If it's genuine , we move closer to God "pisteuo". If it's not genuine , we move away from God faithing in reverse , "apisteuo".

The trial of our faith is a test allowed by God purposed to reveal our allegiance to Him. You would understnad this if you ever read Luke 4:1-14 KJV.


If we lift up God by a continual life of Faithing , (surrendering ourselves to Him) He will lift us up .

Nothing else will do .


Is that what Jesus did? Why do you "believe" He had to do a "faithing" or whatever it is you'r trying to say?

Really CR , i have to explain to you how Christ was the first goer of Faith , and we are to follow . He continually surrendered His life to the Father .

I know a good teacher , you need one . Start with basic Christianity .

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New member
Really CR , i have to explain to you how Christ was the first goer of Faith , and we are to follow . He continually surrendered His life to the Father .

I know a good teacher , you need one . Start with basic Christianity .

Your teacher was Gene Scott. No thanks.

"It is written". I wonder what Jesus learned that kept Him that was "fact"? I really don't wonder what Jesus learned that His "faith by knowing and believing" kept Him. Where do you want to begin? Do you get my point yet? Perhaps my oft repeated verse John 17:3 will refresh your thinking: "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3 (KJV)
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New member
Get my [edited] drift on my last?

EXPERIENCE is a gateway, not an end. Beware of building your "faith or faithing" on a personal experience. You can never give another person that which you believe you have discovered but, you can make him long for whatever you believe you have if your relationship with God is pure because it will from Him and not you. It will be self-evident. However, if you are not called of God to proprogate your experience and most are not, only winds up in presumption. Can you receive that "Fact" that you might check yourself?
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God sees us from A to Z , A being what He wants first . " a continually surrendered life ."

We see God from Z to A , Z being what we want first , " His Spirit and all His promises ."

Todays church world is perverted , which means backwards .

Cross Reference

New member
The difference between "abandoning" one's life and merely "surrendering" it.

...... THE CROSS ......
Utter abandonment to God is, then, the only way of blessing. The alabaster vase must be broken that the ointment may flow out to fill the house. The grapes must be crushed that there may be wine to drink. Whole, self-centered, unbruised, unbroken men are but of little use, they "abide alone," living lives of isolated selfish indifference to everyone but themselves. They murmur at God's providences, because self is disturbed in its enjoyment; they are easily offended and difficult to reconcile, because their self-esteem has been wounded: they thirst for and eagerly drink in the flattery and praise of men because it indulges self-love; they are proud and egotistical, because they love to worship at the shrine of self; they are reluctant to give wealth or time to God's work in the world, because they want the latter for their own ease and the former for their own enjoyment. The nemesis of such a life is that, shrinking from the denial of self they die in self, for there must be a total loss of self, either in God and for Him, or eternal bondage to self.
In using the word "self" in these chapters, let it be clearly understood that it is degenerated self-love or selfishness to which we always refer. It is this selfishness alone that leads men to disregard both the claims of God and of their fellows, and to regard exclusively their own interests and happiness, instead of God's interests and the happiness of others.

The way of the Cross means, then, the overthrow of egoism, for before the divine life can rise in man, self must die. It is the very ground and root of sin. The assertion of the I is the perpetual tendency of the flesh. "I live" is the watchword of carnalism, and there is no sin which is not an assertion of self; as the principle of life. This idol is able to assume so many disguises, some of which are so subtle; delicate, and refined, that its presence in the heart can only be discovered by that searchlight of the Holy Ghost of which we have spoken.

It was at this idolatry of self, under the garb of religion, that Christ hurled the most terrible denunciations that ever fell from His lips. It was known in His day as Pharisaism, and wherever the life finds its center in the I, we are in danger of becoming as offensively egotistical as they.
This idol may actually assume the character of a defender of holiness teaching, and we may be ready to fight over terminology, and say the .bitterest things of those who dare to think differently to ourselves. That was why the Pharisees bated Christ, and hounded Him to the death of the Cross.
Our Christian work, our prayers in public and private, our reading of the Scriptures, our almsgiving, may all become poisoned with Pharisaism, and utterly devoid of the graciousness, meekness, and self-forgetfulness of Jesus Christ; and poisoned they inevitably will be, if the idol self is not given over to that glorious idol-breaker, Jesus Christ, for destruction.

"Who can tell," says one, "what harm this 'I' does to devotion — how it lessens it, and narrows it; how it renders piety ridiculous and contemptible, in the eyes of the world, which is always ready to criticize, spitefully and pitilessly, the servants of God? Who can tell of how many miseries and weaknesses and falls it is the cause? How it makes devout people fretful, uneasy, officious, uncertain, eccentric, jealous, critical, spiteful, ill-tempered, insupportable to themselves and to others? Who can tell bow often it frustrates and stops the operations of Divine grace; how it favors the cunning and snares of the devil; how it makes us weak in temptations, cowardly in times of trial, reserved and ungenerous in our sacrifices; how many noble designs it brings to nought; how many good actions it infects with its dangerous poison; how many faults it disguises and makes appear as virtues?"

J. Gregory Mantle