ECT Teachings related to Faith and faithing . Pistis and pisteuo .


The English language tends to limit Faith to the mind , to belief , to the emotions , confidense or trust . And it leaves the will to another word which is obedience . The King James thus sets free Faith from works . The Greek did not allow that . You didn't have Pistis (Faith) until you added the will and hang your body in continuing action on what the mind believed and the heart had confidense in . It was an expression of the whole man

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The English language tends to limit Faith to the mind , to belief , to the emotions , confidense or trust . And it leaves the will to another word which is obedience . The King James thus sets free Faith from works . The Greek did not allow that . You didn't have Pistis (Faith) until you added the will and hang your body in continuing action on what the mind believed and the heart had confidense in . It was an expression of the whole man

Not when the word "Believe" is understood as scripture, as written, provides for.


The English language tends to limit Faith to the mind , to belief , to the emotions , confidense or trust . And it leaves the will to another word which is obedience . The King James thus sets free Faith from works . The Greek did not allow that . You didn't have Pistis (Faith) until you added the will and hang your body in continuing action on what the mind believed and the heart had confidense in . It was an expression of the whole man



Christ is formed in our hearts by Faith .

In application : Christ is formed in our hearts by faithing . "by pisteuo " , "By a continual surrendering of our lives to Him , and a life inspired by such surrender ."

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Christ is formed in our hearts by Faith .

In application : Christ is formed in our hearts by faithing . "by pisteuo " , "By a continual surrendering of our lives to Him , and a life inspired by such surrender ."

And when the inspiration dies off, then what?

A question, you probably won't answer in any straight forward manner: Do you consider yourself a born again Christian?


Christ is formed in our hearts by Faith .

In application : Christ is formed in our hearts by faithing . "by pisteuo " , "By a continual surrendering of our lives to Him , and a life inspired by such surrender ."

Bumped for called out ones .


The English language tends to limit Faith to the mind , to belief , to the emotions , confidense or trust . And it leaves the will to another word which is obedience . The King James thus sets free Faith from works . The Greek did not allow that . You didn't have Pistis (Faith) until you added the will and hang your body in continuing action on what the mind believed and the heart had confidense in . It was an expression of the whole man

There is work involved in true NT Faith and faithing . 90% courage , 9% endurance , 1% all the other stuff .


Faith and faithing defined always involves the mind , the emotions , and the will . It's a continual surrendering of our lives to God .

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Faith and faithing defined always involves the mind , the emotions , and the will . It's a continual surrendering of our lives to God .

You mean as this: The Cross day by day as in "IF any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me” (Luke 9:23)?


You mean as this: The Cross day by day as in "IF any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me” (Luke 9:23)?

The thing about Faith and faithing , a life of continually surrendering our life to Christ , or continually turning away from serving ourselves , to turning and serving Him by serving others is , that if the relationship with Christ is not built on this , Christ , His Spirit , And His Word , plus the Promises there in are not ours . So any command stated by God in His Word is not meant for those who haven't yet "faithed" into Him , hence , received His Spirit . His Spirit is received by Faith and faithing . Since very few are aware of this truth , very few would have His Spirit also .


There is no such thing as non Faith .

Every human being on the planet is either faithing towards God by a continual surrendering of their lies to God , and living a life inspired by such surrender , (pisteuo) or , anything other than that , (including just believing) is faithing away from God . (Apisteuo) No middle ground !

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The thing about Faith and faithing , a life of continually surrendering our life to Christ , or continually turning away from serving ourselves , to turning and serving Him by serving others is , that if the relationship with Christ is not built on this . . . . .

That's interesting since the scriptures have all relationship with Christ to be based upon "Redemption".

{quote] . . . .Christ , His Spirit , And His Word , plus the Promises there in are not ours. So any command stated by God in His Word is not meant for those who haven't yet "faithed" into Him , hence , received His Spirit . His Spirit is received by Faith and faithing . Since very few are aware of this truth , very few would have His Spirit also .

You mean 'born again"?

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There is no such thing as non Faith .

Every human being on the planet is either faithing towards God by a continual surrendering of their lies to God , and living a life inspired by such surrender , (pisteuo) or , anything other than that , (including just believing) is faithing away from God . (Apisteuo) No middle ground !

Too bad for the righteous dead who had never heard of Jesus, huh? Gotta be they are now in hell, eh?


There is no such thing as non Faith .

Every human being on the planet is either faithing towards God by a continual surrendering of their lies to God , and living a life inspired by such surrender , (pisteuo) or , anything other than that , (including just believing) is faithing away from God . (Apisteuo) No middle ground !

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There is no such thing as non Faith .

Every human being on the planet is either faithing towards God by a continual surrendering of their lies to God , and living a life inspired by such surrender , (pisteuo) or , anything other than that , (including just believing) is faithing away from God . (Apisteuo) No middle ground !

Like i said: Too bad for the righteous dead. They lived and died without ever knowing who redeemed them. Tragic.


There is no such thing as non Faith .

Every human being on the planet is either faithing towards God by a continual surrendering of their lies to God , and living a life inspired by such surrender , (pisteuo) or , anything other than that , (including just believing) is faithing away from God . (Apisteuo) No middle ground !


For God to get what He wanted the most , Love freely given . He had to give us the capacity to freely give .

Continually surrendering our lives to Christ is what God wants the most , and is also the only thing we can do on this earth that is considered love by God .