This is a thorny topic.
It used to be that our society was partially ordered by ancient Christian morality. Same sex marriage was out of the question for centuries and centuries. Even same sex sexual behavior was so heavily discouraged, that those involuntarily afflicted with homosexual desires needed to hide this condition in order to be safe from religiously motivated violence and aggression.
So now our society is reordering to a more 'pagan' standard, one that does not outlaw pagan morals. Most pagans believe same sex sexual behavior is neither moral or immoral, that it is amoral, so long as there is valid consent.
And we Christians have kids. And they absorb this pagan notion that girls can marry girls, and boys can marry boys, and it's thorny because what do we tell our kids? We of course support the rights of homosexuals, and respect them as people, and we don't want our kids to think anything different, but at the same time, this immoral practice of theirs is immoral, and there's nothing that can be done to keep this rotting corpse from stinking, by saying things like that love is agnostic towards gender.
But we don't want our kids to forget that all LGBT people have rights, and deserve respect. We maintain our own religious and moral rights to believe whatever we want, just like everybody else, and we have our view on same sex sexual behavior, and now that same sex marriage is permitted, and same sex couples are open about it, the world has changed, and the religious instruction of our youth must change in response to it, and we're still not quite sure what to say, which is why this is thorny.