Tax Islam


New member
President Barack Obama says he is prepared to use his executive powers, allowing him to bypass Congress. What do you think about Obama using executive power to bypass Congress on Muslim immigration?


New member
It appears that the people here do not think Islamist should be held accountable.

People here think you're posting unhinged nonsense. When you were asked for a citation, you posted two Googles searches that were barely tangentially relevant. You're just looking to rationalize your own bigotry.


New member
People here think you're posting unhinged nonsense. When you were asked for a citation, you posted two Googles searches that were barely tangentially relevant. You're just looking to rationalize your own bigotry.

If you did not think the statistical charts were relevant, then you are the one unhinged.

I am intolerant toward those who hold different opinions from myself. For example, you are not interest in biblical truth; you are set in your Atheistic faith.


New member
Oh, come off it. That was a lazy non-attempt on your part. You didn't even bother to find something that mentions Muslims by name.
Great. Well, you enjoy that.

The charts do not use the term "Muslim" and "Islamic," because that is not politically correct.


New member
What planet did you say you were from?
Let us see your statistics on present day Christian terrorist?

You should read the newspapers, or read the UN reports. But look up the data yourself.

You dodged the question. Even if you have no idea about what Christians are doing around the world, try answering on principle: Should all Christians take responsibility for what violent Christian groups do, or should you be allowed to claim that they are 'not real Christians' or that they 'don't represent you in any way'?


New member
You should read the newspapers, or read the UN reports. But look up the data yourself.

You dodged the question. Even if you have no idea about what Christians are doing around the world, try answering on principle: Should all Christians take responsibility for what violent Christian groups do, or should you be allowed to claim that they are 'not real Christians' or that they 'don't represent you in any way'?

Christian militias have been slaughtering whole villages in the Central African Republic, committing ethnic cleansing, according to the UN.

The Lord's Resistance Army has slaughtered throughout Uganda. Are you aware of The Army of God, Eastern Lightning, National Liberation Front of Tripura, and the American groups The Aryan Nations and the Covenant, the Sword, the Arm of the Lord, the Phineas Priesthood?

Christians can't claim that Muslims hold a monopoly on violent terrorism.

That is correct. The Muslims attacked the Christians meaning to exterminate all of them, unaware the Christians were prepared for the attack. The news media always fails to mention that part when they are reporting. The news media has become unreliable these days due to political correctness. I spoke to some Africa Christians years ago telling them that the Muslims were preparing to exterminate all of them. I,m glad they listened, otherwise they would not have survived.


New member
That is correct. The Muslims attacked the Christians meaning to exterminate all of them, unaware the Christians were prepared for the attack. The news media always fails to mention that part when they are reporting. The news media has become unreliable these days due to political correctness. I spoke to some Africa Christians years ago telling them that the Muslims were preparing to exterminate all of them. I,m glad they listened, otherwise they would not have survived.

They are slaughtering innocent Muslims who were not involved in any violence, as well as critical Christians.

Does your alleged Christian morality not draw the line at killing non-combatant women and children?

patrick jane

You should read the newspapers, or read the UN reports. But look up the data yourself.

You dodged the question. Even if you have no idea about what Christians are doing around the world, try answering on principle: Should all Christians take responsibility for what violent Christian groups do, or should you be allowed to claim that they are 'not real Christians' or that they 'don't represent you in any way'?

Valid point, however, the Christian faith does not preach killing infidels and world domination through violence and death. Jesus didn't call for caliphates -


New member
Valid point, however, the Christian faith does not preach killing infidels and world domination through violence and death. Jesus didn't call for caliphates -

The way that some posters here talk about Muslims as a group, I don't think that your view is universal. Muslims I talk to talk of Islam as a religion of peace, although some groups overseas cherry-pick verses in the same way as many OT toting Christians on ToL cherry-pick OT verses to justify their odious opinions.

Tribal religions have a lot to answer for generally, especially when the holy books are used less to promote social cohesion, which seems their original intent, but to bolster whatever political opinions they have at the onset.


New member
They are slaughtering innocent Muslims who were not involved in any violence, as well as critical Christians.

Does your alleged Christian morality not draw the line at killing non-combatant women and children?

ISIS is training women and children as young as 3 years of age to be terrorist. It is ISIS plan to send them with refugees to infiltrate America and EU.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I have no truck with the stance many take on here that muslim = terrorist, its untrue racist garbage..

However to equate a violent interpretation of Islam, with a violent interpretation of Christianity is pushing the bounds of logic reason and fact.

To my mind a interpretation of Christianity which condones religious violence is a distortion on the clearer teachings of Jesus and basic understanding of the bible.

However an interpretation of Islam which condones religious violence seems to be one of a number of mainstream interpretations, and much more in line with the teachings and actions of the prophet Muhammad.

However it seems to me that the Christians who see the only valid interpretation of Islam as violent,are the Christians most likely to distort Christianity to the justification of religious violence.

The way that some posters here talk about Muslims as a group, I don't think that your view is universal. Muslims I talk to talk of Islam as a religion of peace, although some groups overseas cherry-pick verses in the same way as many OT toting Christians on ToL cherry-pick OT verses to justify their odious opinions.

Tribal religions have a lot to answer for generally, especially when the holy books are used less to promote social cohesion, which seems their original intent, but to bolster whatever political opinions they have at the onset.