Jefferson said:
granite, Rimi and Julile21:
I'd like your opinion on the following quote from the same show:
"When you're trying to come up with tactics and strategy it's so difficult because when the world system and our government has turned it's back on God then it's difficult to have victories when we fight these battles. But one of the principles we use here at Bob Enyart Live is when we're going to criticize people, other pro-life leaders for example, we don't criticize tactics and superficial things. We criticize principled things. Like if there's crossing-over to compromize on "thou shall not murder" that's something we'll criticize. But if we think something is - 'Well that pro-life meeting or whatever, that's a little bit lame' - well, we all have different capabilities and some of us are lame so we don't criticize tactics. So when people come because Terri Schaivo is being starved to death and some of them tried to bring her a cup of water, I wouldn't criticize them for that. As Carl Henderson said when Pat Mahoney picked up a bull-horn at that moment and told the crowd that what Doug was doing was wrong, Carl Henderson, without a bull-horn, said just as loudly to the crowd, 'It's never wrong for a righteous man to do a righteous thing.'"
Dear Jefferson,
Carl Henderson is correct. It is never wrong for a righteous man to do a righteous thing. Doug is righteous thru Christ Jesus alone, as are all Christians. However, he wasn't
really expecting to get a cup of water to Terry by walking right up the way he did, so how righteous was that! It would've been more serious to use intrigue, a real plan of action. And that is what I've been saying. It seems like it wasn't a serious attempt, it was symbolic. It would not have been wrong to actually try to get her water even if it meant breaking the law because the law was wrong in killing her. But it was wrong to be symbolic in this case. Unlike Julie, I am a big fan of Pastor Bob. I consider him my pastor from afar and his church I call my own. However, I don't agree with everything he/they say/do. I have my own mind and think my own thoughts. And my thoughts on the matter is that there was enough symbolism going on representing Terry.
Acting like he was going to get a cup of water to her, knowing full well he wasn't going to be able to, so blatantly, was symbolic and sort of self-serving. It didn't do anything for Terry and that's who this was about. It IS difficult coming up with tactics in this world that is against us, against Christ, so it doesn't help when we do things that cannot be taken seriously.
If Christians had been serious, we'd've considered situations of trickery in Scriptures to encourage us. Like 1Kings20:35-43. A prophet got himself hurt and then lied to the king as to how so he could accuse the king of a wrongdoing. Could we not have used same sort of trickery to get passed police? I'd've had no heartburn with that to help a woman being murdered, yet Doug didn't do that and that is what I disagree with. I don't criticize the woman who actually got into the building to get water to Terry (read that somewhere), because she snuck in, actually bent on getting this done! But, I don't agree with the symbolic gesture that Doug did.
Tell me: Did Doug have x-amount of people standing by to rush the building while he sidetracked the police? I don't get that in his version of events. He'd
hoped people would be motivated, but didn't actually set out instructing, "OK, here's the plan . . ." <exhales>