How about crapola? You ever tried that one? Or egad? Is that a bad one? Holy Moly? Heebie Jeebie? Crime-a-nitly? Drat? Crud? Durn tootin'? :sherlock:
how about my goodness?
How about crapola? You ever tried that one? Or egad? Is that a bad one? Holy Moly? Heebie Jeebie? Crime-a-nitly? Drat? Crud? Durn tootin'? :sherlock:
how about my goodness?
How about crapola? You ever tried that one? Or egad? Is that a bad one? Holy Moly? Heebie Jeebie? Crime-a-nitly? Drat? Crud? Durn tootin'? :sherlock:
Thank the Lord.![]()
It could a be cross between those two, but I hope we would agree that it is also watered down verbage used to take our Lord's name in vain. As I hear His name blasphemed everywhere, I thought to nudge katiecrna's mind about it.Why's a cross between gee and wiz.
Should we nitpick your every exclamation?
How about crapola? You ever tried that one? Or egad? Is that a bad one? Holy Moly? Heebie Jeebie? Crime-a-nitly? Drat? Crud? Durn tootin'? :sherlock:
That was easy!Duly noted. Thanks for letting me know [MENTION=18164]Eagles Wings[/MENTION]
Get rid of that husband :chuckle:When I got saved I joined a great community that was open and honest about our own struggles. It's a fact we all sin. Talking about our struggles makes us stronger, makes us vulnerable, makes people trust us, and the awareness of our own sins helps us combat it. Denying and pride is the devils work.
After church it became normal to talk about the message with my friends in a personal way. "That really spoke to me because I'm struggling with..." . "Jenny that made me think of you because last week you told us you were working on...". It was hands on. Not just, that was beautiful, ok what's for lunch.
Then I meet my future husband and his family is the opposite. So closed off, won't admit any personal struggles. No talk about self improvement. It felt like a very guarded unsafe place to be.
For me, I was also taught that we are all sinners. So why pretend to be perfect? I was taught that the goal is to be as Christ-like as possible. So I am a very type A person and I attack problem strategically. Identify the problem, identify the goal, and steps to take to get to that goal. That's how my brain works. So to become Christ like, I need to not only be aware of my sins, but make actual steps to work on them.
So I keep a journal. I pick one sin that I struggle with. I write it down, find scripture to help me, pray about it. And think of ways to work on it. That's how my mind works. Whereas my husband is like... well I just try to be the best I can. It's so general and I'm like ok well what do you need to work on? What are areas of weakness... he can't answer these questions. It's like he has been trained not to think like this, where it's so natural for me.
So here's an example... patience. We all know God calls us to be patient. My husband and I are stuck in traffic. I immediately think this is a perfect test, my patience is being tested, how will I act. That's how I think about bumps in the road. I'm more aware of it than my husband. Like when there is trouble... I always think it's the devil ringing his hands down there and thinking haha how are you going to handle this?? And there are 2 ways to handle any trouble... get angry, why me! This sucks. That stupid guy doesn't know how to drive etc. or use it to grow our faith and our character. You know what, I'm going to be late for work but that's ok things happen. I hope no one is hurt in the accident etc.
I don't know for sure what it is, maybe pride that keeps some Christians from letting their guard down a little and admitting they need some work. Sometimes it seems some Christians are super focused on others and not themselves.
C'mon . . obviously "Geez" is equivalent to using the name of Jesus in vain, as is "Gads" using the term "God" in vain.
(In fact, it might have been you that criticized me for so say "gads". I don't remember, but it was one of your clan.)
There is a difference between colloquial expressions and damning/ungodly language.
Hopefully you will think through these weighty matters of language used, and learn to do well.
It could a be cross between those two, but I hope we would agree that it is also watered down verbage used to take our Lord's name in vain. As I hear His name blasphemed everywhere, I thought to nudge katiecrna's mind about it.
Too close for comfort.No, I can't agree that would be taking the Lord's name in vain. Nor do I think it's blasphemy.
Too close for comfort.
Not so cut and dried.Fortunately, God looks at our heart and our intent.
What men may imagine matters not a whit. They can think that gads means God if they want to. They can think that geez means Jesus if they want to. If it doesn't mean that to the speaker...then it doesn't mean that. Period.
Not so cut and dried.
Fortunately, God looks at our heart and our intent.
What men may imagine matters not a whit. They can think that gads means God if they want to. They can think that geez means Jesus if they want to. If it doesn't mean that to the speaker...then it doesn't mean that. Period.
You miss the point . . .
A person can use terminology in all innocence and/or ignorance, but when they learn it causes offense to others, they do well to cease to so offend.
If one continues to so offend, they display deliberate disrespect and lack of concern or love for anyone other than themselves.
Really? Well it offends me the way you keep insisting people have to be saved before they can believe.
Oh, and it offends me that you claim God chose who to save while rejecting others.
Oh, and it offends me the way you pretend that something so simple as a word like gad or geez is so offensive.
This is what happens when people put themselves in charge of deciding what is right and what is wrong. It's why we are no longer under the law. I won't allow you and your private interpretations of Scripture to put me under bondage. So, I think it's you who missed the point of what I wrote. That God sees into a man's heart....not you.
Some Christians can be offended by usage of colloquial terminology, but no Christian is offended by discussion regarding views of Scripture and Gospel truth.
So what exactly is your problem?