Listen I don't want to argue. Geez everyone on this forum just wants to fight. I believe that even though I am saved, I still have to or at least I want to be accountable for my sins. although I am saved, I still sin. And so do you.
This is not a contest ok. We don't have to go back and forth back and forth undermining each other. We just believe different things.
It's not a contest. We're just trying to help you.
Paul said to "reckon" ourselves "dead to sin". Do you know why he said that?
I know why. When I was first saved, I fell for the lie that Jesus didn't die for all my sins...only those I felt bad about....only those I confessed....only those I tried to give up. There was a constant opening there for the accuser to point out my flaws. Instead of setting my affections on things above instead of things of the earth (as Paul tells us we should do), I was taken up with my own failings.
Why does Paul refer to believers as "saints" instead of "sinners"? There is a very good reason for that. You might want to think about agreeing with him instead of calling us sinners.