Systematic theology and it influence on Jesus becoming a trinitarian God


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
^^^ all bible translation incriminate you of not understanding what scripture is saying.
Matthew 16:

But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
Passing of your willful ignorance with wishful thinking isn’t my flaw, but yours .


Yes, you do.

And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!” - John 20:28

Why do you reject what the apostle Thomas said?

Where has anyone here ever claimed that Christ was "greater than the one who sent Him"?
“You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.”
‭‭John‬ ‭13:13-17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
“No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as Savior of the world.”
‭‭I John‬ ‭4:12-14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


When you use Bible verses, in an attempt to discredit other Bible verses, it is simply evidence that you understand none of them.
Here a example of someone who’s a Montanist never sainted and not a church Father that left the Catholic faith but left his legacy of the word trinity.


So what? Who cares?
Jesus Christ never heard of your anachronistic attempts or used a post biblical assertion as you do to teach you what you believe. I’m wondering if those observing our discussion starting to realize the only way Jesus Christ is God is because you say he’s. Not that he doesn’t say “I am God” in any inspired bible translation that teach us 2 Timothy 3:16,17 . Rather you rather your teachers ‘ teach us . 2 Timothy 4:3,4 . I stay with Jesus Christ teaching.


Jesus Christ never heard of your anachronistic attempts or used a post biblical assertion as you do to teach you what you believe. I’m wondering if those observing our discussion starting to realize the only way Jesus Christ is God is because you say he’s. Not that he doesn’t say “I am God” in any inspired bible translation that teach us 2 Timothy 3:16,17 . Rather you rather your teachers ‘ teach us . 2 Timothy 4:3,4 . I stay with Jesus Christ teaching.
OZOS said:
So what? Who cares?028A9013-63D3-41A5-9E12-DB8B60892C06.jpeg
Interesting how those who use anachronism need to tell the one who teaching us and sent by God that he’s God too .


Well-known member
Jesus Christ never heard of your anachronistic attempts or used a post biblical assertion as you do to teach you what you believe. I’m wondering if those observing our discussion starting to realize the only way Jesus Christ is God is because you say he’s. Not that he doesn’t say “I am God” in any inspired bible translation that teach us 2 Timothy 3:16,17 . Rather you rather your teachers ‘ teach us . 2 Timothy 4:3,4 . I stay with Jesus Christ teaching.
You're a liar, just like your father, the devil.

I have ONLY used God's word to prove to you that Jesus is God. In fact, you have been shown, in God's word, where Jesus says "I will be their God", as well as may other passages, that prove YOU reject most of God's word. You don't know Jesus, and you have repeatedly called Him a liar. You are a fraud, a deceiver, and without hope. You are to be accursed (eternally damned).


Well-known member
OZOS said:
Interesting how those who use anachronism need to tell the one who teaching us and sent by God that he’s God too .
I don't go to "church", you dolt. And I think you are here, because you learned a new word (anachronism), and are just trolling websites to use that word, because you think people are impressed by it. It must be awful feeling that inferior all the time.


You're a liar, just like your father, the devil.

I have ONLY used God's word to prove to you that Jesus is God. In fact, you have been shown, in God's word, where Jesus says "I will be their God", as well as may other passages, that prove YOU reject most of God's word. You don't know Jesus, and you have repeatedly called Him a liar. You are a fraud, a deceiver, and without hope. You are to be accursed (eternally damned).


I don't go to "church", you dolt. And I think you are here, because you learned a new word (anachronism), and are just trolling websites to use that word, because you think people are impressed by it. It must be awful feeling that inferior all the time.

I don't go to "church", you dolt. And I think you are here, because you learned a new word (anachronism), and are just trolling websites to use that word, because you think people are impressed by it. It must be awful feeling that inferior all the time.

Willful-ignorance meaning​

(idiomatic, law) A decision in bad faith to avoid becoming informed about something so as to avoid having to make undesirable decisions that such information might prompt.


Thanks for proving my point. We all knew what anachronism meant before you showed up, so no one is the least bit impressed that you can spell it.
What’s amazing , is your apologetics require it in the first place in making Jesus God . Where Jesus Christ never required anachronism .

Monos /only alēthinos/true theos//God - Jesus Christ prayer to his heavenly Father .
John 17:3

BIB(i) 3 αὕτη (This) δέ (now) ἐστιν (is) ἡ (-) αἰώνιος (eternal) ζωὴ (life), ἵνα (that) γινώσκωσιν (they may know) σὲ (You), τὸν (the) μόνον (only) ἀληθινὸν (true) Θεὸν (God), καὶ (and) ὃν (whom) ἀπέστειλας (You have sent), Ἰησοῦν (Jesus) Χριστόν (Christ).



Willful-ignorance meaning​

(idiomatic, law) A decision in bad faith to avoid becoming informed about something so as to avoid having to make undesirable decisions that such information might prompt.


You've pegged yourself. Congrats.
Actually I used Jesus Christ words without your anachronism . So your opinion is unwarranted and bias to Jesus Christ own testimony. But you seem to keep digging yourself deeper with your wishful thinking.

Monos /only alēthinos/true theos//God - Jesus Christ prayer to his heavenly Father .

John 17:3
BIB(i) 3 αὕτη (This) δέ (now) ἐστιν (is) ἡ (-) αἰώνιος (eternal) ζωὴ (life), ἵνα (that) γινώσκωσιν (they may know) σὲ (You), τὸν (the) μόνον (only) ἀληθινὸν (true) Θεὸν (God), καὶ (and) ὃν (whom) ἀπέστειλας (You have sent), Ἰησοῦν (Jesus) Χριστόν (Christ).


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Actually I used Jesus Christ words without your anachronism . So your opinion is unwarranted and bias to Jesus Christ own testimony. But you seem to keep digging yourself deeper with your wishful thinking.

Monos /only alēthinos/true theos//God - Jesus Christ prayer to his heavenly Father .

John 17:3
BIB(i) 3 αὕτη (This) δέ (now) ἐστιν (is) ἡ (-) αἰώνιος (eternal) ζωὴ (life), ἵνα (that) γινώσκωσιν (they may know) σὲ (You), τὸν (the) μόνον (only) ἀληθινὸν (true) Θεὸν (God), καὶ (and) ὃν (whom) ἀπέστειλας (You have sent), Ἰησοῦν (Jesus) Χριστόν (Christ).
His heavenly Father is the One Who revealed to St. Peter that Christ is God. Matthew 16:17