It's not irrational!
You know a way to judge a culture? Look at the food.
The Jewish culinary tradition is deplorable.
Given that fact, how can you possibly trust Jews?![]()
Ha ha.
But nonetheless, you are a deplorable bigot.
It's not irrational!
You know a way to judge a culture? Look at the food.
The Jewish culinary tradition is deplorable.
Given that fact, how can you possibly trust Jews?![]()
You should make that first sentence your calling card on the point and put a colon where the exclamation mark is...then just keep winging it, but use bullet points.You know a way to judge a culture? Look at the food.
That would be a good one.The Jewish culinary tradition is deplorable.
Almost anything beyond that point was more so. Like trying to pick out pieces of edible material from an open sewer. You probably could, but why would you want to?I'm simply saying that it's foolish to criticize Goebbels...
I thought the purpose was to further illustrate your profound irrationality in relation to the Jews and the impact of bigotry on an otherwise facile mind.The purpose of the quote was to show that the basis of Nazi antisemitism was socialism/anti-capitalism. They identified Jews as capitalists.
Sometimes I think you might one day write, "Yes, salvation is an excellent thing, but saving up to buy a gun, that's something we should move to the forefront of our alter calls."To outlaw the language of Antisemitism is getting into 'thought police' territory. What we can---and should---do, is to recognize, protect, and affirm the right of all Jewish people, to keep and bear any instruments that constitute bearable arms, in self-defense, and in defense of their families, friends, neighbors, and other loved ones. Let the Antisemites have their words, but if they try to commit violent crimes, protect yourself and your loved ones.
What's an 'alter call?'Sometimes I think you might one day write, "Yes, salvation is an excellent thing, but saving up to buy a gun, that's something we should move to the forefront of our alter calls."lain:
Ha ha.
But nonetheless, you are a deplorable bigot.
It's not irrational!
You know a way to judge a culture? Look at the food.
The Jewish culinary tradition is deplorable.
Given that fact, how can you possibly trust Jews?![]()
It is, though a number of churches don't have them. I picked it up from watching a televised Billy Graham crusade long ago. I've never belonged to a church that had one.What's an 'alter call?'
And what's an 'altar call?' Must be a Protestant thing. :chuckle:
Right. My inference is that you're a bit narrowly focused, that Jews were incidental to your point.But seriously, I do strenuously defend the right of Jewish people to defend themselves, with the same weaponry as do our law enforcement and armed services, as inalienable, part of them simply being human beings. No Antisemite ever uttered such a thing, and never would.
It's been a good time to be a Christian, though many seem to feel the Christmas tree must, from time to time, be fed on the blood of martyrs. Something like that. I mean the ones who don't find that tree a pagan corruption. It can get tricky. :think:And yes, I harp on gun rights a lot. What you don't see is me harping on religious liberty, because while the Puritanical Christendom that developed in America is still in the process of unraveling, we Christians are enjoying almost the world round an astounding safety wrt our religion.
The ol peace through strength notion. It's always been popular. Especially with the military industrial complex.'If you want peace, prepare for war.' 'Google Translate' translates this as 'Si vis pacem, para bellum' in Latin.
Well, it's true. I also feel the same way about women, all poc, and lgbtq people as well, that they all possess the same inalienable right, and that their right should be as protected, recognized, and affirmed, as it should already be for Jewish people, but isn't.My inference is that you're a bit narrowly focused, that Jews were incidental to your point.
It sure has, and prognosis continues to look extremely, perhaps even miraculously, favorable.It's been a good time to be a Christian
Yeah, the 'martyrdom' those are thinking of is not the martyrdom of antiquity though, as I think you're implying. Christians were wrongly killed in a variety of creative ways strictly for believing in Christ and going to Mass. That persecution does still exist today, in the East in particular it seems, but in the West, there is no demand for Christian executions anymore, if it's just for faith and practice. Not politics. There are probably lots of people who'd like to penalize Christians for pushing new laws, or defending existing laws, that establish Christianity as state religion, that 'Puritanical Christendom' I mentioned earlier, but again, that's not what was happening in the early days. The Church was illegal then, and being a Christian could at times and in places, literally be a life-threatening choice., though many seem to feel the Christmas tree must, from time to time, be fed on the blood of martyrs. Something like that. I mean the ones who don't find that tree a pagan corruption. It can get tricky. :think:
It used to be the threat of an armada of ships, full of British warriors, sailing into ports, streaming out their soldiers and marines to invade and attack us. We now have submarines and jets and icbms to worry about. Times change, technology changes, but 'si vis pacem, para bellum' remains proverbial.The ol peace through strength notion. It's always been popular. Especially with the military industrial complex.
trad may well be a bigot but his bigotry may well have been arrived at by understandable means
rather than label him as deplorable, i'd rather try to understand his justifications for his perspective
are the following statements true or not?
Jews are disproportionately over-represented in the media
Jews are disproportionately over-represented in the area of finance
Jews are disproportionately over-represented in Hollywood
Jews are disproportionately over-represented in higher education, especially in the social sciences
if true, is it justifiable to lay a lot of the ills of modern society associated with those fields at the feet of those in control of those fields?
Jews are over represented in medicine, science, music, academia in general...
which i attribute to cultural affects (and there's some evidence to support a higher average IQ)
but it's easy to see why the modern anti-semite would see that over-representation and ascribe nefarious causes
i've been thinking about trad's question from earlier when he asked whether there was any representation among the jewish population in manual labor
i don't have much experience working in those fields and in any peripheral environment relating to that, religion wasn't/isn't a topic of discussion
my experience with jews in the medical profession is based on a period of time in the past when i worked as a medical professional in a top-ranked research/teaching hospital and rented a house in an upscale suburb that was a bedroom community for many of the people who worked at the hospital.
The implication all along is that there is something evil and unfair about success. At least if it is Jews who are succeeding.
it's similar to the feminist's claim that disparities in gender representation in STEM fields or positions of management/power can only be attributable to some ill-defined repressive "patriarchy", which is easily disproven by close examination
jordan peterson covers this in many of his lectures - at it's root (according to peterson) it's a socialist/marxist/progressive viewpoint that equality of outcome is desirable or achievable and that failure to achieve that is demonstrative of inequity
which is really weird to consider - that anti-semites/neo-nazis and feminists share (mistaken) core beliefs
i'm sorry trad was banned - it's always better to probe such beliefs to try and get a better understanding of where they come from than to silence them
If it weren't for his blatant antisemitism, he would have lasted a lot longer...
Though, to be honest, I don't think his ban is permanent... He only received 2 points, i think permabans are 50... (though I am most likely incorrect on all of that...)
Good to see you trad! :wave2:
i'm sorry trad was banned - it's always better to probe such beliefs to try and get a better understanding of where they come from than to silence them
That's what I was trying to do....
i'm sorry trad was banned - it's always better to probe such beliefs to try and get a better understanding of where they come from than to silence them